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Keir Starmer at it again..

Has he? It’s the tory cunts fucking the finances that are the cause of backing off

He reiterated the £28bn as recently as Monday. The finances haven't changed in the last few days. He's basically let himself be bullied into dropping it by CCHQ
Has he? It’s the tory cunts fucking the finances that are the cause of backing off
Governments spending money is a choice, even when there isn’t actually any money to spend. Labour are backing off the £28 billion pledge because they think it is an attack line for the Tories in an election campaign. They could choose to spend £28 billion a year if they wanted to.
Governments spending money is a choice, even when there isn’t actually any money to spend. Labour are backing off the £28 billion pledge because they think it is an attack line for the Tories in an election campaign. They could choose to spend £28 billion a year if they anted to.
Yep, and the result is that the Tories will say they don't "have a plan" because that's exactly how it appears.

They are going to get elected purely because of Tory fatigue, yay. That fills me with so much hope and optimism.
My biggest concern is that they pave the way for an increasing shift to the right. What happens if/when they completely fail to make a difference to the lives of the already disenfranchised working class? That leaves a gaping chasm that is historically almost always filled by the extreme right. A Labour government that just continues to work for the wealthy and for business and not to make a big impact to the lives of ordinary people WILL inevitably create an opportunity for the extreme right to exploit. And they will exploit it.
There's a fag paper between the Cameron Conservative party and Labour now. It's a terrible state of affairs and @Dire Wolf is spot on unfortunately.
I have been thinking about that quite a lot. The political spectrum does seem to have shifted to the right. If it makes the Conservatives utterly unelectable then that is a small mercy but I’m not sure Labour should be as centrist as it appears. Maybe the more left leaning policy might be second term stuff but there are no guarantees at all.
Maybe the more left leaning policy might be second term stuff but there are no guarantees at all.

I'm now just desperately clinging on to the fact that Angela Raynor said on TRIP-L that we can expect to see Starmer be lot more radical once he's been in office for a couple of years. He doesn't even have to be radical tbf, just centre-left rather than this uber-cautious bullshit
You would hope so but I can certainly see why those on the left of the spectrum are extremely sceptical.
He'd ditch Raynor if he could so I wouldn't rely on her predictions.

I think the length of his tenure as PM will be driven by how long it takes the Tories to sort themselves out. Once they return to being a competent centre right opposition, led by serious politicians they'll win back power as we are a conservative country. Give the gig to someone like Badenoch and he can plan for 2 terms from the start
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This current iteration of the Labour Party is terrible. Set aside what you think of 2015 Labour Party, 2017 offered an alternative and while I don't believe they would have got that 2017 manifesto work in practice (likely hung parliament during Brexit) it did at least spark debate and enthused people.

Starmer has nothing. His one bold flagship policy sunk not by the media or the Tories...but by fiscal rules they invented themselves. Fiscal rules are a relatively new "invention" parroted by Gordon Brown onwards...but they are meaningless when it is the government themselves that write, set and ultimately bend those rules to suit themselves.

Starmer had one policy that was a clear defining line with the Tories and he has ditched it.

He is a manager, not a leader but I think he is quite capable of pulling a Theresa May and losing a significant chunk of his current polling lead.