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VAR Stay or Go

VAR Stay or Go

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That's the guesswork though. I don't think Anthony Taylor is a bad referee for instance so with or without VAR I think he gives the Hwang penalty, I don't believe he's thinking I'll give it and if I'm wrong they'll overturn it. Continuing to use that as the example that's the most frustrating element for me, even moreso than the time it takes or the shit in ground experience, having 2 people check a decision and still getting it wrong. Of course we'd have moaned and bitched in the past and would again in any post VAR world, but other than on the occasional example when a ref has clearly got it in for us, Halsey, Rennie etc you could chalk it down as a genuine error, rather than rank incompetence or in the case of some on here something more sinister.
Add Attwell to that list.

I don't think it's anything sinister either, it's just weird and it's us that's been the particularly unlucky side this season, it'll be someone else next season.
..but the ref in the United game was screaming at our players, "its just a coming together - we don't give penalties for that" (or something similar) - He isn't changing his mind on that one
Absolutely. That's my point some of the decisions would have been the same whether with or without var. Its impossible to know how many we lost due to var for reasons already mentioned. My guess is (same as EP) more than the 3 some are saying, less than the 9+ others are saying.
Wolves know full well that it's not going to be scrapped but have done it in a round about way of getting major changes implemented that will change the system completely.
Agree with this.

Semi-automated offsides need to be brought in but otherwise the PGMOL have completely ruined this and it is they who should be binned and replaced with better. The VAR process should be independent and have clear guidelines like they do in rugby

What people don't realise is by binning VAR they have given complete power back to cunts like Atwell without any recourse.

And if it is binned the next cunt who complains they didn't get a decision can fuck the fuck off.
i'd rather it was in play and working but it just can't go on the way it is. I don't think it'll get voted to keep but maybe having the vote will get major grievances aired instead of the suspect "96% correct decisions" and the wanky justifications. when the decisions are so bad it needs a rethink and i'd probably be in favour of suspending it rather than binning and challenge them to produce something better. As it is, refs think they're correct and I don't think they would even acknowledge the harm they are causing.

For instance, I wanted VAR mainly to get diving sorted. if I'd known that they'd use it to search for any point of contact and freeze frame it to justify giving pens on the basis of virtually zero force I couldn't have supported that. this is an example of what the cretins do.
For instance, I wanted VAR mainly to get diving sorted. if I'd known that they'd use it to search for any point of contact and freeze frame it to justify giving pens on the basis of virtually zero force I couldn't have supported that. this is an example of what the cretins do.
To be fair it has eradicated your completely egregious Paul Dickov style dives. But as you say, in turn we get a load more penalties that aren't really fouls (well, depending what week it is, they give them sometimes and not others).
What objective measure is the spirit of the law?

I get what he means tbh, if you've got a striker a toenail ahead of a defender and he goes on to score then there is a near certain chance he would have scored anyway so in that case why should that be ruled out and the opposing team get a free kick for it?

The issue is, the line has to be drawn somewhere and whichever way it's done would still cause controversy. Some people suggest having "daylight" between the defender and the attacker but even then people would be micro analysing whether they could seen a fraction of a milometer of a gap from various angles.
I get what he means tbh, if you've got a striker a toenail ahead of a defender and he goes on to score then there is a near certain chance he would have scored anyway so in that case why should that be ruled out and the opposing team get a free kick for it?

The issue is, the line has to be drawn somewhere and whichever way it's done would still cause controversy. Some people suggest having "daylight" between the defender and the attacker but even then people would be micro analysing whether they could seen a fraction of a milometer of a gap from various angles.
I agree the line has to be drawn somewhere, but why one toenail? Why not two toenails? It’s just arbitrary.

If we can get an offside system that says that the forward is ahead of the defender by any measure, however minute, that would be clear and fair to me.

That, and goal line technology, would be enough interference for me.
The offside lines could be the width of the attackers complete body versus the complete width of the defenders body, then a percentage overlap to decide offside/onside. The position of the whole body is more important than the big toe or Ozil's eyes. Its currently a joke and not in the spirit of the game.
The offside lines could be the width of the attackers complete body versus the complete width of the defenders body, then a percentage overlap to decide offside/onside.
This sounds a bit overly complicated, much like the handball law.
I like how offside is done in rugby. Watch a couple of replays and eyeball it. If it's clearly off, it's given, if it isn't clarky off, it isn't.
It's not 100% accurate, but it's quick and simple, and no one really complains...
This sounds a bit overly complicated, much like the handball law.
Not really. Fat blue line for the attacker, fat red one for the defender, whatever the purple overlap decides the percentage. Or the difference between the remaining red and blue. The current system doesn't give any leeway. It shouldn't be that tight imo.
Or get rid of the lines altogether. It was better how it used to be with the linesman making the call. Get rid of delaying the flag as well.
the main issue is that they are simplifying the way they apply the laws to make decision making easier rather than for actual footballing reasons or for fairness.

We end up with penalties given if it hits any arm above the head as per Gomes, even if the ball is going nowhere.
Offsides when there's an armpit ahead when there's clearly no advantage to it.

They want to take judgement out of the equation where they can because their judgement is often shite.
The automated system has already been agreed to be adopted and the offside lines drawn in the studio by VAR officials will be a thing of the past. It is the least contentious part of VAR anyway with the current system.

I don't know for sure but wouldn't the lines across the pitch be done by the computer now based on where body parts have been plotted against the ball being passed?