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So, the Forum has spoken....


Staff member
Aug 10, 2011
Reaction score
Over just under 70% of those that voted on TWF say KJ should go and if we lose v Burnley that % will rise (if this was an E&S poll they would be calling it a crisis at the club)

So, if Moxey or whoever is running the joint pulls the trigger, who do we go with?

I guess if KJ goes, then Gallen would go as well probably leaving us with a caretaker of either Rob Edwards or Scott Sellars (or a joint effort). Would we be able to attract anyone decent to come to the club with it up for sale, not that much in transfer funds and a confusion on which way we want to go (from young and hungry to just way to hungry in 1 month)?
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Uwe roster is available after escaping the madness at Leeds,he was a front runner last time the job was available,he's not been great since Brentford though
I hate the merry go round in football. Fuck the usual suspects. I would go Hasselbaink, Cook etc etc. Although Im not thinking that greatly past Jackett at the moment, he got us out of a major slump last season he can do it again. However he hasn't got many last nights left in him though.
Rowett is my choice. You cannot tell me we are a less attractive prospect than Blues (current league position notwithstanding), the uncertainty here is nothing compared to what it is there, we still have a budget of sorts (as shown by bringing in Willo and Fatlad), they have absolutely nothing to spend. We've had a manager who's had us underperforming all season, he's had them overperforming for a year. I don't think he's really on any Premier League teams' radars at the moment so I don't think he's particularly holding out for a job at that level. If we do end up having to bunker down financially post-parachute payments he's shown he can work on a small budget.

In the short term it would probably be Edwards/Sellars as you say. Gallen would leave.

Names on my personal no pile (that might conceivably enter the running):

Di Canio
Try to persuade Jimmy Flloyd Hasselbaink to take the job, Pearson is available as is Lambert. Any one of the three would surely be able to do a good job here and as an outsider there is always Paul Cook
Di Canio

Only Pearson out of that lot and that would come with "prepare for some mental shit" warning.

I don't think Rowett would come near us. JFH is a good shout by Quirk as is Cook but I don't think Cooky will walk from Pompey so soon.
Derek McInnes? Ex-Albion and failed at Bristol City but he's done a fantastic job at Aberdeen.
Derek McInnes? Ex-Albion and failed at Bristol City but he's done a fantastic job at Aberdeen.

Danger of him being a Terry Butcher? SHit in England, ok in Scotland
Pearson for me. Proven at this level - had success in the Premier League - and he'd be entertaining.
I'm very surprised just how many people want Kenny to be sacked.
I'm very surprised just how many people want Kenny to be sacked.

and i've been a great Admin as well..

Iit is unusual for this forum to lead the way with the "negative" view
I can't see the need to get rid of KJ just yet however if the poor form carries on into December then he may well bite the dust.

Why does JFH get so much attention but not Dean Smith? I'd sooner go for a tried and tested get out of the Championship manager and in that pile I'd consider Lambert and Pearson.
Derek McInnes? Ex-Albion and failed at Bristol City but he's done a fantastic job at Aberdeen.

If we were going down the road of allowing one failure to pass given success elsewhere then I wouldn't rule out Lambert. His Villa team were appalling to watch but he has had success at this level and got Norwich playing some excellent stuff, stayed up with comfort in his year in the top flight there as well. He'd have to be subject to some seriously rigorous questioning at interview though regarding his footballing style and profile of signings.

Sadly it's only real jokeshop managers (eg Saunders, Magath etc) who I think would have done worse with this squad than Ken has this season so far. Even someone as laughably limited as DJ wouldn't have Afobe knobbing around in the centre circle or choose to hand out new long term deals to Edwards, Doherty and Henry. That's a mark of how bad his performance has been.
I think we could attract anybody from League 1 or 2 even with the current ownership situation. JLF has done a good job, but he's only been in management for 12 months and took over a team that was already at the top or thereabouts so too early for me. I wouldn't want Cooky for the reasons discussed on the other thread. My choice would be Pearson although I think he'd want a lot of assurances over budget before he'd come, which I'd be surprised if we gave. On the flip side he didn't get the Sunderland or Villa jobs and with Chelsea and Newcastle the only other clubs in the PL you could see making a change in the near future he may have to wait a long time for a PL team so could maybe be persuaded. Perhaps we could get fan's choice Owen Coyle back from the US?
Danger of him being a Terry Butcher? SHit in England, ok in Scotland

Hard to tell really. Bristol were a bombscare from top to bottom though IIRC.

Aberdeen play some really nice stuff though, Butcher has always been a 'win at all costs' guy and a complete weirdo on top of that.
I would move heaven and earth trying to get either Gary Rowett or Mark Warburton. Third choice Brian McDermott.
I'm very surprised just how many people want Kenny to be sacked.

We're 15 games in. Being really generous you could say we've played well:

- First 70 minutes vs Hull
- First 30 minutes vs QPR (aided by them being dreadful, and their goals against record since suggests that they are a real soft touch)
- Fulham away
- Second half vs Huddersfield
- About 20 minutes vs Derby
- First half vs Middlesbrough
- Blues away

It's not much to be going on, Cardiff and Brentford were both truly appalling, both in the bracket of as bad as it gets. By all accounts Bolton and Preston were just as bad. That shitshower of a tactical display last night was a sacking offence in itself, things aren't getting better. Floundering around with nonsense tactics, terrible work in the transfer market (Holt), lunatic substitutions, no consistency of selection. These are all signs of a manager who's past the point of no return.

I don't revel in wanting him out, it's quite sad really. He's a good man, he's done a lot of good things here. Who knows, if Dicko hadn't got injured last season we might even have gone up. It's not a Hoddle/Saunders situation where I despised the manager on a personal level as well as loathing their football. Time's up though as far as I'm concerned.
We're 15 games in. Being really generous you could say we've played well:

- First 70 minutes vs Hull
- First 30 minutes vs QPR (aided by them being dreadful, and their goals against record since suggests that they are a real soft touch)
- Fulham away
- Second half vs Huddersfield
- About 20 minutes vs Derby
- First half vs Middlesbrough
- Blues away

It's not much to be going on, Cardiff and Brentford were both truly appalling, both in the bracket of as bad as it gets. By all accounts Bolton and Preston were just as bad. That shitshower of a tactical display last night was a sacking offence in itself, things aren't getting better. Floundering around with nonsense tactics, terrible work in the transfer market (Holt), lunatic substitutions, no consistency of selection. These are all signs of a manager who's past the point of no return.

I don't revel in wanting him out, it's quite sad really. He's a good man, he's done a lot of good things here. Who knows, if Dicko hadn't got injured last season we might even have gone up. It's not a Hoddle/Saunders situation where I despised the manager on a personal level as well as loathing their football. Time's up though as far as I'm concerned.

As I said on here and on Facebook - I can actually understand people wanting him out. I just find it sad that it's come to this and I can't bring myself to agree.
As I said on here and on Facebook - I can actually understand people wanting him out. I just find it sad that it's come to this and I can't bring myself to agree.

It is sad. Just as it was when Mick went, he didn't deserve any bile, things had just come to their natural end as happens 95%+ of the time with all managers at all clubs across the world, there's rarely a time when a manager unilaterally decides he's had enough or there's a mutual breakup where everyone's happy. I will forever be grateful to Kenny Jackett for giving us our club back. While of course we should have won L1 at a canter, there are plenty of similar sized clubs who got stuck at that level despite having apparently capable squads and managers, Sheffield United are still there, so it wasn't as easy a task as is made out.

He's given us a lot of good times. I'm not minded to just keep him around for sentimentality though and that really is all there is - because there's precious little evidence to suggest he can dig his way out of this. We've had bad runs before and he's turned it around, but at those points the key issue didn't tend to be him making loads of mistakes every single week. My personal preference would be for him to realise all these errors, get us back to a coherent style that gets the best out of our key players, stop persisting with the poorest footballers in the squad week after week, and pick up 20+ points between now and the New Year. At the moment though that's set to happen just after I jump in my Ferrari and whip round to Rachel Stevens' house for an afternoon of frolicking.
I would move heaven and earth trying to get either Gary Rowett or Mark Warburton. Third choice Brian McDermott.

Neither Rowett or Warburton would be interested IMO.