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Welcome to Wolves Ruben Vinagre


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2011
Reaction score
Managed to keep this one quiet! Highly-rated young Portuguese left-back, on season-long loan from Monaco.
Backup to Bazza? Or one for the U23s?
Thats Deslandes done at Wolves then..
TWO left backs on the books at the same time? Shouldn't be possible.
We wouldn't loan someone for a year if they were not in consideration for a first team spot, what would be the point.
Seems a decent signing. Can't wait to see him rub some salt into the wounds of the opposition... I predict some sour faces.
Welcome to Wolves Ruben.

Looks like he's quite highly rated and in a position where we really needed numbers. I'd imagine he'll just be back up/competition for Baz initially but will see quite a lot of action over a 46 game season.
I heard he strokes the ball beautifully.
Welcome to Wolves, Ruben! After recent years, I haven't quite got used to the fact that we will be playing with proper full-backs this season, and with proper back-ups if either are injured (well, at left-back, anyway!).
Good stuff - will have the chance to bed in but hopefully by the time the games start coming thick and fast and we need to give Douglas a break he will be ready to step in
I may forever read his surname as vinaigrette, however.