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Boris at it again and the contest to replace the lying c***

Johnson’s going nowhere, it’s done already.
Labour 9 points ahead in an opinion poll in the Observer tomorrow.
If that lead lasts for a length of time the Tories will bin him.
I think the result of the North Shropshire by-election on Thursday could be pivotal. If the Tories win, even by one vote, they'll rally around him but lose and it will be a different matter.
Personally think it'll all die down a bit over Christmas, notwithstanding a huge bombshell that forces them to act, and then the serious manoeuvring will begin around March/April and he'll be gone somewhere shortly after that.
Those odds are very interesting....personally I still think it'll be Tory......this is North Shropshire, place is full of rich folk, landowners and farmers
Raab or Truss. Fuck me I'm already pining for Johnson. Friend is a civil servant who worked for Raab. Says he's a bullying cunt. Allegedly.
That's a snapshot poll, which I'd say is more anti Tory than pro Labour. They've got plenty of time to fix that and if he's not gone beforehand will just bin Johnson if they look anything like that this time next year
Well yes, but you are inferring it's a trend. I don't see a couple of weeks of poor polling as that and if it were the Tories would sort it, meaning I don't see your comparison as very likely in England even before you consider how different the Scottish landscape is now versus then
The polls have been moving in that direction for a while to be fair. The by-election will be interesting to see if it translates into an actual election. There will come a point the Tories become so toxic it won't matter who they put in charge, I think we're seeing the beginnings of that now. Could be completely wrong of course!