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The Mental Health thread

My mental state has been tested these last weeks. Core biopsy then a week wait, vaccumn assisted biopsy then another week wait, then a wait for call from hospital with results, which have come back as ' very suspicious ' . I have felt like I've been going insane with anxiety and fear.

Hospital at 9 in the morning for the next step.
A tough few weeks. This last few days in particular has been hard.

I won't give in though. Fuck that. People need me as a ticket tout for a start.

Ticket tout and table reserver. Don't give in, as without you there are members of the group who'd end up sat outside Molineux in a pool of their own piss.
My mental state has been tested these last weeks. Core biopsy then a week wait, vaccumn assisted biopsy then another week wait, then a wait for call from hospital with results, which have come back as ' very suspicious ' . I have felt like I've been going insane with anxiety and fear.

Hospital at 9 in the morning for the next step.

Best wishes PPB. Hope it goes well for you.
Ticket tout and table reserver. Don't give in, as without you there are members of the group who'd end up sat outside Molineux in a pool of their own piss.

I don't doubt it.

Plus who could live without my world class Roy Keane impression.

If you look past the faded boyband hair, I'm a tough wee geezer. I'll get through it and be stronger than ever.
A tough few weeks. This last few days in particular has been hard.

I won't give in though. Fuck that. People need me as a ticket tout for a start.

Mate, this has been the roughest few weeks in a long time. It's one bastard thing after another at the moment.

My wife's aunt passed away. We were both close to her
Her family are arguing over will
Wife off work with stress
My dad is having heart surgery today
I have a member of staff out for a month with stress, which has cranked up the pressure on me
My apartment has cracks in the masonry, and we have had a month of rain meaning we have damp now
I have had to deliver 2 weeks of training plus deliver all my other tasks due to the stress issue
Arguments and family issues on my Mums side

I am usually quite good at managing my own mental health but I feel I am responsible for a lot of other people's at the moment and my own is suffering.
Sorry to hear that Rob.

Pass on my best to your Da when he's feeling better (he will).
Rob - just stand back & realise that you are not responsible for everything.

Pass on my best wishes to Roy as well
ditto here Rob! Let your dad know we're thinking of him.

Look after yourself. It's imperative you do, to enable yourself to be there for those close to you.
well guys i'm still he re fighting ! lessons learned . lifes not fair .people can be fking horrible . no matter how bad you feel theres always some one worce off . some people are fking horrible :) . never give up ! . you don't owe anyone anything . be nice , be kind , be you , and I can't spell for shit :fingerpoint:
DDW, all the best to your Dad and wish him a speedy recovery, and don't forget to look after yourself too.
well guys i'm still he re fighting ! lessons learned . lifes not fair .people can be fking horrible . no matter how bad you feel theres always some one worce off . some people are fking horrible :) . never give up ! . you don't owe anyone anything . be nice , be kind , be you , and I can't spell for shit :fingerpoint:

Keep fighting tricky. Never give up, keep fighting, put things into perspective, life can be shit at times but it can also be wonderful, and my motto in life ' Always be yourself '

PS....your spelling isn't that bad.
Dan - the fact that you can write about this so cogently shows that you should have no reason to underplay your ability.

If sometimes you don't feel able to then that's fine. Those who enjoy your work will wait.
My 2nd cousin essentially drank himself to death on Christmas Eve in our local pub. He lived across the road from us with his mum and dad and was found dead in the fields Christmas Day morning.

I didn’t really know him, but did see him to say hello during the afternoon in the pub. Have no idea what to say to his Mum and Dad, I can’t imagine what they are going through. I’m a little out of sorts from the whole thing, our family has always had a difficult relationship with alcohol.
That is awful mate, so sorry to hear that. Thoughts with you and your family.