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The Athletics Thread...

Actually I’d say all of the ex-athletes doing proper commentary are good. Seems unusual.
Actually I’d say all of the ex-athletes doing proper commentary are good. Seems unusual.
They're all excellent. Studio and comms box.

Michael Johnson is the best (as he was when he was running) but not a complaint about a single one of them. Always good analysis, no stupid questions or thick takes.
They're all excellent. Studio and comms box.

Michael Johnson is the best (as he was when he was running) but not a complaint about a single one of them. Always good analysis, no stupid questions or thick takes.
Think I prefer the coverage of pure athletics vs the general games. Get more insight and less jingoism
Just been reading more about Tigst Assefa's Berlin Marathon run: it might be the greatest marathon performance ever by man or woman. To completely demolish both the world record and a field of top class runners the way she did is unbelievable.
Agreed. Shame the fancy trainers get a mention in the report in a way that suggests they helped ‘unduly’. Rich of me to say that of course as no doubt she could outpace me round the block wearing a pair of diving boots. Overall I’m getting, at a very low key level, back into watching athletics. Good for my kids to watch it as the sportsmanship is overall really admirable. As mentioned in the thread above, the coverage is normally really good too.

I'm not quite sure how I feel about this.

The juvenile in me is quite interested to see how this sort of thing goes compared to non-doped athletes. However, the grown-up realises there is a big safety concern.

It would be more than amusing if there was no discernible difference!
We have some top Athletics talent at the moment: Kerr, Keely Hodgkinson, Hudson- Smith, Laura Muir, Jerimiah Azu. Kerr and Hodgkinson are unquestionably medal contenders in Paris.