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You have said it's all an overreaction though

I still think it is.

We have a virus where no one knows the mortality rate because no one knows the number of infected.

Experts put it at around 1 -2% some as low as .8%, some as high as 2.5%.

Yes we know its higher percentage of those confirmed cases, but we dont know the exact number of cases the majority of people will not get tested because countries do not have the resources to test everyone, if we have Symptoms we were told to self isolate for 14 days.

The UK had it right, isolate the At Risk Group
Everyone else Business as Normal, catch the bloody thing recover, immunity, eventually the virus is done.

In Spain sure we are on Lockdown for another 2 weeks, then what?
Lockdown for 12 months
Permanent lockdown in case someone catches flu?
Does the infection start spreading again when the lockdown is over?
Is Spain relying on Warm Weather to kill the virus, that's not yet been proved.

Before I get the usual what about someone you know, both my Parents are extremely high risk, and I told them to self isolate.

For the vast majority of people it's not an issue in a lot of cases you get a very mild version.

Now looking At Italy and there reaction and burying the dead outside the city is not normal behaviour, that still smacks as something not quite right with this whole palava.
The Imperial model suggests 1.5-2 million deaths in the US alone if proper measures aren't taken, and many hundreds of thousands even if they are.

No, people aren't over-reacting- quite the opposite.
I still think it is.

We have a virus where no one knows the mortality rate because no one knows the number of infected.

Experts put it at around 1 -2% some as low as .8%, some as high as 2.5%.

Yes we know its higher percentage of those confirmed cases, but we dont know the exact number of cases the majority of people will not get tested because countries do not have the resources to test everyone, if we have Symptoms we were told to self isolate for 14 days.

The UK had it right, isolate the At Risk Group
Everyone else Business as Normal, catch the bloody thing recover, immunity, eventually the virus is done.

In Spain sure we are on Lockdown for another 2 weeks, then what?
Lockdown for 12 months
Permanent lockdown in case someone catches flu?
Does the infection start spreading again when the lockdown is over?
Is Spain relying on Warm Weather to kill the virus, that's not yet been proved.

Before I get the usual what about someone you know, both my Parents are extremely high risk, and I told them to self isolate.

For the vast majority of people it's not an issue in a lot of cases you get a very mild version.

Now looking At Italy and there reaction and burying the dead outside the city is not normal behaviour, that still smacks as something not quite right with this whole palava.

The overreaction is the difference between 20k and 250k deaths.

Yes, they might be wrong - but what if they're not?

Have you got an evidence for something being not quite right in Italy? To me, it's a very stark warning that we should be doing something
I still think it is.

We have a virus where no one knows the mortality rate because no one knows the number of infected.

Experts put it at around 1 -2% some as low as .8%, some as high as 2.5%.

Yes we know its higher percentage of those confirmed cases, but we dont know the exact number of cases the majority of people will not get tested because countries do not have the resources to test everyone, if we have Symptoms we were told to self isolate for 14 days.

The UK had it right, isolate the At Risk Group
Everyone else Business as Normal, catch the bloody thing recover, immunity, eventually the virus is done.

In Spain sure we are on Lockdown for another 2 weeks, then what?
Lockdown for 12 months
Permanent lockdown in case someone catches flu?
Does the infection start spreading again when the lockdown is over?
Is Spain relying on Warm Weather to kill the virus, that's not yet been proved.

Before I get the usual what about someone you know, both my Parents are extremely high risk, and I told them to self isolate.

For the vast majority of people it's not an issue in a lot of cases you get a very mild version.

Now looking At Italy and there reaction and burying the dead outside the city is not normal behaviour, that still smacks as something not quite right with this whole palava.

If you read the Imperial College research that changed even Johnson and Cummings’ minds, the herd immunity idea would kill a quarter of a million people in the UK alone. It simply won’t work. Lockdown is the correct thing to do and I am sure we are all heading that way in a matter of ten days or so.
Lockdown is the correct thing to do and I am sure we are all heading that way in a matter of ten days or so.

We will essentially mirror Italy. One part will go first, which will be London and 5-7 days later the rest of the country
The problem in Italy was

1: because of the % of people over 65 and
2: allowing the younger populous to mingle with family member

In Japan, the country with the largest % of over 65, they implemented large scale testing and isolation of the at risk population and have coped very well with the virus (in comparison)

We should have tried to mirror Japan and not Italy

If you read the Imperial College research that changed even Johnson and Cummings’ minds, the herd immunity idea would kill a quarter of a million people in the UK alone. It simply won’t work. Lockdown is the correct thing to do and I am sure we are all heading that way in a matter of ten days or so.

Acvording to that, they are still going to die, but spread over the next year or so.
Unless there is a vaccine before then which is unlikely.
We will essentially mirror Italy. One part will go first, which will be London and 5-7 days later the rest of the country

Yep, it’s definitely coming in london in next couple of days. Sounds like it will be the same as Paris

Just the American public saying what a superb job I'm doing.
This Virus is changing the world...now I am seeing Iain Duncan Smith telling the Government to raise benefits and remove any waiting periods!

The Universal Payment option seems to be picking up speed, helped by Trump setting up the $1000 payment in the States
If you read the Imperial College research that changed even Johnson and Cummings’ minds, the herd immunity idea would kill a quarter of a million people in the UK alone. It simply won’t work. Lockdown is the correct thing to do and I am sure we are all heading that way in a matter of ten days or so.

But what happens after Lockdown? The virus will still be there.
We will still be susceptible to the illness
You slowly open up for a bit and return to lock down when cases rise again. We will be in and out of lockdown for probably eighteen months. Which is better than being dead.
It's no good waiting for hot weather to have any effect. Australia has it and they are already hot.