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Fans' Parliament Minutes


Staff member
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score

Usual stuff but the interesting part comes from the FFP discussion into the Chinese Government trying to curb overseas investment

Jeff Shi said: “The Chinese Government are trying to tighten the currency, so it’s not as easy to invest here but we have the currency in Europe and our major assets are in US dollars, so it doesn’t stop us investing.”

So a big :emot-fuckoff:to Xi Jinping and Co
Asked about the chances of making loan deals permanent, Kevin added: “There’s not a culture here to develop players for other clubs. We do it for ourselves so they come with us.” He added that most of those borrowed by others elsewhere were on season-long deals but Wolves had options to bring them back in January. “With one or two, there are options for other clubs to buy – but at a level that would be advantageous to us.”

"If they have an 'E' in their name, they're staying here. Can't run the risk of Cyberman having a meltdown if they score against us."
There was a request for more information to be made available about injured players, Willy Boly for example. Kevin said: “It’s the head coach’s preference. Some will make public a lot of detail about injured players and some won’t. Nuno doesn’t want too many people to know too much about our business and if that’s helping us be where we are in the League, so be it.”

Well that puts that one to bed. If Nuno doesn't want other clubs gaining an advantage from knowing when to expect certain players back, so be it.

In fairness, I doubt the teams we came up against would have expected Helder Costa back in the side when he was, or to a lesser extent Ben Marshall - so I can accept the clubs reasoning on lack of injury updates, even though it can be frustrating for our fans who 'need' to know such info.