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The Video Games Thread II - The Resurrection

Looking at getting a new game this week. Trade in a few old ones I don't play on.

Have been thinking GT5 or Homefront (for PS3)

Anybody got a suggestion?
Not really a suggestion for you NW, as it's nearly 3 years old but I started playing Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway again last night and realised the single player is in fact brilliant. Especially if:

1. You love Band of Brothers (Colonel Sink is in the game- well Dale Dye that is, playing the part of Col Sink)

2. You like FPS games that give you a bit to think about- it's all about getting your squads to work for you and using suppressing fire and flanking manouevres.

3. You're not bothered about online play (it is pretty crap in multiplayer)

4. You like to spend very little on games - I reckon you'd get it for under a tenner now.

It's not glossy and it has some minor irritations, but it is a good game and has a very engaging storyline that makes you feel like it is an episode of Band of Brothers that you are playing. Just don't expect Call of Duty style frenetic battles, or expect to be able to do things a real soldier couldn't do. If you've never played it and want something to tide you over for 15-20 hours while the next big release comes along, it is worth a punt for the little it would cost you.
From what I've read of Homefront, which is similar to what MARKakaJIM has said on previous page, the multiplayer saves a somewhat lackluster singleplayer, so depends what you prefer. With MP FPS games though most people seem to fall back to COD within a couple months so can't tell how long it's MP will stay populated.

As for other suggestions, Bulletstorm is supposed to be a very slick and fun singleplayer game. Though from what i've seen it hasn't impressed me personally but everyone else seems to rate it currently. Crysis 2 has been receiving high praise and also looks amazing, could be worth checking out. Mass Effect 2 if your into RPG's as it was only recently released on PS3. For racing, Need for Speed shift 2 is released Friday and is looking much better than the first.

If you don't mind waiting a couple weeks, portal 2 is released 22nd April and if you buy it on PS3 you get the PC version free. Worth keeping an eye on atleast.

On another note, for fans of the Call of Duty type games. Battlefield 3 is aiming to take COD's crown at the end of the year. Heres the first of their "Fault Line" trailer's for those that haven't seen it elsewhere.

Not really a suggestion for you NW, as it's nearly 3 years old but I started playing Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway again last night and realised the single player is in fact brilliant. Especially if:

1. You love Band of Brothers (Colonel Sink is in the game- well Dale Dye that is, playing the part of Col Sink)

2. You like FPS games that give you a bit to think about- it's all about getting your squads to work for you and using suppressing fire and flanking manouevres.

3. You're not bothered about online play (it is pretty crap in multiplayer)

4. You like to spend very little on games - I reckon you'd get it for under a tenner now.

It's not glossy and it has some minor irritations, but it is a good game and has a very engaging storyline that makes you feel like it is an episode of Band of Brothers that you are playing. Just don't expect Call of Duty style frenetic battles, or expect to be able to do things a real soldier couldn't do. If you've never played it and want something to tide you over for 15-20 hours while the next big release comes along, it is worth a punt for the little it would cost you.

I have to second this - it's a very good game, which was a pleasant surprise.
From what I've read of Homefront, which is similar to what MARKakaJIM has said on previous page, the multiplayer saves a somewhat lackluster singleplayer, so depends what you prefer. With MP FPS games though most people seem to fall back to COD within a couple months so can't tell how long it's MP will stay populated.

As for other suggestions, Bulletstorm is supposed to be a very slick and fun singleplayer game. Though from what i've seen it hasn't impressed me personally but everyone else seems to rate it currently. Crysis 2 has been receiving high praise and also looks amazing, could be worth checking out. Mass Effect 2 if your into RPG's as it was only recently released on PS3. For racing, Need for Speed shift 2 is released Friday and is looking much better than the first.

If you don't mind waiting a couple weeks, portal 2 is released 22nd April and if you buy it on PS3 you get the PC version free. Worth keeping an eye on atleast.

On another note, for fans of the Call of Duty type games. Battlefield 3 is aiming to take COD's crown at the end of the year. Heres the first of their "Fault Line" trailer's for those that haven't seen it elsewhere.


Couple of things. First, Mass Effect 2 is the best game I have ever played. No contest, it is utterly brilliant in every possible way and you MUST play it.

Second, that Battlefield 3 trailer looks fucking amazing! Absolutely brilliant. Bad Company 2 was great, this looks like it is much, much better and if they can improve the multiplayer even more then there will simply be no need to play CoD any more. By the looks of that, I can't wait for Battlefield 3. What do you reckon, Langers, a new Battlefield clan? You, me, Furry, JPL, Codfather et al? We'd kick some American ass on that I reckon...The best thing is, if it ups the ante, CoD will have to come back with some better to challenge and that can only be a good thing.
Couple of things. First, Mass Effect 2 is the best game I have ever played. No contest, it is utterly brilliant in every possible way and you MUST play it.

Second, that Battlefield 3 trailer looks fucking amazing! Absolutely brilliant. Bad Company 2 was great, this looks like it is much, much better and if they can improve the multiplayer even more then there will simply be no need to play CoD any more. By the looks of that, I can't wait for Battlefield 3. What do you reckon, Langers, a new Battlefield clan? You, me, Furry, JPL, Codfather et al? We'd kick some American ass on that I reckon...The best thing is, if it ups the ante, CoD will have to come back with some better to challenge and that can only be a good thing.

You'll have a job 'coverting' that lot away from COD! I'm always open to trying new games, but one of the reasons why I never bothered with BC2 is because very few of my friends were on it. It does look excellent though - and as I said, I'm open to conversion!

Oh yes - and I won't say this very often - but listen to Toon. Mass Effect 2 isn't just a game, it's a work of art. One of the most gripping, enthralling, addictive, exciting pieces of media I have experienced in recent years. It's utterly wonderful. Just make sure you play the original first. And do you know what is utterly insane? The price you can find both Mass Effect games for nowadays.
Couple of things. First, Mass Effect 2 is the best game I have ever played. No contest, it is utterly brilliant in every possible way and you MUST play it.

Definitely up there with the best games I've ever played also. Thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish and really seemed to end too soon even after 32hrs. Can't wait for the Arrival DLC and the 3rd game.

Thanks for posting the 2nd trailer too. Love the way the wall just gets chipped away by the sniper fire. Really have high hopes for this game. Should be amazing if they get the correct balance between Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 2.
Definitely up there with the best games I've ever played also. Thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish and really seemed to end too soon even after 32hrs. Can't wait for the Arrival DLC and the 3rd game.

Thanks for posting the 2nd trailer too. Love the way the wall just gets chipped away by the sniper fire. Really have high hopes for this game. Should be amazing if they get the correct balance between Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 2.

You don't have to wait long, it's out tomorrow apparently! Fantastic news, an excuse to pop ME2 back in the Xbox...
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I agree with the above! Mass Effect 2 is one of the greatest games ever made. If they improve on it with ME3 then my head will explode.
Having checked the Xbox Live dashboard earlier today it appears the Arrival DLC hasn't come out today as I read elsewhere. Oh well...
The Arrival is out now. Will be downloading and getting reacquainted with ME2 tomorrow...
Anyone try the Fifa 11 Creation Center? http://www.ea.com/soccer/fifa/creation-centre

If you go there and search for "Wolves", there are some user made all-time-wolves teams (Bull, etc). Kinda neat. You can import either the whole team or individual players to your own profile.
Having checked the Xbox Live dashboard earlier today it appears the Arrival DLC hasn't come out today as I read elsewhere. Oh well...

Really? I purchased it off the xbox site during the day (29th) and it was ready for download when I got home. Would have thought it was on the dashboard aswell although alot of PC sites are saying was only released today. May have just got lucky.

Fun return to the Mass Effect world though I thought. Had been a while so I was incredibly rusty and took me good few minutes to settle back into the controls but overall was good bit of DLC. Not as much conversation as I would have liked though.
MA2 was a blast, I might have to look into the DLC. I hope there are more ladies to fraternize with.
MA2 was a blast, I might have to look into the DLC. I hope there are more ladies to fraternize with.

They're not real you know. Except Miranda. It's the actress's actual face scanned in. Here she is:

Anyone try the Fifa 11 Creation Center? http://www.ea.com/soccer/fifa/creation-centre

If you go there and search for "Wolves", there are some user made all-time-wolves teams (Bull, etc). Kinda neat. You can import either the whole team or individual players to your own profile.

Not one for importing past created players into my game, but was fun to look around what people have created. This team is some attempt though
Top effort that. If I could find out how to import that I would.

They're not real you know. Except Miranda.

Kelly's real aswell though right?.......right?
They're not real you know. Except Miranda. It's the actress's actual face scanned in. Here she is:


Oh I'm plenty aware of that; Chuck is one of my favorite shows and I was lookin forward to getting intimate with her e-character. Too bad she's so annoying in the game. I ended up going for the Kunari or whatever they're called masked chick.

As a side note, it's a good thing they're not real... When I played Dragon Age my character had sex with everyone. Everyone. :2xGay:
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