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Jeremy Corbyn

Is he wrong in what he says though?

Its true that the BBC as an establishment tool forms its narrative from a narrow view point namely white middle class private educated. So the issues the whole of society face are not looked at from a wide perspective.
Its true that the BBC as an establishment tool forms its narrative from a narrow view point namely white middle class private educated. So the issues the whole of society face are not looked at from a wide perspective.

Agreed, and it's not just the BBC but the media in general.
Momentum have not wiped out the Conservatives as they thought they would in the local elections. They couldn't even hold onto Nuneaton and Bedworth.

A mixed night, but not too bad for the Government.
Momentum have not wiped out the Conservatives as they thought they would in the local elections. They couldn't even hold onto Nuneaton and Bedworth.

A mixed night, but not too bad for the Government.

The results from last night are bad for Labour in my opinion. To only basically stay the same as they did 2 years ago is appalling, especially against a Government who have lied their way through the last month and who have been basically appalling since the EU Ref. To not make serious gains, even at a reduced Council level is not good enough and shows the Country doesn't think we have an alternative. We won't get one either as JC won't go anywhere and they will somehow spin it into a positive.

Amazed to discover this morning that Walsall was a key target Council for both Tories and Labour...could have fooled me with the lack of effort from both sides and amazingly the Council remains with no overall control.

On the plus side though, UKIP slip further towards death.
Momentum have not wiped out the Conservatives as they thought they would in the local elections. They couldn't even hold onto Nuneaton and Bedworth.

A mixed night, but not too bad for the Government.

Currently the UK is sitting with the devil you know than the devil you don't. Unless something drastically changes in the UK, e.g. a recession, then there is nothing alternate for people to vote for.
Lost Derby overall control based on local and National issues. Leader of the council is hated and incompetent and lost his Ward to UKIP. We seem to be the new Brexit capital of Britain everywhere else in the country they were wiped out, here they made a gain and held on to their other seat that was up for election.
The results from last night are bad for Labour in my opinion. To only basically stay the same as they did 2 years ago is appalling, especially against a Government who have lied their way through the last month and who have been basically appalling since the EU Ref. To not make serious gains, even at a reduced Council level is not good enough and shows the Country doesn't think we have an alternative. We won't get one either as JC won't go anywhere and they will somehow spin it into a positive.

Amazed to discover this morning that Walsall was a key target Council for both Tories and Labour...could have fooled me with the lack of effort from both sides and amazingly the Council remains with no overall control.

On the plus side though, UKIP slip further towards death.

I think what people on here and those that have an interest in politics forget is that a lot of the Country have a better standard of living than they did when Conservatives first came in, so without looking into the detail then people we be happy with what is currently running the Country.
Currently the UK is sitting with the devil you know than the devil you don't. Unless something drastically changes in the UK, e.g. a recession, then there is nothing alternate for people to vote for.

Correct. Labour is not presenting any kind of alternative positive message at the moment.
Take your pick:




https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance...second-highest-in-Europe-in-2010-EU-says.html (Living standards the second highest in the EU in 2010...that will not be the case now)

You'd be extremely hard pushed to make the case that people are better off on the whole in 2018 than they were in 2010.
Currently the UK is sitting with the devil you know than the devil you don't. Unless something drastically changes in the UK, e.g. a recession, then there is nothing alternate for people to vote for.

Probably true, plus the Conservatives seem to have benefited from the collapse of the UKIP vote.
We were in a recession when Conservatives came in. There was a lot of the private sector employees on a pay freeze, no chance of changing jobs and over 2 million more people out of work. Regardless of inflation those people will see their standard of living being better.

We weren't in a recession, we had strong growth when the Tories came in. They torpedoed that with austerity.

The employment figures are a sham as a measure; a) we have a greater working age population now, b) more people are forced to work into their 60s and 70s than previously, c) more families are forced to have both parents working, d) many of the "extra" people in employment are doing so earning a pittance while being nominally self-employed or are on zero hours contracts, e) the figures discount the people who aren't in work but also don't receive any benefits, because while we can afford to bomb Syria, we can't afford to pay someone £70 a week if they lose their job so we fudge a reason why they aren't entitled to anything and can just take themselves down to the foodbank, because that's ok.
Take your pick:




https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance...second-highest-in-Europe-in-2010-EU-says.html (Living standards the second highest in the EU in 2010...that will not be the case now)

You'd be extremely hard pushed to make the case that people are better off on the whole in 2018 than they were in 2010.

How many people do you think look into these things in this much detail?

My wages have gone up and the Government are reducing what I have to pay to them. Fuck you Mr Sainsbury's for putting my bottle of milk up.
We weren't in a recession, we had strong growth when the Tories came in. They torpedoed that with austerity.

The employment figures are a sham as a measure; a) we have a greater working age population now, b) more people are forced to work into their 60s and 70s than previously, c) more families are forced to have both parents working, d) many of the "extra" people in employment are doing so earning a pittance while being nominally self-employed or are on zero hours contracts, e) the figures discount the people who aren't in work but also don't receive any benefits, because while we can afford to bomb Syria, we can't afford to pay someone £70 a week if they lose their job so we fudge a reason why they aren't entitled to anything and can just take themselves down to the foodbank, because that's ok.

so without looking into the detail then people we be happy with what is currently running the Country.

It's only the truly politically engaged that by and large turn out for local elections unless there is a burning local issue. If you look at the votes needed to win a Ward it is typically 1-2k, with turnout mid 30-40's.
I like JC as a person but it's clear that he's never going to be prime minister, he's just not attractive enough to enough people, and the press have destroyed him. The problem now is that the Labour membership will keep him in, as a "fuck you" to the press, despite the fact its the wrong thing for the party and the country. He should be pummelling May every day, on radio, on TV, calling her out for the lying incompetent bastard that she is, but he's seemingly quite happy bumbling along giving her an easy ride. He's nowhere near aggressive (or clever) enough to take advantage of this terrible government unfortunately
I like JC as a person but it's clear that he's never going to be prime minister, he's just not attractive enough to enough people, and the press have destroyed him. The problem now is that the Labour membership will keep him in, as a "fuck you" to the press, despite the fact its the wrong thing for the party and the country. He should be pummelling May every day, on radio, on TV, calling her out for the lying incompetent bastard that she is, but he's seemingly quite happy bumbling along giving her an easy ride. He's nowhere near aggressive (or clever) enough to take advantage of this terrible government unfortunately

All true, but Labour also need to be providing a positive alternative message as well as holding the govt to account. They are failing badly to do both. They need to take a look back at what brought new Labour to power back in '97. Not the policies or the centre-right philosophy, but the way they offered hope and change after years of a tired, divided and incompetent Conservative government. Similar to Barry in the States too. Just waiting for the other side to fuck up is not enough.
I'm awaiting the turnout for yesterday. It'll be embarrassingly low.