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Leeds 2 - Wolves 1 the what did we expect verdict thread

Parkins left foot

'Quirk's Gay Game Winner'
May 11, 2012
Reaction score
No attacking intent so what did we expect

Reasonably solid at the back by the sound of it, but if we create little in their half we are not going to win a game

Very hard to pick a MoTM from that
You've got to wonder what goes through Kenny Jackett's mind at times. He does realise we've played that awful diamond formation previously this season and it doesn't work? He does know that playing a central midfielder nominally on the left of midfield means you're going to be extremely vulnerable on that side of defence? These are all flaws we've seen before and he repeats the same thing, truly shocking management.

That's before we get into him using Helan, Sigurdarson and Le Fondre (none of whom will be here next season) ahead of our own youth players who we might actually need next season given we aren't going to be in a position to run with a squad of 25+ senior pros.

Oh, and it was another first half where we haven't had a shot on target. Third one this month alone. We must easily be in double figures for that, honestly wouldn't surprise me if we were nudging 20 occasions for the season.

It's not about the result, this is about as close as I get to not caring about the result because there's literally nothing at stake. It's the method, Ken. Or the lack of it. The fact that the same things keep happening - nonsensical tactics, selections that defy all logic, a complete lack of attacking threat, hyper-attritional football without even the pay off of ruthlessly efficiently grinding out results - and you never, ever, ever fucking learn. That's what pisses me off. You keep banging on about giving the fans something to cheer for at the end of the season, how we need to show more going forward, how about you hold up your bit of the bargain? Because playing a bloke who's gone 28 hours of competitive football without a goal as an isolated lone forward is pretty unlikely to be the answer to anything.

Looking forward to Saturday, it's gonna be ACE.
No attacking intent so what did we expect

Reasonably solid at the back by the sound of it, but if we create little in their half we are not going to win a game

Very hard to picka MoTM from that

Kenny Jackett MotM for providing a fluid attacking display of football only Poccetinho could dream of. Or did I dream that?
Oh, and that's 3 wins in 17 games now. Yeah, we've had injuries, yeah, Afobe went in the middle of the season (which is a strategic error by those above the manager). That's an unacceptable return though in this division in any circumstances, he's still got and had resources that loads of other clubs in the league would dream of. To put it into context Neil Warnock has won six out of the last ten with a dismal Rotherham squad.

Pound for pound, Kenny Jackett is the worst performing manager in the Championship this season and by some distance.
Well that was poor again until ALF and Mason come on, we looked ok last 10 minutes and we will rue that Mason sitter.

I'm past slagging Jackett off I can't be bothered anymore.

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I cannot believe there are people still defending Jackett and harping on about injuries and players being sold. His team selections, over use of some players, under use of other players, barmy cautious tactics and weird substitutions are all down to him
At this point in the season, with absolutely nothing to play for (we aren't going to be relegated or promoted) then just caust caution to the wind and see what you get.

Just that Kenny is not that sort of Manager - he was the right man for where we were when we fell into league 1 (& it was needed after the double relegation & toxic atmosphere), but he's not now.

Need someone who can bring on the bit of quality we have in our youth ranks, but combine that with enough experience to allow them the freedom to express themselves
I cannot believe there are people still defending Jackett and harping on about injuries and players being sold. His team selections, over use of some players, under use of other players, barmy cautious tactics and weird substitutions are all down to him

It's crazy. Out of all the players he has signed in the championship, only one can get in the team and that took 18 months!

We were shit before injuries, we are shit after.
Oh, and that's 3 wins in 17 games now. Yeah, we've had injuries, yeah, Afobe went in the middle of the season (which is a strategic error by those above the manager). That's an unacceptable return though in this division in any circumstances, he's still got and had resources that loads of other clubs in the league would dream of. To put it into context Neil Warnock has won six out of the last ten with a dismal Rotherham squad.

Pound for pound, Kenny Jackett is the worst performing manager in the Championship this season and by some distance.

3 in 17? What makes that worse, I genuinely didn't think it was that bad.

I have never felt this depressed towards the end of the season about a manager than I did under Hoddle in 06. Out of the blue, being as the board didn't have the balls to do it themselves, Hoddle thankfully walked and like a flash I had every enthusiasm for the season ahead - even before a different manager was linked, and even during an England loss at the World Cup. I can only hope and pray something similar happens this summer.
Jackett was the right man for the time he came in & did a good job at that point - he's not now & needs to realise that

Then again ahead of a sale doubt anything is likely to change
Another piss poor performance. I've passed the point of caring and wish I'd stayed in the pub.

Highlight of the night was the Leeds fans taking the piss out of a Wolves fan "with Jimmy Savile hair" That's how bad it was.
Pish. Boring game but we at least looked solid until Jackett's tactical masterstroke. Going 4-4-2 killed us, Edwards and Price just let them waltz through us time and time again. Leeds should've beaten us by 2 or 3 clear goals.

Ikeme shat the bed for the second. Went right through him.

Sav & Doc the only decent players.
The worrying factor about all of this is that next season could be even worse.
I think we've already seen the last win of the season.
Baffled by his tactics, and Siggy has gone 28 hrs on the field without a goal and still gets picked.
Almost forget to mention James Henry. Fucking shite the useless lazy poser. Slower than the QE2, the first touch of a battering ram and the passing range of an 18th century cannon. How Jackett didn't hook him off half way through that performance I'll never know.
The worrying factor about all of this is that next season could be even worse.
I think we've already seen the last win of the season.
Baffled by his tactics, and Siggy has gone 28 hrs on the field without a goal and still gets picked.
I've posted very similar on another thread
The worry is if Matt Doherty is the best player (which is possibly quite correct) then I will worry for what this next season will will give us
The outlook going forward is bleak, we probably need to bring in three decent players in the summer just to stand still.
I still think if hadn't had suffered as many injuries as we have we'd still be way short of the top 6 and wouldn't be much better off than we are now.