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Things that make you SAD thread.

Awful news Paddy, condolences to you and your family.

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Bloody amazing service at the funeral today. I will miss my uncle more than I can say, but I am equally glad his pain is over and the awful strain on my aunt is finished. He was clearly rather a big noise to get his service in St Albans cathedral.
A very close friend being diagnosed with an aggressive form of Cancer. She is only 29.

The news has knocked me sideways so fuck knows how she is handling it. Starts urgent treatment next week.

She has done an interview with her local newspaper


You wouldn't think from how she is acts and is always happy and smiley that she was fighting something this serious and will change her life forever.
Such bravery Kenny. It reminds me so much of my friend Amy, who has battled cancer, lost a leg, but has finally won her battle, and will walk down the aisle in a month or so. I do not know Rachel, but my thoughts are with her, and I hope she wins her battle.
After a splendid couple of weeks we must soon leave sunny Lincolnshire. Ah well we will soon be back.
3 lions on ya shirt lol. Laughing stock once again. Fucking pathetic performance. Get on that fucking plane home. Well done ICELAND!

Thank heavens I watched it with absolute nutters.
Exactly, could have easily put it on the things that annoy you thread.
I wonder if John Inverdale has given her any more feedback on how she looks?
Some photos of a very ill looking Paul Gascoigne have been shared on social media. Just awful to see him in such a state. I for one won't be linking to them and wish I hadn't seen them.
Some photos of a very ill looking Paul Gascoigne have been shared on social media. Just awful to see him in such a state. I for one won't be linking to them and wish I hadn't seen them.

Saw this earlier, its really sad and wish I could unsee them. If only he had someone to help him he could rely on.