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The FIFA Debacle


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2009
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Michel Platinini, for a zillion waffling reasons, will not challenge Sepp in his 95th attempt at re-election into the chamber of unlimited freebies and bungs. Ok, his bank account is too thin as a new boy to afford thy nycessary to win,.......BUT

FIFA commissions the independnt Garcia, (big time US lawyer) (and Independent from FIFA) to rule on bungs for the Russia/Quatar bun fests, and he screams fault!!!! at FIFA's (well soft, in house, watered down,nothing like the original), issuing of his decisions.

It's a crock of corrupted shit, and if Platini/EUFA said tommorow, " fuck you Sepp, we're out and going alone, we think our champions league knocks your tax free to FIFA,(like it or not) bunga bunga world cup into a cocked hat, who would be wearing the soiled white underpants the next day?

He would certainly be living on the hoof in Swizerland, rather than just annoying everyone in France.
But UEFA could not go it alone. They are affiliated to FIFA, and if they withdrew, any games they played would not be sanctioned by the governing body, and no affiliated referee would be allowed to officiate in any games they arranged.
Take all the referees under the wing of the FA or UEFA. Then it won't matter any more.
If you want a clean break from shady deals with Qatar then I don't think you want this brave new world to be led by Michel Platini.
Take all the referees under the wing of the FA or UEFA. Then it won't matter any more.

Sadly it is not that easy. Referees in England for example are affiliated to the English Football Association, who in turn are affiliated to UEFA, who in turn are affiliated to FIFA. All FIFA need do is withdraw a referees registration, and they cannot referee.
If the match isn't affiliated to FIFA then they won't need a FIFA affiliated referee to oversee it either will they? They'll just recruit their own.
Precisely my thoughts. It would be a "who gives a shit about FIFA affiliation" situation.
Seriously,EUFA now has to pull out of FIFA and go it alone.

Referees are professionals now, they will follow the money.

As paddy says who gives a shit who acreddidates them, they are equally poor :)
You're mistaken if you think UEFA are any better than FIFA, or less corruptible. Remember that it was Platini not Blatter that backed Qatar.

Anyway, IMHO it goes way beyond the peanuts of a few grand in brown envelopes and corruption in sport. I heard on Bayern 5 radio back in late winter/early spring I think that the German delegation had refused to comment on who they had voted for, though it was speculated that because Germany is investing heavily in building Qatari infrastructure, and Qatar has invested in Volkswagen, Deutsche Bank, Siemens & others to the tune of 18 billion USD http://www.ghorfa.de/news_meldung0....]=2069&cHash=6f0dc544f1522be5375802720c7d080d , that a visit by Qatari officials to the government in Berlin could have swayed things a certain way. Imagine getting a call from the head of government reminding you of your countries interests - granted the FA might have said "fuck off moonface" but the DFB probably said "Jawohl Mutti"

At the end of the day, if the "west" can't or won't put a stop to Gulf states' promotion of extremist Wahabism in their own countries, why would they concern themselves with corruption or coercion regarding something as banal as sport?
If the match isn't affiliated to FIFA then they won't need a FIFA affiliated referee to oversee it either will they? They'll just recruit their own.

And where would they recruit them from?

The only plausible alternative would be for European countries to form a breakaway association. It could be done, but the ramifications of it would be very damaging to football.
And where would they recruit them from?

The only plausible alternative would be for European countries to form a breakaway association. It could be done, but the ramifications of it would be very damaging to football.

Well if every member of UEFA agreed to split from FIFA all the referees currently within those countries would face the choice of either moving outside of Europe to continue their career as a FIFA affiliated referee or they could just join in with the UEFA revolt and stay where they are, doing exactly the same job they've always done just without the FIFA badge on their shirt.
Well if every member of UEFA agreed to split from FIFA all the referees currently within those countries would face the choice of either moving outside of Europe to continue their career as a FIFA affiliated referee or they could just join in with the UEFA revolt and stay where they are, doing exactly the same job they've always done just without the FIFA badge on their shirt.

I am not disagreeing with you Mark, but it just would not be that simple. I would almost guarantee that FIFA would take legal action to prevent associations, clubs and officials from being allowed to participate in a breakaway league. How it would end up is anyone's guess, but football would be the loser I think.
Not sure what FIFA can do if EUFA breakaway (and there have been previous examples of new associations being formed & being successful - darts?)

Ban them from the World Cup? - not sure that that would do FIFA any favours seeing as how many of the top teams are over here
I am not disagreeing with you Mark, but it just would not be that simple. I would almost guarantee that FIFA would take legal action to prevent associations, clubs and officials from being allowed to participate in a breakaway league. How it would end up is anyone's guess, but football would be the loser I think.

I don't think anyone is saying it would be a simple process but your initial concern was with who'd been refereeing games if such a breakaway ever came about, some how i think that would be a long way down on the list of priorities, if they managed to overcome the obstacles for clubs and players to abandon FIFA then i'm sure it would take much for referees to follow.
Not sure what FIFA can do if EUFA breakaway (and there have been previous examples of new associations being formed & being successful - darts?)

Ban them from the World Cup? - not sure that that would do FIFA any favours seeing as how many of the top teams are over here

To be honest I am not sure of the implications if different associations withdrew from FIFA. But initially it is difficult to see how any breakaway associaion could play competitive football.
To be honest I am not sure of the implications if different associations withdrew from FIFA. But initially it is difficult to see how any breakaway associaion could play competitive football.

Between themselves (assuming all of the European associations agreed & joined in). Suspect that the European Championship is of equal quality to the World Cup (well it was till Platini's latest version)

Probably the strongest grouping for football, though no doubt they would regret the inability to play against the South American teams
I suspect that a breakaway from the strongest/biggest European nations would bring FIFA down. It would only be a matter of time before the like of Brasil, Argentina and anyone else who wants a real competition would leave FIFA also. Whether the new association would be any cleaner who knows.
The only way to stop corruption is to get rid of the corrupt people. Each nation's vote could decided by, say, a panel of 200-300 fans, football writers and ex-players from that nation, who have nothing to gain financially from any decision they make. Voting to take place by ballot, without the members of the panel ever meeting or knowing each other's identity. Rotate the panel every 2-3 years. Membership by invitation only.
The only way to stop corruption is to get rid of the corrupt people. Each nation's vote could decided by, say, a panel of 200-300 fans, football writers and ex-players from that nation, who have nothing to gain financially from any decision they make. Voting to take place by ballot, without the members of the panel ever meeting or knowing each other's identity. Rotate the panel every 2-3 years. Membership by invitation only.

Yes, but who gives out the invitation??
Each invite would be proffered by a panel-within-a-panel, comprised of people who are morally beyond reproach.