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Norwich 2 - 0 Wolves: The "It's probably not as bad as it seems" Verdict Thread.


…unlucky Del - No chance 😉
Nov 30, 2012
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Norwich 2 - 0 Wolves: The "It's probably not as bad as it seems" Verdict Thread.

*wets pants*
This is what happens if you don't invest in the club. I seriously question Morgan's ambitions for the club. We have no depth, we are one-dimensional. Two decent strikers with little service and a lack of options. Yes, give some of the youngsters a chance, let's see who's hungry enough and who might be in contention for places in the Championship, next season.

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It is when you work in Norwich. A week of how shit we are. Brilliant.

And why bring Dave Edwards on at 1-0? That's the defeat guaranteed right there.
Disappointing performance by the sounds of it, we never really in the game.

We are probably not quite ready for a play off push sadly.
It is when you work in Norwich. A week of his $#@! we are. Brilliant.

And why bring Dave Edwards on at 1-0? That's the defeat guaranteed right there.

No-one else that can offer what we need on the bench - and that's a dubious option. No strikers.

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Norwich are a much better team than us. This result is nothing to get depressed about.
Possession 58-42
Shots 13-4
On target 5-2
And from the reports/commentaries seems like we were 2nd best by some distance.
Price/McDonald against Johnson/Howson is midfield was described as a mis-match
This result/performance shows we are in the position we deserve to be with the players we have, all of the teams above are better than us except probably Brentford. For me our midfield is the biggest problem, against decent teams our current CM's are just not quite up to it which is why I think Edwards plays so often as he gives a bit of protection with his workrate/desire.
We will prbably finish 7th which for me is a good 1st season back at this level....provided we can bring a bit of improvement in the summer
I think we have to lower our expectations. The 4-1 win at Huddersfield certainly buoyed me up, probably too much. We have an average squad with little depth (2 or 3 good players), an owner with shallow pockets and a manager who is unproven above this level. Should we finish in the top 8, I will be happy enough but will rue the missed opportunities to improve our squad. This is reality.

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Now Brentford have fallen out of the top six, all the teams in there bar Ipswich have significantly better squads than ours IMO. Ipswich have Mick who is doing what he does and extracting the absolute maximum from a limited collection of players.

We are about where we should be, if people decide to change their expectations game by game then that really suggests a complete lack of perspective.
This is what happens if you don't invest in the club. I seriously question Morgan's ambitions for the club. We have no depth, we are one-dimensional. Two decent strikers with little service and a lack of options. Yes, give some of the youngsters a chance, let's see who's hungry enough and who might be in contention for places in the Championship, next season.

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Me too, I mean, why get promoted and earn all that extra cash when you can stay in the Championship.
We spent £2m on Afobe less than a month ago. Such shallow pockets....
sadly we are not good enough for promotion this year it seems..not enough quality/depth and other teams have better squads
You normally judge the quality of a team by who's on the bench. Who was there today that could turn the game ??
KJ always seems to identify the problem in post match interviews, but never acts on them next time. Very frustrating for what could be this season.
We spent £2m on Afobe less than a month ago. Such shallow pockets....


All on the wage bill last summer, conservatively that's what - £140k a week we were burning through with only one of them providing any return at all? We simply weren't in the position to chuck a load of dollar at it after we got promoted, plus I think most people would support a meritocracy of giving the players who got us up a chance to prove themselves or otherwise.

Given that none of the above will be on the payroll after June let's see what we do in the close season before we start thumping keyboards about "shallow pockets".
Now Brentford have fallen out of the top six, all the teams in there bar Ipswich have significantly better squads than ours IMO. Ipswich have Mick who is doing what he does and extracting the absolute maximum from a limited collection of players.

We are about where we should be, if people decide to change their expectations game by game then that really suggests a complete lack of perspective.

Agreed Dan. At the moment it looks like eighth place is about right. We have done quite well this season but maybe we are not quite ready for the play offs, though if we went on another run then who knows.
An anaemic performance but as most have said 7th-10th is about our level with squad we have at our disposal, today pretty much ends any play-off hope. I know it's only a five point gap but all the sides in that top six are better than us and have more depth.
if we finish 8th I'll say that's a good season back at this level and not a failure at all like WM seem to be suggesting.
KJ always seems to identify the problem in post match interviews, but never acts on them next time.

Will this tired old shite please die a quick death? Ken has sorted out every problem that has arisen in his time here and has got a fantastic reaction out of his players every time he's needed one.
I would be pretty happy with 7th first time back. And we will get 7th by finishing above Brentford.
Beaten by a better side, and there are at least half a dozen of those in the chumps right now.
We ain't doing so bad, and yes, it seems we need a serious upgrade in midfield, but as always......who? how much? and most important, will those players come to wolves?.

I don't think Morgan is so much of a cheapskate on the fees front, but he is certainly not going to end up with huge salaries for donkeys like we have recently.
I can't find too much fault in that frankly.

Top eight ain't the greatest, but for those with short memories it has been worse.