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Live Match Discussion 2023/24

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Some strike by Lermer. Game needed livening up. Atrocious by Chelsea so far.
Good hit but the Goalkeeper looked incredibly flat footed to me and gets no spring in his dive at all.
A case of yet a prima donna 100k plus defender looking after his good looks rather then defending it with his face. Bruce, Adams and Keown would whip the fucker to death for turning his back.
Cech saying he got it wrong. Good analysis.
Right I'll say it, whilst Enzo's goal the other night against Villa looked awesome, I thought Martinez should be saving that, he got his feet wrong.

It seems to be getting rarer and rarer that players score direct from free kicks, and one from that distance has got to be a keeper error.
Right I'll say it, whilst Enzo's goal the other night against Villa looked awesome, I thought Martinez should be saving that, he got his feet wrong.

It seems to be getting rarer and rarer that players score direct from free kicks, and one from that distance has got to be a keeper error.
Harsh. He put it as close to the top corner as it could get. Anywhere else and it wouldn’t have gone in. Direct FKs aren’t being scored because the walls are like 8ft now (jumping with the man on the floor) and keepers are better. So much like that FK, it has to be inch perfect in the corner to go in, whilst also getting up and down over an 8ft obstacle, at enough pace to stop the keeper having chance to get across.
Tempted to hedge my bet and put a fiver on Palace @4/1. It'll end up a sodding draw if I do that though 🤣
His injury record for them is absolutely horrendous, he seems to pick up a major injury every time he plays again. He can't have put together a run of games since being there
It was similar at Orlando. Only played 35 games for them in two seasons. Quite a few as a sub. Had to feel sorry for him as must be utterly devastating to have to undergo treatment at the Poorthawns all the time.
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