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You lot can all go, and this is why...

Deutsch Wolf

aka Dawn
Oct 16, 2009
Reaction score
I've thought about whether this is kneejerk or not. The thing is I don't think it is. That should be an absolute watershed game. We have had three largely shit seasons in a row and it's time to make major changes.

So, the roll call:

Sa: Absolutely sick of this fucking idiot. He just does stupid things all the time. He's 30 years old so quite obviously isn't going to learn. Awful distribution and lets in joke goals regularly.

Sarkic: The manager has already made his mind up, we can't even trust him to be #2 at this level. 26 before the season starts so not even young, so don't loan him, sell him.

Semedo: I think we've all given up on him actually being value for money. Or providing proper attacking output...and in the modern game, if you don't do that as a full back, you have to be flawless defensively. He isn't. He has plenty of good games and obviously isn't absolutely rubbish, but enough crap ones too and his character is not great. No amortisation left on the books due to the weird way we structured his contract so invoke that extension (no point throwing away an asset for free) and sell for any decent bid, we'll get one off a team who want a quick(ish) defensive RB. It'll be a loss but so be it.

Ait-Nouri: We don't use him and he's spent a month not even being able to get on a 9 man bench despite being fully fit. Is there a good player in there, I believe yes, is it going to happen here, probably no. Sell before his value drops right off.

Jonny: What we signed and had for two years was a superb defender. Due to injuries that has gone and is never coming back on any kind of reliable basis, I know it, you know it, he knows it, the manager knows it. He's not even good for back up now. Some low ranking La Liga club would take him, we may have to take a hit on wages.

Kilman: So ridiculously meek and passive most of the time. He's got it in him to have good games but it's not enough and we're always going to have to sort out a partner who does all the heavy lifting in terms of organisation and leadership if he plays.

Collins: I was advocating this one for a while before we signed him so blame me if you like. Just looks nowhere near £20m. Quick enough across the ground but slow in thought, weak in the tackle, crap on the ball, nothing like dominant enough in the air for his size and a howler is always right round the corner.

Coady: What he's done at this club should never be forgotten. There's also no way back. I'm sorry the way it ended, largely due to the ex-manager being a prick, but what's gone is gone.

Sanderson: Miles off the standard required and should have gone a year ago.

Giles: Never a PL left back and he doesn't fit anywhere else. Never going to be worth more than he is now, hopefully Boro get promoted and take him.

Hoever: A little burst of form at Stoke has been extinguished and once again is in and out of their team (and they are rubbish). Woeful signing, write it off.

Matheson: Out of contract and has struggled throughout his time here to even get a regular spot in Academy teams. Lovely, lovely lad. Very intelligent. He'll make a good living somewhere, don't think it'll be as a footballer though.

Marques: Out of contract, development has stalled, let him go and wish him luck.

Richards: Can't stay fit and isn't up to standard, sorry lad.

Neves: Going to be a very sad day when he leaves but all the messaging says he's off. So I've made my peace with it, to a point. We could do with the money with the amount of players we need. I'm not having the argument that we're better without him, we aren't, but this is the natural end for us all.

Moutinho: Another that will break my heart. Quite possibly my favourite Wolves player ever. However he can't really be starting 10+ games next season, and we can't carry that cost. Love you man.

Nunes: Yes, it's early. Yes, he has ability. Yes, he's not been helped by coming into a team with multiple long standing issues. But my word is he shit sometimes. I don't think he's ever going to score or create much in this country, and it's debatable whether he can even play where we signed him to play. He can go while he still has a high reputation and we can try again with someone better suited to what we actually need.

Hodge: I'm sure he's a nice kid but he is fucking crap. Zero attributes. Don't waste any more time on him.

Jordao: Permacrock who realistically has never been PL quality or even close. Bye.

Kawabe: One of the weirdest Wolves signings ever. Let's pretend it never happened.

Guedes: I fucking hate this wanker. Looked a dreadful player for multiple teams for years, we kept saying no to Mendes when he kept trying to shove him here. Eventually we give in. Guess what, he is fucking WANK. Take any bid, I don't care. Never want to see him again.

Adama: Out of contract and going. £18m was a lot at the time, we have some good memories and some valuable spells, mostly rubbish though. I won't miss him in the slightest.

Podence: Occasionally has some actual end product. Nowhere near often enough though and the bad stuff is very bad. One year left, has to go now, even at a loss.

Hwang: Well, he tries. But he's a seriously poor footballer. And breaks all the time. I guess we hope Jesse Marsch finds a job and revives their weird love affair. Again, don't care if it's a loss - he's shit and won't improve.

Corbeanu: Not good enough, find somewhere else to play.

Costa: Thanks very much for trying and for stepping in during an actual emergency. However he looks 54, not 34 half the time. 1 goal and rarely threatens to get many more. Not viable.

Raul: It's been horrible watching him try to bring back the glory days. He was so, so good. He obviously isn't now and we have no intention of using him. Do what we can to get him a move with our best wishes and give him a few quid if we have to. I don't want him rotting here for a year.

Fabio: A few goals in Belgium and the Netherlands that don't stand up to much statistical scrutiny (mostly against the absolute dross in games that were won by miles, or indeed often were already easily won when he added to the scoreline) doesn't make him credible. Question marks on whether he really wants to even come back. Cut the losses, I say. It's not his fault, but he's the albatross of the waste that has been everything since we got knocked out of Europe.

Will they all go, of course not. But I'm saying they could all go for the reasons above and I wouldn't bat an eyelid. You ran out of road today lads, and you can't turn around.
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Hard to argue with too much of that.

Having calmed down slightly I'd now probably loan Collins rather than fuck him straight off. He's young and has put in some good performances. Nowhere near ready for Premier League football though, give him a season in the Championship and reassess next summer.

Nelson has seriously pissed me off today. We were looking at right backs in January, clearly with a view to replacing him, but changed our mind when Julen turned his form around. Today was unforgivable though.

Matheus... I don't know man. If we had the strength in depth I'd be in favour of taking him out of the firing line for the rest of the season and tell him to work on his game ahead of pre-season but that would mean playing Adama or Hwang at RW which isn't an option.

I completely agree on Fábio. There's a small part of me that wants him to come back and make the #9 spot his own but realistically it's never going to happen. Anderlecht fans absolutely hated him towards the end of his spell there and PSV fans seem pretty ambivalent to him despise his repeated pleas in the press to stay there next season. I don't think he's completely useless but we should definitely be able to sign someone better and he's got the same weak mentality that's been rife in our squad for too long.

The squad building has been dreadful for so long. This isn't going to be a quick fix.
Loving this succinct analysis.

There’s a player in Nunes with a high ceiling, just not here or probably in England. Other than that I think it’s fair.
Kilman is a what if or could have been and Jonny, Neves, Joao and Raul leave with a heavy heart but we do seriously need a clear out. It’s almost like our L1 reset but on speed.
We can be a better club for it and the malaise isn’t because of today, this season or Lage. It goes back at least 12 months into Nuno’s tenure and he recognised it but didn’t and then then ultimately couldn’t change or rectify it.

There are enough still within the squad to mean we really only need a few additions, but now (five years into our most recent PL venture) has surely become the time where we decide who we need and not who our agent decides we need.
Kilman isn't dreadful by any means but I think we could generate funds from him and it looks like we need them. Similarly Fabio. Maybe you might get £40m for that pair and the same on top for Neves? RAN will fetch a bit, Mendes bloody owes us so get more than we deserve back for Guedes, and get as close to what we paid for Nunes. Giles and Sanderson have to go this year, maybe £5m the pair, we'd have got more a year ago but did another pair of pointless fucking loans.

Because if the above masterplan
came to fruition we'd have:

<Bentley seems a pretty good back up, doesn't moan, wouldn't be a disaster if he had to play>

Dawson (can he play every game though?)
<Toti as auxiliary back up, Bolla might be ok as back up RB>

<Does Sarabia go here? Maybe. Plus Chiquinho>

<We only really have him here, bar maybe Cundle>

<We don't have another striker>

It's a lot to fill all of a sudden.
Lycan and my typing clearly coincided and Collins is my only disagreement. I like the fella but goodness me he doesn’t have any attributes that shout PL defender. He should be a muck and bullets centre half but someone has told him he’s good on the ball. As a result he’s forgotten how to defend and has mixed up his right and left foot. Championship standard at best [and there’s no shame in that] but at £20+m he's really just a young Dawson/Bennett/Baath and they should cost circa £3m
One positive is that, despite the vast sums of money we've spunked up the wall recently, there's opportunity here to free up some room in the wage budget and Fosun seem to be ready to invest again.

We saw in Cunha's unveiling video Matt Hobbs talking about the project being 'back on'. Hopefully this means we can continue to add 3/4 key players in every window and begin to revolutionise this squad. GK, CB and ST are probably the most pressing areas for me.
Lucan and my typing clearly coincided and Collins is my only disagreement. I like the fella but goodness me he doesn’t have any attributes that shout PL defender. He should be a muck and bullets centre half but someone has told him he’s good on the ball. As a result he’s forgotten how to defend and has mixed up his right and left foot. Championship standard at best [and there’s no shame in that] but at £20+m he's really just a young Dawson/Bennett/Baath and they should cost circa £3m
Such a huge disappointment. I can't believe how weak he is at times. You're 6'4'' man, use it.
Such a huge disappointment. I can't believe how weak he is at times. You're 6'4'' man, use it.
The header at the back post today sums him up as a footballer.

Not only is he completely unsuited to the role he's being asked to play currently, when he's asked to do the basics of defending the penalty box he consistently comes up short.

We signed Dawson because he was available, cheap and Lopetegui clearly wanted to raise the average age of the squad in Jan. That was fine short term and he's helped keep us in the league for another season but I really don't think he should be starting every game at this point.
One positive is that, despite the vast sums of money we've spunked up the wall recently, there's opportunity here to free up some room in the wage budget and Fosun seem to be ready to invest again.

We saw in Cunha's unveiling video Matt Hobbs talking about the project being 'back on'. Hopefully this means we can continue to add 3/4 key players in every window and begin to revolutionise this squad. GK, CB and ST are probably the most pressing areas for me.
GK, CB and ST.

In reality we don’t need ‘worldies’ in these positions either.
A keeper that does the basics well and commands his area (that also now includes the ability to use their feet - no Cruyff turns or check backs required though). Shot stopping obviously comes into play but if someone screams it into the top corner so be it. Just cut out the nonsense.
CB isn’t difficult. Dawson is more than passable, he’s well into his thirties, was never too drawer even in his pomp and cost next to nothing. An upgrade/compliment to him should be easy. We don’t need a Hansen, an Adams type will do. I’d rather my midfield see more of the ball than my centre half - despite what Pep says.
Striker - again Costa has proven that despite being too old, too slow, too expensive and too [insert word for low scoring] he’s shown up as our current best option. We can’t guarantee a 20+ goal striker but we do need one that takes chances when they’re offered and contributes to the team cause. We don’t do the lone striker role well and need two/three close together to be remotely effective.
Maybe Sasa I don’t know but we certainly need another.
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Yeah, it's an issue with Dawson. Because he's done a brilliant job for us at a low fee, but it's a sticking plaster. He's 33 next week and depending how Lopetegui wants us to play...he's not an absolute clogger on the ball but at best he's BennoMax.

I would happily lose Kilman and Collins - remember we depended on that as our ONLY centre half partnership, no one else could play, should you forget what a dismal manager Bruno Lage was - and sign two centre halves.


Look at his fucking stupid face. It's not all his fault that we are where we are, but loads of it is.
I think most of this thread is fair. Based loosely on the players we've been linked to:

<Bentley seems a pretty good back up, doesn't moan, wouldn't be a disaster if he had to play>

Mazraoui (we'd need another as Lembikisa would go out on loan)
Dawson / NEW CH
/ Toti
Bueno/ Toti

Lozano /Chiquinho
Lemina/ Gomes
Neto/ Sarabia

Cunha/ Cundle

Sasa/ En Nesyri

That's 8 players, of which lots would be very expensive, and whilst I can't see it happening we signed 6 in January, so who knows?
Lycan and my typing clearly coincided and Collins is my only disagreement. I like the fella but goodness me he doesn’t have any attributes that shout PL defender. He should be a muck and bullets centre half but someone has told him he’s good on the ball. As a result he’s forgotten how to defend and has mixed up his right and left foot. Championship standard at best [and there’s no shame in that] but at £20+m he's really just a young Dawson/Bennett/Baath and they should cost circa £3m
Yep, He doesn’t have any real attributes. Plus he always looks like he’s a 16 year old boy who is 5ft7 and 10 stone playing men’s for the first time even though he’s 6ft4.

Coordination of a new born giraffe. Any time some one runs at him he’s twisting and turning getting his body shape and footwork all wrong. Regularly stands on the ball when in possession or gets his feet in a mess. Regularly caught on the ball doing something stupid.

He’s basically a shit Michael Keane. But Michael Keane will smash you, get blocks in and be dominant in the air. Collins looks too shy/timid to do anything. Like he’s scared to hurt you.

I don’t think you can coach his lack of coordination or aggression.
I have faith in Lop to make some of the players earmarked for exit more consistent and just generally better.

He wouldn't be a very good managerif he needed shot of 28 (twenty-eight!) of this squad.

A squad that he's managed to get to around 9th (?) Since he came in.

Yesterday was garbage, but yesterday was a massive outlier.
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Excellent thread and good timing in starting it, not because of yesterday but because it is time for a rethink.

I’ve watched us all season and over many resent seasons and while I’ve been very optimistic and even overly promoted our performances the fact is even if we eventually survive this season we absolutely won’t next.

When thinking about this I don’t even know what type of team we are, style of play that suits our game or standard of player we have

We need a shift change and a reset in terms of players and strategy and DW summary is spot on for me. We need basically eight new players with a substantial investment to make any kind of step up next year, so we must recoup our losses while the players have some value.
Yeah it's hard but I agree mostly. Thought Nunes would one of the missing links, kind of cm we've all been craving for years but so inconsistant.
Could it really need to be this on the first day of next season?


Subs including, Dawson, New LB, Toti, Bouba, Sasa, Sarabia, New wide forward.
Even then I'm not convinced by Sarabia and Lemina seems to have a mare occasionally.
Yeah it's hard but I agree mostly. Thought Nunes would one of the missing links, kind of cm we've all been craving for years but so inconsistant.
Could it really need to be this on the first day of next season?


Subs including, Dawson, New LB, Toti, Bouba, Sasa, Sarabia, New wide forward.
Even then I'm not convinced by Sarabia and Lemina seems to have a mare occasionally.
3 in midfield doesn't work with these players.

I'd have thought people would've seen that by now.
No Neves and Mouts who are absolutely head and shoulders above anyone else technically in our team and have carried us for basically the last two seasons.

….and add the fact that we still won’t have a recognised quality striker.

I do hope that Sasa proves me wrong but I have my doubts, even after watching him for 25 mins until he got injured, the Ston CH’s bullied the life out of him.
In agreement that there's a lot of players I'd happily move on and upgrade on. In an ideal world I'd look to play 4231 or a variation of it, but what I'd like to happen squad wise isn't realistic
I only saw the lowlights yesterday so aren't as down on Nunes as some that watched the game and the reverse for Neto.

If you are buying 6 new starters then you can't buy many squad players in addition so some compromises in who would make the shadow team

Bolla (if WP qualified)----Dawson----Kilman----Toti

Sold: Sa, Semedo, Jonny, RAN, Neves (realism rather than desire), Podence, Coady Jimenez (most likely pay him off), Sarabia (don't think the PL is for him), Sanderson, Giles (think we'd get 10m if Boro come up), Kawabe, Sarkic, Jordao

Out of contract: Traore, Costa, Moutinho

Loan: Hodge, Hoever, Collins (still think there's a player there, but needs to find confidence, playing him alongside Kilman killed him), Silva (don't think we'd accept what someone will pay), Lembikisa, Guedes (the 2nd of his 5 until he is ooc)
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3 in midfield doesn't work with these players.

I'd have thought people would've seen that by now.
Neither does trying to implement 4 new players into a back 5 in a short space of time.

We lost 6-0, so i get it, but there is a lot of reactionary, knee jerk shit going on.