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The problem in Italy was

1: because of the % of people over 65 and
2: allowing the younger populous to mingle with family member

In Japan, the country with the largest % of over 65, they implemented large scale testing and isolation of the at risk population and have coped very well with the virus (in comparison)

We should have tried to mirror Japan and not Italy


That's exactly what the rest of Europe should have done almost immediately.

Now we have the worlds economies crumbling, currencies crashing, exactly what China set out to do, just because we did not have a concerted effort.

Isolate at risk groups let the rest get on with it
But what happens after Lockdown? The virus will still be there.
We will still be susceptible to the illness

We keep going in and out until the vaccine is ready.

It's not ideal, but it's a damned sight better than letting millions across the planet die.
You slowly open up for a bit and return to lock down when cases rise again. We will be in and out of lockdown for probably eighteen months. Which is better than being dead.

The worlds economies cannot handle 18 months this.
Isolate the at risk group the us continue with the worlds economies meaning we can afford to look after the at risk group, financially because our economies have survived.

18 months of this no business will survive, governments cannot keep the countries running with non income for 18 months.

We could be looking at even more deaths due to malnutrition, poor hygiene, no gas or Electric we could see the developed world for want of a better phrase, destroyed and turned into Africa
I know- bit shit, isn't it?

There's a lot more attention being paid to a COVID-19 vaccine than there ever was to SARS, in fairness.

The NHS website has good info on SARS. It is worth saying there hasn't been a SARS case worldwide since 2004.

The drugs to treat SARS and Covid-19 are HIV/ Anti-viral drugs and are having some effect.
The worlds economies cannot handle 18 months this.
Isolate the at risk group the us continue with the worlds economies meaning we can afford to look after the at risk group, financially because our economies have survived.

18 months of this no business will survive, governments cannot keep the countries running with non income for 18 months.

We could be looking at even more deaths due to malnutrition, poor hygiene, no gas or Electric we could see the developed world for want of a better phrase, destroyed and turned into Africa

I've thought about your last paragraph a bit over the last week or so.

If it ever gets to a point where we're approaching this they'll just end lockdown and advise vulnerable people to protect themselves the best they can.

No point protecting 5% if you kill 20% doing it
Glasgo - you sound like Trump pushing the Chinese conspiracy. It’s hogwash so stop posting bollocks please.
The worlds economies cannot handle 18 months this.
Isolate the at risk group the us continue with the worlds economies meaning we can afford to look after the at risk group, financially because our economies have survived.

18 months of this no business will survive, governments cannot keep the countries running with non income for 18 months.

We could be looking at even more deaths due to malnutrition, poor hygiene, no gas or Electric we could see the developed world for want of a better phrase, destroyed and turned into Africa

This is just rubbish.
Gary Neville receiving a lot of genuine praise... on RAWK.

It’s the end of days, I tells ya.
Glasgo - you sound like Trump pushing the Chinese conspiracy. It’s hogwash so stop posting bollocks please.

Really, how does anyone know it's hogwash?
Fact - It came from China
Fact - it's now crippling every countries Economy
Fact - Currencies are crashing

Ebola Named after where it originated
Spanish Flu the same
Nearly every virus was named after where it originated, except COVID 19, it's chinese virus originated in Wuhan province in China, linked to the Live Animal market.

There has to be some level of suspicion that a country who's economy was predicted to crash over the next 10 years, suddenly had a virus found in a province that is now causing a meltdown of the worlds economies?

This must be the first conspiracy theory I ever thought had some basis to it.
Gary Neville receiving a lot of genuine praise... on RAWK.

It’s the end of days, I tells ya.

Neville opens his doors to NHS FOC
Abramovich does the same
Billionaire Branson wants the tax payer to help his airline survive.

In all seriousness if Virgin Airline cannot survive small businesses dont have a hope in hell
In all seriousness guys.

There is a group on Facebook called Rock the Lockdown, it started as a Costa Del Sol thing with a lot of my friends performing there songs etc over facebook.

It has grown arms and legs and is now at 9000 members all over the world and will take place over 2 days.

If anyone wants in, search, ask to join, PM me on here and I'll admit you.

It should be a fantastic couple of days, a lot of the artists performing have performed at my bar, or I know them through friends.
Branson asked for help for the whole airline industry rather than just his.
Really, how does anyone know it's hogwash?
Fact - It came from China
Fact - it's now crippling every countries Economy
Fact - Currencies are crashing

Ebola Named after where it originated
Spanish Flu the same
Nearly every virus was named after where it originated, except COVID 19, it's chinese virus originated in Wuhan province in China, linked to the Live Animal market.

There has to be some level of suspicion that a country who's economy was predicted to crash over the next 10 years, suddenly had a virus found in a province that is now causing a meltdown of the worlds economies?

This must be the first conspiracy theory I ever thought had some basis to it.

It’s completely fucking groundless bollocks that is also incredibly dangerous. You are seriously suggesting this virus is a fucking weapon released by the Chinese because their economy may crash in a decade???

Okaaaay. So, why fuck their own economy up with it first? Brilliant bit of deflection to put everyone off the scent, those clever fuckers have played a blinder but only you and fellow loons have spotted it. Thank the fucking maker for your genius insight.

This thing has mortality of around 3%. You simply don’t make biological agents with that sort of result. It isn’t efficient enough. You make shit that kills a much higher percentage and also kills them a lot fucking quicker.

It’s fucking horseshit. Up there with man faked the fucking moon landing and Elvis living above a chip shop in Cleethorpes. Except your fucking crap is infinitely more dangerous. Nobody gets hurt if the 50s crooner is selling the occasional rock and chips at nearly 100 years old. You start conspiracy shit against the fucking Chinese government when the world is already pretty unstable and you are inviting serious fucking trouble.

Have your little conspiracy. Maybe you have some fellow kooks you can chat about it with to pass time during the shut down. Stop polluting this place with it though - it’s tedious, spurious and downright fucking dangerous
Time for some positives:-

Yesterday we found a test for Covid19 antibodies which worked really well in the lab and assuming results are repeated production could be started very soon. Nothing is being administered so one would thing there won't be many safeguarding hurdles to overcome

Chloroquine seems to be given positive results in the treatment of Covid19 in lots of places. It's a decades old malaria drug so no testing required and it's generic so shouldn't be expensive
