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General Wolves News

Yeah I realise that Pad. But I've heard it myself in the past. Someone will say "he/she looks like a gorilla" because of their dark skin and facial features.
Gorillas (as I remember it) are a somewhat tighter set of skin tones. Without checking google images, I am less than 100% certain, but I think every shot of a gorilla I have seen the facial skin tone is definitely black. Mind you, Chimpanzees are the closest out there to us in the evolutionary family, even more so than gorillas or orangs.
august 2012 (when i was about 15) must've been a cup game, i think the north bank was newly open for the first time (both tiers possibly), on back of relegation heard a few pissed up men being racist towards karl henry. one of the very few times i've heard/seen something like that at molineux- can't stand racists. 100% wouldn't say anything on their own to someone, looking at article + that guys face says it all. Life time ban hopefully
74! Four that I didn't get annoyed with myself about!
People use the term Neanderthal as an insult - doubt that we really know whether they were less intelligent than Homo Sapians anyway. Other reasons finished them off.

Life is littered with people insulting and wishing to offend but I suppose somehwere along the line we are still ingrained with fear of difference and various aversions that tie in with our survival instinct. Suppose many don't think they are better or can think better they just want to offend. If somebody who appears different upsets you it's an easy way to attack. The same people who throw flak at players because of their skin colour would also hero worship others of the same colour skin.
Sounds like he might have been given the boot rather than left voluntarily

If he happens to rock up with Camavinga in tow I wouldn't say no
Seems like a missed the "most woke" competition on here today.
I've googled it : 'alert to injustice in society'
Congratulations in order to our No.9 and girlfriend who have announced via Hello they’re expecting their first child.
That's it then,9 or 10 months time he's going to have a loss of form because of the new babby and we've no cover for him and wolves as a club will be doomed,doomed I tells ya
She's due in July, so not an issue.
She's due in July, so not an issue.

What? No sleep due to newborn baby crying. GF possible PND. Baby teething... Keef's right. With no cover relegation next season is a certainty. Thelwell out! Oh...