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Bolton 2-1 Wolves: VERDICT THREAD

Sounded like the result the performance deserved. Absolutely bizarre management that you're chasing a game, you've just signed a winger/attacking midfielder and don't even bring him on.

We're not playing anything like our strongest available XI on a regular basis and we don't seem to have any kind of coherent or consistent style.

Not yet time to be seriously considering the manager's position but this suddenly looks a very big month for him.
Something is wrong. We've gone backwards from last season. Not good enough, I'm afraid. No striking force, leaky defence. Jackett has to shoulder the blame, put things right or go. Maybe our esteemed owner should also be tarred with the same brush - lack of investment, lack of ambition. Not happy at all.
Anyone who thought the stearman sale was a good decision is wrong. Thats what im taking away from that game. Golbourne & EEL need shot for that. Martinez, Coady & Afobe the only players who came out of that with any credit and even they didnt play well. We were just so flat. Nothing about us at all.
Something is wrong. .... lack of investment, lack of ambition. Not happy at all.
Well I don't agree with with that bit.
I'd be kind of interested to see exactly who might have been available, at what inflated price and whether they'd have fitted in in with us, then to hear some sort of a quote from Morgan along the lines of "We're not paying that sort of money"
I think a list of players were spotted and Wolves went and got them.
The fact that we have Ojo (a little underplayed), WAllace (a little out of form/pace) and the new lad Byrne sitting on the bench when we're clearly misfiring and struggling and.... making stupid mistakes, a reason that Jackett has previously been quick to pounce on and haul off, is really compounding the issue.
We're lacking focus in defence, (can't believe this 'footballing reason' for getting rid of our best experienced defender when we're facing into a slide), not linking up with the attack, everyone's coming deep and all of that...
it's a grim start to the month after two weeks hards training together.
What frustrates me is our problems seem to be so avoidable.

Pick your strongest XI. Struggling at the back? Pick a keeper and stick with him. No inspiration going forward? Bring on the exciting attacking player you've just signed.

I know a manager's job isn't easy but the remedies to me seem glaringly obvious.
I have been out all afternoon and must admit I was surprised to hear that we lost. Still plenty of time to put things right but it needs addressing quickly.
What frustrates me is our problems seem to be so avoidable.

Pick your strongest XI. Struggling at the back? Pick a keeper and stick with him. No inspiration going forward? Bring on the exciting attacking player you've just signed.

I know a manager's job isn't easy but the remedies to me seem glaringly obvious.

+ 1
Just got a Facebook message....
Photo of a bottle of Jack Daniels being poured into a small glass.
Headed up by...
'Did you know that 8 to 10 shots a day can reduce your risk of giving a fuck?'
Made me laugh, so I'm off to try it.
KMac not injured, left out on form. Same with Ikeme.
I wonder if the lack of comments, here, indicates the general disaffection for our poor club.
I wonder if the lack of comments, here, indicates the general disaffection for our poor club.

I dunno, losing to the fucking Horwich cunts hurts. I don't think it is disaffection, just feeling really down about a very poor day at the office today, and that poor day being against a team that many fans hate even more than our local rivals.
Time to go back to basics as Sedge said. KJ obviously doesn't know his best line up and I understand him wanting to experiment and try out different things, but it's plain to see know that this style isn't working for us.

We aren't good enough at the back to soak up the counter attacks that this position invites. Starting Doherty over Iorfa is non sensical and fucking about with the starting goalies can only be detrimental to their confidence.

I would be looking to go back to a flat 4 4 2, with our strongest back 4 and Henry and Ojo starting on the wings.
I think Kenny needs to take a long hard look at himself for the way this season has started. Formations that don't suit the players he has, crowbarring Edwards in wherever, changing the keeper 4 times already, selling your best fit centre half (although, I still don't believe he would want to so this), signing a player for £1m with this money and then not even bringing him on today. I am really questioning him, do I want him sacked...no, but he rightly deserves some significant scrutiny
Very disappointing result and it sounds performance. We obviously need Batth back soon as possible because otherwise Eel and Hause (who I still think will come good) confidence will be shot to pieces. My biggest worry is central midfield, imo we have been poor here for over a season, While Kmac has a decent range of passing, his overall oerformances aren't good enough, Price after looking quite good at the end of last season seems to have disappeared and so we are left with Coady and Edwards filling in, Coady seems ok but while I'm a fan of Edwards, no way is he an out and out CM....after that the cupboard is bare........an experienced CM on loan?
Defending like that gives you too much to do. Awful defending that you see on a playground. However second half I'll say we created chances and should have come away with a point for me.

Jed Wallace I thought was very good, plenty of pace, good touches interchanges and should have scored two.

However today will be the fact that if Stears had been on the pitch the penalty wouldn't have happened.
If McDonald was dropped on form and not even on the bench when Saville was..come on Kenny you are insulting our intelligence, it's much, much more than that. I would have flogged him in the Summer as I never thought he'd be the give everything type of player in the situation he was in.
Having seen the goals, the defending by EEL for their penalty was laughable.

What a depressing result.