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Decent commentators


World Cup 2014 PTG Champion - Not actually that Yo
Apr 15, 2010
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The complete opposite to LemonJelly's thread, who are the commentators that you think are decent or any good?

I think Lee Dixon is pretty good on MOTD, he actually spots something and talks about it well. He also seems to like Wolves a lot.
Watched a game recently with Ray Wilkins and thought he was pretty good too. Plenty of insightful comments - someone you'd actually learn a bit from while watching a game. Way ahead of the say-what-you-see bunch!
I'm hoping Chris Coleman finds himself a job in management soon so he doesn't appear on Sky, along with Kevin Phillips.

Ray Wilkins is very good.
If we are chucking in co-comms - One winner - Mick McCarthy
Dixon and Wilkins are very good.

For all his faults, I liked Andy Gray. The show on TalkSPORT with Keys is very good.
I thought Matt Murray was superb when we were at Wigan earlier this season. He got bombarded with questions about dirty Wolves before kick off and then Henry went nuts and he got it at half time. For a man that is 100% Wolves, he was balanced and got his point across very well.........it would have been nice if he had lamped the goon presenting but we can't have it all.

As for Dixon he has really impressed me this season.
I thought Matt Murray was superb when we were at Wigan earlier this season. He got bombarded with questions about dirty Wolves before kick off and then Henry went nuts and he got it at half time. For a man that is 100% Wolves, he was balanced and got his point across very well.........it would have been nice if he had lamped the goon presenting but we can't have it all.

Good call. Too nice for his own good is our Matt.

I know you hate friendlies but we have to go to his testimonial.
Unfortunately missed Wilkins commentate this year but sounds like he did a good job. Would rather see him back in his usual job though than commentating. Dixon is about the only bareable person for me on MOTD.

Can't really say off top my head theres any commentators out there that have ever had me think "oooh i like listning to him".
Can't really say off top my head theres any commentators out there that have ever had me think "oooh i like listning to him".

I loved Barry Davies. The right mix of intelligence, insight and common sense. Superb broadcaster. Travesty that BBC constantly picked fucking Motson over him continually.
I loved Barry Davies. The right mix of intelligence, insight and common sense. Superb broadcaster. Travesty that BBC constantly picked $#@!ing Motson over him continually.

Ahh yes, Barry Davies, good call. Although i was a bit too young to really take much interest in commentary at his peak shall we say. First time i really knew who he was, was due to his commentary on Actua Soccer on the playstation in like 95. Only have to watch some classic England footage though of the 80's/90's to hear that he was a cracking commentator. Has been a great commentator on the Olympics too. Very rarely if at all talks utter rubbish like most other commentators.
was Barry Davies the comm responsible for "and where were the Germans, but frankly who cares?" comment at the Hockey olympic final? Great commentary.
was Barry Davies the comm responsible for "and where were the Germans, but frankly who cares?" comment at the Hockey olympic final? Great commentary.

Indeed he was.

And though it was a "chuck stuff at the TV" moment, he did "Brolin, Dahlin, Brolin....ah! You have to say that is magnificent."

And the immortal, Scotland vs England, 1989: "Bull....and again - oh! The man from the Third Division."
The Beeb have had a series of pre Sky commentators who were synonymous with their sport.

Murray Walker
Peter O'Sullevan
Bill Mclaren - "that's a Rolls Royce of a pass" in just the most superb Scottish brogue.
Brian Johnston

I also much prefer Barry Davies to John Motson.
Bill McLaren was an amazing commentator.

"It's a real stramash"

Very, very knowledgeable about the sport as well as being an excellent broadcaster. The ideal combination really.

Even though he wasn't BBC's exclusively, I'll chuck Richie Benaud into that mix.
Indeed he was.

And though it was a "chuck stuff at the TV" moment, he did "Brolin, Dahlin, Brolin....ah! You have to say that is magnificent."

And the immortal, Scotland vs England, 1989: "Bull....and again - oh! The man from the Third Division."

I should know this but who did the Koeman "he's going to dink it, he's going to dink it...." in despairing fashion for that retaken free kick?
I should know this but who did the Koeman "he's going to dink it, he's going to dink it...." in despairing fashion for that retaken free kick?

The late, great Brian Moore.

Fabulous commentator at his peak. Started to lose it a bit towards the end but bowed out on a great note, the France vs Brazil World Cup final.
Murray Walker

How'd i forget this guy?. I probably should start thinking outside of the football box for commentators. Murray walker was superb, although did occasionaly let himself down with quotes such as "The lead car is unique, except for the one behind it which is identical" :D

Also massively have enjoyed Anthony Davidson and David Croft on 5live for their F1 commentary over last couple seasons aswell as Martin Brundle for his knowledgable input.
As for Koeman, that was another superb Barry Davies moment.

European Cup Final, 1992, Barcelona vs Sampdoria at Wembley.

Koeman free-kick 35 yards out.

"Koemaaaaaaaaaan..............OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH!!!!! They've got what they deserved!"