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TWF 10 year anniversary


EMF Band Member. Dube player.
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
So what you got planned for us in October Vis ??
Posting to see how far off the elite I am

Edit: 2 years, 5 months
10 years - holy shit.

Just goes to show that we actually didn't put up with the rebuilt MolMix for that long after the E&S pulled the plug!!
I was a few months behind the curve and then another 3 years or so dual posting. Ironically the reason I left MM was because I couldn't accept people wanting Bolton to go bust last time around...the circle of forum life
My bad this time. I will happily say that there a lot of fans of that club that will be devastated and the main blame is on a disgrace of an owner. Struggling beyond that, I must admit, but I will try.
I seemed to join TWF in its infancy. Didn't really post on MM, but read a lot (I remember del and sozzled wolf for example!) I think it was she wolf directed me here via a personal message on MM (she wolf was angry at a pm of hers being changed, I think because she referenced TWF, and the MM filters picked it up and changed it to MM).

I guess I took tentative steps here, then realised people would actually tolerate my drivel. A few years ago darlo had a spare ticket for a game, and I've leeched off him ever since! Getting to know people in person has been superb. Genuinely posters I have met have been exceptionally friendly, nicer, and frequently funnier(!) in real life. I now class a number of people as friends, which is wonderful.
I got my invite to come to TWF by Frank! I came over when 606 ended and will have been on for over 9 and a half years on the 10th birthday.
I spammed the top posters on MM, hence I have a high number of referrals on my profile...I've been much less active on this forum over the last 5 years though. Life gets in the way but I'm sorry to say I still read most days.
Only been here for just under 7 yrs & never posted anywhere else previously.

Read the various options for a few weeks before deciding where to go - this one seemed to have less vitriol & a bit more humour so came here (most of the time that's been proved to be the sensible decision, but not always :icon_smile:)

As Lemon has said have met good people from being on here.
Lucky Quirk.

No live streaming of the event though
Good job I popped up Roger's on Wednesday got me a joblot of popcorn.
I got my invite to come to TWF by Frank! I came over when 606 ended and will have been on for over 9 and a half years on the 10th birthday.

Yep me tyoo, courtesy of Frank after 606. can't believe it will be ten years for me in November, that' a fuck of a lot of cypro!
I got my invite to come to TWF by Frank! I came over when 606 ended and will have been on for over 9 and a half years on the 10th birthday.

Yep me tyoo, courtesy of Frank after 606. can't believe it will be ten years for me in November, that' a fuck of a lot of cypro!

A lot of us came here because of Frank,hence there was a mass influx in Jan 2010, when you look back 606 was like he Ceefax of football forums.
Probably just a big wank.
I’ve been here since the 606 folded and apart from being the biggest wum to never been banned and the most muted member... it’s been fun.
When this idea was first mooted I wasn't sure it would take off for Vis. But it did and we have a vibrant community, albeit much smaller in terms of members than Molineux Mix. We offer an alternative style and it appeals to some, but obviously not all, and that is fine. I think we have established that we have a place among the Wolves fora and that is great stuff. It hasn't been bad really, as first decades of growth go.