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Keir Starmer at it again..

Drop them a line and ask why they haven't got Christopher Nolan in to do their scripted social media output.

Are you that angry with the Labour Party in its current incarnation that everything they do is shit?

Do people put their heating on overnight in general? I've only done it when the kids are really little
Not doing a Johnson then...

Nick Robinson’s Panorama interview with Keir Starmer, will be broadcast on Friday 14 June at 19:30.
Could they not have scheduled it better than that? Opening night of the Euros.
Exactly, who wants to miss Scotland getting a bollicking
With the exception of the first Corbyn question, which made him look deceitful, I thought that was probably Starmer's best effort yet. He still says things I don't agree with, but said them with a little more conviction and as a pragmatist I get it. I understand the "Ming Vase" analogy but what I really want is a little bit more on the "decade of national renewal". I think if he came out and said we're not doing much for the next 5 years (which he effectively has said) but after that this is what we would want to do...I don't think it would do much harm and might convince more people to vote.

Just add a little bit of vision to the pragmatism. Maybe the manifesto will.
Aye, agree with every word there, in relation to both last night and today's manifesto launch. I get he wants to be cautious and only promise what's deliverable, but it'd be nice to hear some of the longer term aspirations, and the direction of travel other than just 'grow the economy, make services better'. Like make what better? Raynor keeps saying directly and indirectly that there's a left leaning guy in there who wants to affect real change that will make life better for the many. Hopefully once his feet are under the table we'll see more radical policy options being leaked out to test the water
With the exception of the first Corbyn question, which made him look deceitful, I thought that was probably Starmer's best effort yet. He still says things I don't agree with, but said them with a little more conviction and as a pragmatist I get it. I understand the "Ming Vase" analogy but what I really want is a little bit more on the "decade of national renewal". I think if he came out and said we're not doing much for the next 5 years (which he effectively has said) but after that this is what we would want to do...I don't think it would do much harm and might convince more people to vote.

Just add a little bit of vision to the pragmatism. Maybe the manifesto will.
He just needs to lean into the "I'm a boring bastard, you've got me, guilty, but I'm competent, and don't you want politics to be about being boring and competent again?" angle, it shouldn't be that hard, but he really is just a very very awkward person who's better suited to courtroom legalese than public speaking. Not that I think it really hurts him (for now).

However, judging from the manifesto launched this morning, we're all going to be sorely disappointed about the vision thing...