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At the moment I would rather look at a big pair of TITS than watch the Wolves


New member
Apr 30, 2013
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And I do not see anything changing real soon.

I'm just glad I don't pay for this 5HITE

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And I do not see anything changing real soon.

I'm just glad I don't pay for this 5HITE


So you don't actually go to any games despite being the only poster on this site "from Wolverhampton"?
Really glad I DO pay for this shite and have to travel 160 mile each way for the joy of home games...
Mate I am a local and was a season ticket holder for many years. I used to go home and away since 1976 until I realised that they are taking the piss out of us and do not derserve the support we give them.

I would go back like a shot if the club could give me the same commitment as I give them
We should have kept him. Tried to save his sole.
Oh no... Seabass has been hooked!
Sad but I guess there was nothing we could do aboat him leaving.

I'm really trawling the depths for fish related jokes now...
We can get another troll soon, there's plenty more fish in sea
Bad day for the Bass, his namesake just got the hook for Norwich.
Brill-iant performance from Henry today.
Shame Seabass turned out to be a Bandfish!
Think a pair of smaller but pert tits are preferred. Don't go big on the tits ... it's all about the nips.