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In a statement at the end of October the firm said: “Hewden has been impacted by market uncertainty following the vote to leave the EU. The vote has adversely affected a number of large construction and capital investment projects.

Brexit was possibly the final nail in the coffin as Hewden's sought to re-finance the company after a string of annual losses from 2010 - 2014.
How nice for him. I thought we were having nothing to do with that institution now?
The EU are right to tell him to knob off and mind his own business. You don't want to be part of the club you don't get to comment on its future direction, even if you are still a member in the short term.

I've got a girl leaving my company in the next couple of months, she doesn't get a say in what we do next year.
More like '...but the ones that will bear the brunt are too busy desperately trying to put food on the table and thinking that the Tories give a shit'
More like '...but the ones that will bear the brunt are too busy desperately trying to put food on the table and thinking that the Tories give a shit'

Do you struggle to put food on the table? If not, that comment is ridiculous,
Take a look:


Thats the income change according to your income. The bottom 50% have seen a net loss under the Tories. The next 45% a gain, and the top 5% a loss.

|Whatever happened to the notion that the broadest shoulders should carry the heaviest burden?

Do you accept that its ok to tax/cut benefits from poor people in order to fund tax cuts for the rich?
As per usual you have a blind spot when it comes to your party.
I have an issue when it comes to benefit fraud and tax evasion. As a public servant everything was PAYE. So I have always paid exactly what I owe and have never claimed any benefits other than child benefit. yet every year there is between 1.2 Billion and 1.6 billion in benefit fraud and 4.4 billion in tax fraud. This govt however concentrates more effort in the benefit fraud than the evasion. Is this because the richest tend to be tory backers? Rhetorical question.

All fraud should be investigated. The benefits system needed an overhaul and it was clear some people have been taking the piss and have been for years but they are in a minority. The same goes with tax evasion however big corporations often get away with absolute murder- see starbucks and Apple for example. http://www.theweek.co.uk/62461/benefit-fraud-v-tax-evasion-which-costs-more
Do you struggle to put food on the table? If not, that comment is ridiculous,
That's a very poor and telling comment frank. Should we only care about ourselves?

Quite sad really if that is your view, I thought better of you.
I have an issue when it comes to benefit fraud and tax evasion. As a public servant everything was PAYE. So I have always paid exactly what I owe and have never claimed any benefits other than child benefit. yet every year there is between 1.2 Billion and 1.6 billion in benefit fraud and 4.4 billion in tax fraud. This govt however concentrates more effort in the benefit fraud than the evasion. Is this because the richest tend to be tory backers? Rhetorical question.

All fraud should be investigated. The benefits system needed an overhaul and it was clear some people have been taking the piss and have been for years but they are in a minority. The same goes with tax evasion however big corporations often get away with absolute murder- see starbucks and Apple for example. http://www.theweek.co.uk/62461/benefit-fraud-v-tax-evasion-which-costs-more

As a private limited company, based on the amount of tax I paid (corporation, ErNI, Business rates, etc) compared to the money I take home, it works out that my rate of tax was 85% and I'm pretty sure there are a hell of a lot of business owners in exactly the same position, so is there any wonder people try to evade/avoid paying tax?

Obviously, big corporates avoiding/evading tax is totally wrong.

100% deduction for what you invest off your taxable income - 30% relief (sorry guys, tax relief is limited to max £1m per annum so don't get too excited!)
Loss relief if the investment fails
so depending on the investor's tax bracket, for every £ invested c35p risk to the investor for 100% upside, c65p risk to the Treasury (ie rest of the taxpayers) for zero upside
oh yeah, and capital gains relief on the gain when you dispose of the shares as well

very nice if you can afford it.