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New Wolves manager Marcelo Gallardo?


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2012
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Unsubstantiated rumour knocking about that Fosun are set to appoint highly rated Argentine manager Marcelo Gallardo as new boss to replace Paul Lambert.

5... 4... 3... 2... 1... GO!!
If only this was true.

Up and coming exciting manager or another season of Thelwell and Lambert's mediocrity. Edwards would still find his way into the team though!
Lambert has certainly disappointed me overall, but Im not sure there is any truth to these rumours. Lambert should be given a summer spending window and time to field his players, but in saying that I cant believe how his inherited team packed their holibags after reaching safety in the league. Lamberts man management skills must be lacking if these guys downed tools so easily.
Or alternatively most of them are shit, and know they've got no future here anyway.

We are not getting Gallardo, Lambert isn't going anywhere.
Or alternatively most of them are $#@!, and know they've got no future here anyway.

We are not getting Gallardo, Lambert isn't going anywhere.

There is a string of managers who would have these players believing they could be league champions and would have them running through brick walls.
If for example we had have got Sam Allardyce, like him or loathe him I believe we would have finished much higher in the league.
You're never going to get this lot pushing for the top six. We don't have a credible goalkeeper, we've gone an entire season and a half with no left back, we've got one centre half who's fit for purpose (and he's still learning), virtually zero footballing ability in midfield (bar Saiss, who's just too slow for this setup) and no steel in there either, and our strikers have 10 league goals between them this season.

We might have finished marginally higher under someone else, BFS' modus operandi over the last two years - and he's done it well, to be fair to the gurning walrus - has been to sign new players in January and results have improved when they've bedded in. At both Sunderland and Palace he went on an appalling run when he only had the inherited players to work with, he actually plunged them deeper into a relegation fight before it turned around. Us signing a load of new players in January was never on the agenda due to our league position, no-one who's that good is going to sign for a Championship team that has zero chance of promotion at the halfway stage. Why would you, you're just committing yourself to 18 months minimum at this level. We got Weimann because he was nowhere near Derby's team and has worked with Lambert, we got Marshall because he was nearly out of contract, Blackburn are a shambles and he has worked with Lambert.
Yeah, this squad ain't anywhere near good enough. Absolute mess of a job since we got promoted from League 1 in terms of recruitment I think. We've spent a fair bit of money on absolute dross.

I'm allowed to dream about Gallardo becoming Wolves manager though.
What's most shocking, is how Lambert has allowed the season to fall away, since we secured our safety.

Not surprised in the slightest to see rumours of other Manager's being flung around already. It's going to be a long summer.
Where is the link/rumour from?
What's most shocking, is how Lambert has allowed the season to fall away, since we secured our safety.

Not surprised in the slightest to see rumours of other Manager's being flung around already. It's going to be a long summer.

I wouldn't necessarily say he's "allowed" it to happen. Since we beat Forest, three of our six games have been against Brighton, Huddersfield and Derby...they're just way better than us at the moment. For us to get anywhere near them, we need to have a very good day and moreover the opposition need to have a severe off day, as Leeds did.

I wouldn't defend him wholesale and there are some small things he could have done differently. I'm baffled that Edwards plays every single minute of every game for a kick off. He definitely should have brought Wilson on earlier vs Brighton. Blackburn was unacceptable and by the sound of it Bristol City was in the same bracket. In general though, the U23s are being kept together as a team and I broadly support that strategy, it's important they play against the best next season so we should prioritise that rather than dead first team games. All of which means he's basically restricted to swapping in crap for crap. I can't stand so many of our first team squad, totally wank footballers and surprise surprise, we get wank football and wank results. And this has all occured when our best player by an absolute mile has been injured, lo and behold we've stopped scoring.

The time to comprehensively judge him as a manager is not now. I actually don't think he gets enough credit for somehow coaxing a couple of good runs of form out of these losers.
Would be a different appointment but most telling about this rumour is the removal of Thelwell. Above all whether true or not it looks like we are in for substantial change at molineux.
The time to comprehensively judge him as a manager is not now. I actually don't think he gets enough credit for somehow coaxing a couple of good runs of form out of these losers.

I agree with all your post but thought I'd quote this - the excellent run of form that we saw in March made is safe way before most of us thought we would be. This seems to have been forgotten. I don't understand why the negatives (and yep, there are plenty of things that PL hasn't got right or I've disagreed with) are brought up time and time again whereas the positives aren't. Nor are the very good reasons you state as to why the results have tailed off with nothing left to play for.

Lambert still has a hell of a lot to prove to me, but common sense (and a modicum of patience) surely says that we need to wait until after the summer to judge him properly?
I agree with all your post but thought I'd quote this - the excellent run of form that we saw in March made is safe way before most of us thought we would be. This seems to have been forgotten. I don't understand why the negatives (and yep, there are plenty of things that PL hasn't got right or I've disagreed with) are brought up time and time again whereas the positives aren't. Nor are the very good reasons you state as to why the results have tailed off with nothing left to play for.

Lambert still has a hell of a lot to prove to me, but common sense (and a modicum of patience) surely says that we need to wait until after the summer to judge him properly?

The negatives are always going to outweigh the positives especially when there have been more of them. That good run of form was brilliant for us but it was the 2 away games that were the good performances and we've been putting those in all season. The 3 games we won at home weren't fantastic and more fans saw those games. The problem with those 5 games is that they were sandwiched between 6 games without a win and 4 losses out of 6.

I get why people say we need to give him the summer but he should have got something more out of this squad imo, it's not as bad as it often looks and the away performances prove that. I know that we play a style more suited to away games but there's no reason why he shouldn't have found a better way to play at home. Personally if there's a better manager out there and it involves Thelwell going and the backroom staff too then i'm all for it.
Ah good - silly season on rumours has started even before the season ends this time.

The players (even Bod) will get a rest at this time - the fans clearly aren't going to!
I agree with all your post but thought I'd quote this - the excellent run of form that we saw in March made is safe way before most of us thought we would be. This seems to have been forgotten. I don't understand why the negatives (and yep, there are plenty of things that PL hasn't got right or I've disagreed with) are brought up time and time again whereas the positives aren't. Nor are the very good reasons you state as to why the results have tailed off with nothing left to play for.

Lambert still has a hell of a lot to prove to me, but common sense (and a modicum of patience) surely says that we need to wait until after the summer to judge him properly?

He wasn't brought in to make us safe though, he was brought in to try to make the play-offs. He put us in a position of going down where we were one point and one place from the relegation zone.

He's done an average job at best and I don't understand the optimism regarding next season with him and Thelwell here. I have seen no discernible style and the constant playing of Edwards is baffling. I think we can judge a manager who has been here over half a season perfectly well by now. Look at Aaladyce and Silva if you want to see a manager make an immediate and defining impact. Lambert can't be described as having that. He did at Norwich but that looks like his Owen Coyle nadir rather than a Sam Aaladyce lasting impact.
BFS opened up with a run of 1-1-6 at Palace so I wouldn't call that an immediate impact...they weren't in the bottom three when he took over, hadn't been there since the second game of the season, it was he who put them there. Silva I'll grant you.

I would dispute that playoffs was the aim when he came in, we were 19th on 17 points from 16 games, already nine points off the top six, we'd picked up two points from a possible 21 and the deficiencies in the squad were already quite obvious.
I agree with all your post but thought I'd quote this - the excellent run of form that we saw in March made is safe way before most of us thought we would be. This seems to have been forgotten. I don't understand why the negatives (and yep, there are plenty of things that PL hasn't got right or I've disagreed with) are brought up time and time again whereas the positives aren't. Nor are the very good reasons you state as to why the results have tailed off with nothing left to play for.

Lambert still has a hell of a lot to prove to me, but common sense (and a modicum of patience) surely says that we need to wait until after the summer to judge him properly?

The excellent run of form in March seems to be the exception, that's the thing that concerns me. It was sandwiched between two fucking appalling runs that seem more like the norm. Again, I can't look past him continuing to play players out of position, (Doherty, Edwards, Saville, Coady) when we have players on our books who can actually play in those positions.

For what it's worth my opinion of Lambert hasn't changed from the first day he rolled up at Molineux. He's mediocre at best and I doubt he'll ever take us up.
And Allardyce is shit as well.