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Middlesbrough (H) build up


World Cup 2014 PTG Champion - Not actually that Yo
Apr 15, 2010
Reaction score
Changes obviously need to be made. We've lacked identity for quite some time now, probably since last October, but got away with it due to some very good quality attacking players and a solid enough defence.

I would go 4-3-3. 4-2-3-1 is too rigid and it inevitably leaves us with Edwards, who although we probably could have done with last night isn't a long term solution nor does he provide the quality to play good attacking football.


Doherty Batth Hause Golbourne


McDonald Coady/Wallace



Worried about that back four but not sure we have any other alternative. Coady at right back maybe? Not sure Byrne starting there against Boro would be a good idea. Regardless of result, we need a performance that at least shows the fans we are going in some direction with how we want to play football
I'd like to see Wallace in the number 10 behind Afobe, with Henry and Ojo both playing wide. Price and McDonald paired in the middle.

And Byrne to get a run out should we need him.

We need Afobe to be where he's most potent - in front of goal. Harsh on ALF who I think is suffering from a lack of service, but things clearly aren't working.
Byrne is obviously not cutting it in training right now (hence van La Parra getting on the field ahead of him). In case anyone is wondering, Doherty will play as Iorfa is suspended. I guess Edwards is still injured as he wasn't on the bench again? (No one seems to know following his withdrawal during Wales' last game.)

If Martinez played as badly as people are saying, that's two games in a row so Ikeme may well start.

If Jackett tweaks his team to the above (or whatever), someone is going to harp on about how he doesn't know his best team, how he keeps changing formation blah, blah, blah :facepalm: Seriously, if nothing it working, what's he supposed to do? He'll certainly get it in the neck for sticking stubbornly to one formation.
We can't worry about the long term right now. Right options for right now. We aren't pressing enough, evident last night.


Stays. Let's not fuck about.

Doherty through default.
Batth and Hause as above
Golbourne as above

Have a midfield three Price and Kmac with Edwarda ahead of them, pressing, forcing errors and having a presence in the box.

Henry plays as he's the best footballer in the squad, although he did his best last night not to show this.

Ojo is an impact player, clearly. Give Byrne a go. Loads of pace which we lack with Dicko being out.

Afobe. Plays on the shoulder of the last defender, or he doesn't play.
I wasn't there last night (fortunately!) but maybe KJ brought VLP on instead of Byrne as he's said before that he's an option to play up top? Not that I'd want to see him up there but just trying to work out KJ's logic in bringing him on rather than Byrne?
I fear the worst, last night was reminiscent of the last days of Solbaken, the players are obviously playing with no confidence whatsoever or the squad isn't as good as was thought.

The second goal last night was like something you'd see on a school playing field.
It'll be alright, Sigurdarson is back to save the day.
I wasn't there last night (fortunately!) but maybe KJ brought VLP on instead of Byrne as he's said before that he's an option to play up top? Not that I'd want to see him up there but just trying to work out KJ's logic in bringing him on rather than Byrne?

Price came on for Ojo in the 53rd minute, van La Parra came on for Henry in the 54th minute. I was going to say that "apparently the formation all went pear shaped at this point" but that implies an actual shape.

Having the potential to play up top makes him slightly more versatile than Byrne but who knows? Perhaps it's a desire thing? Not settled?
Are Middlesbrough playing him on wing these days? Didn't he force his way back into England reckoning by playing in the centre with West Ham?
YW's team for me and I agree with Trev, I can hear the death rattle.
Wallace has to play as a #10. We'll get torn apart if we go 4-4-2 against this lot, and 4-2-3-1 is the only other formation to bear any kind of success for us. Wallace has played 1 game (I think?) in his natural position. You've signed him so give him a damn chance! Same goes for Byrne.
I just felt that last night we had no idea whatsoever. I hope I am proved wrong but I cannot see us getting a result in either of the next two games. The defence picks itself - by default. We absolutely have to have the Price/Macdonald link in midfield - breaking this up was a major error. Afobe up front, henry on a wing. Beyond that I don't think it really matters - they are all much the same
I just felt that last night we had no idea whatsoever. I hope I am proved wrong but I cannot see us getting a result in either of the next two games. The defence picks itself - by default. We absolutely have to have the Price/Macdonald link in midfield - breaking this up was a major error. Afobe up front, henry on a wing. Beyond that I don't think it really matters - they are all much the same

If we don't get a result in either of our next two games, that will be a four game losing streak - which could be catastrophic for a young team with already fragile confidence. Kenny certainly has his work cut out to get us back on the right tracks!
Agree with NWW. If Eddo us fit he has to play. If not then I suppose Wallace.
Coming up for this one, but have decided to treat this as a weekend away, meet with friends & have a few beers. If the football/result is halfway passable then that will be an added bonus

Has to be 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1, but either way it cannot accommodate both Afobe & ALF. If they both play in those formations Afobe ends up in our half of the field. The way it's going not that fussed which one is played.

Prefer to see Wallace in the 10 position just to see what he can do when played where he should, but wouldn't be surprised to see Edwards back in.
Not sure how people can be advocating Wallace over Edwards. He's done absolutely bugger all.

Edwards isn't the answer long term, but currently all his alternatives have been worse.
Not sure how people can be advocating Wallace over Edwards. He's done absolutely bugger all.

Edwards isn't the answer long term, but currently all his alternatives have been worse.

Wallace has been dumped out on the wing though...He is a number 10, that's what we bought him for so just play him in the correct position
Really dreading this game If the team that showed up last night turns up again on Saturday against 'boro we will get a proper tonking. I've got this feeling Jackett won't change much Saturday we certainly need something to freshen things up though.

Surely Byrne has to be given a chance. Ojo is too raw definitely more of an impact player as it stands, I think Wallace could do with a short term loan to get him up to pace he just seems off the pace and RVLP has crap this season he gave it go last night but seem to give the ball the way the majority of the time.