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Wolves v Huddersfield - Build Up & Match Thread


EMF Band Member. Dube player.
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
So after the bore fest that was yesterday, will we see any changes to the squad to at least give us a view of the future at Wolves. Id love to see Burgoyne, Gibbs White, Wilson all given starts. And Id go as far as sticking Herc and Ennis on the bench. The current strike force we have are as dry as Planet Dune, and the creativity behind them as productive as Stevie Wonder working on the production line at Land Rover.. Of course we'll see none of that and Savile will fill in at left back when we have Deslandes chomping at the bit to show a bit, Edwards Saiss will continue to run a bit and try Gerrard balls that the Checkout assistant in Isle one at Asda watching the skies.....

So in a nutshell will Lambert see he's really got crap in the first eleven and bloody change it and give the kids a run. We have nothing to lose, who gives a fuck if this will effect anything for anybody else, but hell we'll surely not be playing any weakened side with what we have been seeing recently will we..
Lambo has said there will be changes. Whether you believe him or not or whether those changes will just be swapping deadwood for deadwood, who can say.

Deslandes is still technically on loan at Bury and won't make it here I'm afraid. Just not good enough.

I would go (assuming Zyro and Graham aren't ready for consideration):





And let's have Ennis on the bench ready for at least half an hour. Saiss gets one last stay of execution although he was fucking terrible yesterday.

But we won't do that. I expect Sav at LB - did fine there yesterday, as he has done in his other appearances, but much like Coady it's a sticking plaster solution - Lonergan to inexplicably keep his place despite being absolutely appalling, Edwards to obviously play and Bod to blunder around up front.
Lambo has said there will be changes. Whether you believe him or not or whether those changes will just be swapping deadwood for deadwood, who can say.

Deslandes is still technically on loan at Bury and won't make it here I'm afraid. Just not good enough.

I would go (assuming Zyro and Graham aren't ready for consideration):





And let's have Ennis on the bench ready for at least half an hour. Saiss gets one last stay of execution although he was fucking terrible yesterday.

But we won't do that. I expect Sav at LB - did fine there yesterday, as he has done in his other appearances, but much like Coady it's a sticking plaster solution - Lonergan to inexplicably keep his place despite being absolutely appalling, Edwards to obviously play and Bod to blunder around up front.

I'd be well happy with that team, but its not gunna happen.....nowhere near. The midield can be any 3 from the all the dross we have, I still think Evans is shit and I was so depressed by Saiss yesterday, he's had a couple of games on the bounce so was expecting him to exert some measure of control but he was probably the worst player on the pitch......including Lonergan, constantly out of position, poor ball control, not very good short passing, inept tackling, and as for his long range passing/shooting.....
The more I see of Saiss, the more I think he's slow in mind as well as body. You look at someone like Michael Carrick who couldn't run when he was 21 but he's had an outstanding career because he reads games, sees passes before he's even received the ball, anticipates danger. Everything Saiss does defensively is reactive and he wants so much time on the ball that you're just never going to get in this league.

His passing is incredibly hit and miss too. For every Hollywood crossfield ball there are 3-4 cheap concessions of possession, invariably in shocking areas too.
By the way, Lonergan. I'm now marking him down as worse than Paul Jones' second spell or Tony Lange. Other than Beasant or Hansbury who were both stopgap loans I can't think of a worse keeper we've had (who actually played games) in the last 30 years.

Absolute fucking shit. But then we knew that when we signed him. Should have been replaced as soon as Fosun took over, we grabbed him while we were in limbo and had one (rubbish) senior keeper at the club, he was cheap and available. He's no kind of option though. I wouldn't have him in a parks team.
The more I see of Saiss, the more I think he's slow in mind as well as body. You look at someone like Michael Carrick who couldn't run when he was 21 but he's had an outstanding career because he reads games, sees passes before he's even received the ball, anticipates danger. Everything Saiss does defensively is reactive and he wants so much time on the ball that you're just never going to get in this league.

His passing is incredibly hit and miss too. For every Hollywood crossfield ball there are 3-4 cheap concessions of possession, invariably in shocking areas too.

This is how I see it now, get rid, in fact give all our CM away......can't see a half decent one among em
Surprised anyone cares... the players don't.

Once this ones out the way it's another step closer to the end of the season. That's the way I look at it.

It's an unfortunate stance to have, but I'm way past caring about watching Dave Edwards & Conor Coady (amongst others) aimlessly run around for 90 minutes again.
Surprised anyone cares... the players don't.

Once this ones out the way it's another step closer to the end of the season. That's the way I look at it.

It's an unfortunate stance to have, but I'm way past caring about watching Dave Edwards & Conor Coady (amongst others) aimlessly run around for 90 minutes again.

Id include Wiemann in that as well..
You had the feeling yesterday that the crowd were willing Lonergan to fuck up so they could lambast him.

Burgoyne, Batth, Coady, Edwards, Enobakhare, Wilson, Ennis
I'd be happy with that. Ruddys not played much for the u23's so it may be too soon, but happy with the rest.
A dilemma for me - have a fair bit of ticket cash left (which will be wiped out at the end of the season as they won't carry it over) - can't do the Derby game as otherwise engaged & the 2 home games are at stupid times/days which will mean an overnight stop as no trains to get me there or back (well can get one way, but not the other) on the same day.

If I thought that there might be some innovation given our position then I might still think about coming up, but if it's just going to be Batth, Coady, Saville (with the last two way out of position) Edwards etc (I could go on, but I'm getting depressed - though would have to include Lonergan in that list) then I think I might just donate the ticket cash back to the club.

They can buy a fingernail of a decent player with that.
If you buy a MyWolves membership (£17.50) then you can use your existing ticket cash towards it. I know because I renewed mine on Saturday. If you choose direct debit when you renew as well, you get a free game in August. No doubt on top of the usual two "free" £5 ticket cash games during the season.

If you have enough ticket cash to cover that then it's a no brainer really.
I've noticed Jordon Graham is not in the u23 squad for tonight...

But Wilson, Herc and Ennis are FFS
Was Saiss really that bad then. Shame, thought he had potential to be good here. TBH I still hope he gets a chance in a re-formed team.
I still think he does. I'm not saying he is a world beater but I think he has better pedigree and ability than any of our centre midfielders. Now, that may not say a lot but around better quality players, and having had a season to adapt, I think he is capable of being in a side pushing for top six. Minus the bookings...
Im not going to slag Saiss off like others are, the bloke has only ever started three games in a row this season. He needs to be given games on a consistent basis, and not three games here and three games there.