I know I've mentioned it before on the original Games thread, but RUSE is an exceptionally good strategy game, one of the best I've ever played. Brilliant, brilliant fun, plenty of different modes, including some 'What if?' scenarios, such as defending London from a German invasion, and even on the Beginner difficulty some of the later missions in the campaign are extremely tough. One where you have to defend Bastogne from a massive German assault took me several attempts, and a few different variations of setting up my defences properly to figure out the best strategy. And the 'Ruse' system is brilliant- build a decoy army to draw out the enemy, camouflage your bases so they can't be found, attack using radio silence so that the enemy doesn't know where you are, all add a little something different to the strategy game. Would definitely put up there for one of my favourite games of the year, especially if you like a little something to tax the brain cells.