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Wigan away build up


Jeff Shi's Bitch
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score

After about twenty minutes I got him a tackle and I really hurt him. He was getting away from me, so I just clogged him, perhaps a little unfairly but not by the standards of the day. ‘He’s finished for the rest of the game, he won’t bother me now,’ I thought.

In the 42nd minute a 50:50 ball came in between me and Norman Deeley. I thought he would still be trying to get there ahead of me, even after the crunch I’d just given him. He was that type of player. So I set off, determined to win the ball.

And I did. I got there seconds before Deeley. But that was when I realised he had no intention at all of racing me for that ball. He was going for me. As I was running I heard a loud crack and felt my knee suddenly burn with pain. ……I was in agony and I knew I was out of the game. Norman Deeley had got me good and proper.

Sad that relegating Wigan is all we've got to look forward to for the rest of the season but it is what it is. 4.5K tickets all sold out already, hopefully it should be a cracking atmosphere.


Iorfa Batth Stearman Golbourne

McDonald Price

van La Parra Afobe Sako

That gif needs a trigger warning...
it's actually a foul by Whelan, just very unfortunate. I'd honestly never seen it before!

Price in for Edwards for me, that's all.
We'll win this and either Derby or Ipswich will only draw. Then it'll be just like a few seasons in the 90's where we go into the last day needing a win and a result elsewhere to go for us.....it never did then and I don't expect it to here either.

Three changes for me; Doherty, Evans and Henry in for Iorfa, Edwards and RVLP. Doherty as his delivery is better than Iorfa's at the moment (Iorfa permanently next season though). I could see what KJ was trying to do with Edwards yesterday, but it didn't work, I think Evans is more suited in a two than Price, but don't know if he is mentally right / correct attitude for this at the moment - if so then I'd play him if not then Price. Henry as I prefer the weekly 65 minute sub with him coming off and RVLP on rather than the other way round.
Both teams have very faint hopes left to acheive their objectives so I expect an open game.
I seem to be in a minority of one with regards to Evans, just don't get the love for him. I admit I haven't seen him play as often as some but when I have, he's generally been very poor, gives the ball away a lot in dangerous areas, overhits lots passes and one of the worst tacklers in the team and appears to have a poor attitude. While McDonald and Price are no-where near good enough in a midfield two, they are the best we currently have, we have to play our best players at this stage and hope for a bit of luck.
The enigma for me is Benik Afobe, I dont think he is suited to the lone striker role, his movement and hold up play not being good enough. Likewise I don't think he is suited to playing in the hole within a 4-2-3-1.
When we do set up in a 4-4-2 he functions, unfortunately far to many others struggle within that structure. Maybe its time to have a good look at 4-3-3.
Evans' first half performance vs Bolton along with Stearman's second half vs Brentford are the best I have seen this season from any Wolves player. He does give the ball away in the wrong places, which he needs to cut out of his game and there have been a few hints about him being too big for his boots, but there is definitely a good player in there.
Not saying Evans won't eventually come good and I know he has had good performances, its just I haven't seen them, just don't think he's up to it at the moment and in a midfield 2 with McDonald we would get destroyed. Price isn't there yet but he is the best we've got atm
Dominic Iorfa gives you enough width down the right hand side especially within a side thats light on quality in wide right positions. By encouraging Iorfa to be attack minded it could enable you Evans inside him which then bolsters a central midfield of Price and McDonald, giving more passing options through midfield.
Not been to the DW since it changed from the JJB. Any tips for pubs and parking?
Looking forward to hearing a creative song about whelan once we relegate them...
Danny Batth out for the season with a stress fracture of the foot. Hause straight in for me.
Ikeme and Sako doubtful as well then....lets be honest though we should play them and if they break down they have all of the summer to get fit....
Don't think Ikeme would have played vs Ipswich if Kuszczak had been fit. If the latter is available again I think we'll put him in.
I believe Tommy K is back in training