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Climate Change Debate

Do either of you know whether it's going to rain at Edgbaston this evening?
Clearly you and your closed arrogant mind

That comment, my friend is offensive, I have to have an open mind to function otherwise some buggers would object.
I've merely placed an intellectual challenge, no arrogance. My opinion should be respected, whether you agree with me or not. Closed minds with science and engineering should never exist.
...and Im not going to take a lecture on sources from someone who links to websites that dont even claim to be neutral, and Jeremy fucking Clarkson.

Every single thing I have linked to, including Wikipedia, has citations from peer reviewed scientific papers.

Forget Clarkson. My other links reference quality data. You have no response other than confusion that temperature might lead atmospheric carbon dioxide.
Have you forgotten the basic physics of heat transfer due to mass, tenperature and state change?
What has stopped the radiative positive feedback in the past?
Non-existent problem?
My opinion should be respected

I've not really had any urge to input on this thread at all, but I have to ask why you think you're opinion should be respected? If you mean we should not question as you 'know what you're talking about' then you should respect Visage's opinion too and end all of this right here and now.
I've not really had any urge to input on this thread at all, but I have to ask why you think you're opinion should be respected? If you mean we should not question as you 'know what you're talking about' then you should respect Visage's opinion too and end all of this right here and now.

His request to have his opinion respected was in response to being told he had a closed arrrogant mind. Personally, to that sort of comment, I thought his response was restrained and measured.
Do either of you know whether it's going to rain at Edgbaston this evening?

I went for a walk on Mablethorpe seafront early this morning, and those who talk about global warming should have been there. Raining, blowing a gale, and somewhat chilly......!!
That comment, my friend is offensive, I have to have an open mind to function otherwise some buggers would object.
I've merely placed an intellectual challenge, no arrogance. My opinion should be respected, whether you agree with me or not. Closed minds with science and engineering should never exist.

Sorry, 99% of your posts in this thread are soaked in arrogance and with that I can offer your opinion no respect at all. You may very be speaking the truth in what you say but it is lost behind that massive wall of arrogance.
Suggesting that you have a better understanding of the issue than the entire scientific community, despite having never studied anything related to climatology or atmospheric physics is pretty arrogant, no?
Suggesting that you have a better understanding of the issue than the entire scientific community, despite having never studied anything related to climatology or atmospheric physics is pretty arrogant, no?

So you're saying he's an amateur thinking he knows better than the professionals?

Pretty sure that was how he dismissed my opinion of anything football related in the past, pot, kettle, his face.
Sorry, 99% of your posts in this thread are soaked in arrogance and with that I can offer your opinion no respect at all. You may very be speaking the truth in what you say but it is lost behind that massive wall of arrogance.

Rubbish, I've been assertive but have kept my language in check. The science isn't settled and there is plenty of science out there to demonstrate that. All I have done here is present a view which challenges a common misconception.
There is a debate and I am happy to continue it. Yes, I am passionate about it but surely that is a good thing?
For the moment ridicule seems the only answer to my valid points, surely unethical on this forum.
I will post some interesting stuff later.
Suggesting that you have a better understanding of the issue than the entire scientific community, despite having never studied anything related to climatology or atmospheric physics is pretty arrogant, no?

No, I like many others challenge a somewhat worn IPCC mantra
There are plenty of credible climate scientists who challenge that, just go look.
Rubbish, I've been assertive but have kept my language in check. The science isn't settled and there is plenty of science out there to demonstrate that. All I have done here is present a view which challenges a common misconception.
There is a debate and I am happy to continue it. Yes, I am passionate about it but surely that is a good thing?
For the moment ridicule seems the only answer to my valid points, surely unethical on this forum.
I will post some interesting stuff later.

My opinion is the majority of your posts are arrogant. I don't expect you to agree with that but it is what I see when i read your posts and it ruins what should be a great read.
Suggesting that you have a better understanding of the issue than the entire scientific community, despite having never studied anything related to climatology or atmospheric physics is pretty arrogant, no?

Unfortunaty I made a point of understanding the issues when like many I saw flaws in the CO2 hypothesis. Academia explores an idea space but rarely finds the solution space.
Delete the word 'entire' for a start.
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My opinion is the majority of your posts are arrogant. I don't expect you to agree with that but it is what I see when i read your posts and it ruins what should be a great read.

There is no intent, I really want to carry on the conversation. I accept that I might be a little controversial.
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It seems I am in unlikely but good company:



On many issues he struggles but at least he attempts to understand the inputs and potential solutions.

Opinion pieces arent a substitute for scientific research. Though I suppose Lovelock is somewhat more credible than Clarkson, so we should at least be grateful you're heading in the right direction.