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Wolves 0-1 Craig Pawson: The Verdict

Deutsch Wolf

aka Dawn
Oct 16, 2009
Reaction score
Without wishing to sound like Steve Bruce - and I don't mean I'll be segueing 600 word passages about the Lancastrian water system into my blogs - I don't like to go on about referees after a defeat but that one's on him. The classic 1-0 to the referee. A goal scored by a player who clearly shouldn't have been on the pitch. An offside goal at that. And then he doesn't give us a stonewall penalty for handball at the end.

In truth it wasn't a great game, we didn't play that well and we didn't deserve to win. But we certainly didn't deserve to lose. Thanks Mr Pawson. That was like having Mark Halsey in charge again, and I hated that pie faced twat.

Three league defeats in four now so we must bounce back on Tuesday.
dull game, lack of creative quality , shit ref 1 shot at goal and we couldnt cross a road.should have been 0-0 but the ref swung it.
The referee cannot be blamed for our inability to trouble their goalkeeper.
Awful game, we had absolutely no idea how to break them down and frankly didn't deserve to win. As for Mitrovic I think he was pulling out of the tackle realising he was going to get sent off and just ended up catching Ikeme accidentally. The penalty towards the end would have been very harsh as there was no real effect on where the ball was going, although you've certainly seen them given. Lascelles definitely offside though.
Is steve coterill compos mentis? What the fuck is he on about mitrovic man of the match?
Shit game, neither team played well, barely laid a glove on each other.

Lambert's attempt to sway the game seemed poor.

Bright wasn't achieving much but he was at least trying and Dicko and Bodvarsson just got in each others' way rather than linking up so that experiment was definitely a failure. Personally I would've tried swapping the wingers over, nothing tested their centre halves the way it was so why not put them on their natural sides and try to get in behind? I'd think that sort of service would suit a big lad like Bodvarsson better too, give him something to attack. Not that there were a massive number of crossing opportunities anyway, there was little attempt to play any football, just endless lumps into the channels playing the percentages.
Quick reaction. Maybe Mitrovic shouldn't have been on the pitch but that doesn't excuse our piss poor defending of the free kick. Three players went for the ball.
Newcastle CBs showed the level ours need to reach
I thought each substitution made us worse. Struggling to see the point of Marshall at the moment.
And i think I've had it with Dicko and Bodvarsson now. A striker's job is to score - or at least look like he might score. Cross from Weimann in the first half - Dicko was at least five yards behind where he should have been.
All that said, there were grounds for optimism: Newcastle are top and we easily matched them for long periods. We're actually not that far off a decent side, but it's crystal clear that we go into each game with 4 to 5 players who are simply not adequate.
The usual story. Wolves lose = Blame the referee.

Maybe we should be focusing on our own inadequacies, such as it is nigh on six months since a striker scored for us.
I can see why the ref didn't think it was a 2nd booking. At full speed it just looked like he'd clipped Ikeme and it was a straightforward foul. Only at super slow-mo could you see it should have been a booking. So, unlucky possibly but you can see why it's not been given from the ref's perspective.

The handball is never ever going to be given though. Completely accidental and didn't stop a shot/goal so the ref is never going to blow for that.

We got very unlucky with the goal though. Spawny ricochet and Lascelles touched the ball a mere half a second after he was offside. Should have been flagged. However the fact three players ended up on their arses all going for the same header speaks volumes.

Lambert got his subs wrong today too. Bright should have been thoroughly pissed off as that's the best I've seen him play. Newcastle couldn't defend against him and constantly fouled him. And how he thinks Marshall is a left winger baffles me, especially since he made the exact same sub at Burton and it was just as awful.

We didn't deserve to lose the game though. We had the better of the possession but our quality on the ball has to be close to the poorest in the division. Couple that with strikers who can't threaten/score and it's no wonder we're where we are in the table.
The usual story. Wolves lose = Blame the referee.

Maybe we should be focusing on our own inadequacies, such as it is nigh on six months since a striker scored for us.

Frank, the referee wasn't blamed for at least the last two games we lost. Why do you always appear to take these comments to heart? They aren't blaming you after all.
Well we certainly didn't deserve to lose, and at least the linesman had a hand in their goal. So yeah we will place some blame on the officials thanks.
I thought price was excellent first half, but coady, Edwards and weiman were particularly poor. Bright has a ton of ability but no real end product. I'd still play him in all the rest of the games to get him experience for next season though.

Marshalls clearly not match fit at the moment, but I'm looking forward to seeing him at right back, coady gets in the right positions but his crossing is poor and he can't go past a man.
I used to love it when Wolves used to play with a Striker who could score goals, or even just have a shot. The shambolic defending for their goal reminded me of the second goal we conceded against Sheffield Wednesday. But this time, instead of three players going towards the player with the ball, they all decided to go for the ball, with two of them ending up on the floor. As Norman Deeley says above, we have too many very average players in the side that will never be part of any side that wins promotion. We all know it, but some recent results have helped to paper over the cracks. When do we call time on Bodvarsson and Dicko ? Call me old fashioned but I thought Forwards were supposed to score goals ?
At first glance I thought Mitrovic was lucky to not get a straight red. On reflection it should have been a second yellow, ultimately the same but less punishment for future newcastle games.

I was unsure on the potential pen decision, but I will bow to those who've seen replays!

Lambert made some poor subs today, taking off Enobakhare instead of Dicko and bringing on Marshall instead of Ronan were both bad decisions. Marshall has had a dreadful start to his Wolves career, albeit in a position he doesn't play.

Dicko needs dropping for the good of the team. His confidence is shot and he is in no way showing he will play himself back into form. It's symbolic of Wolves at the moment, underperformed and creating little.

Thought Evans played well when he came on, unfortunately the change from Price (which I assume was due to the head injury?) gave Sh*lvey space to play in the middle of the park.
If Ikeme had rolled around holding his ankle instead of immediately getting up would it have helped the referee make a different decision?
Newcastle came to do a job and that's what they did. Didn't allow us any space in behind and got men behind the ball forcing us to try and break them down which we can't do because we haven't got the players. Referee gave them a chance to win and they took it but i don't think we would have broken them down even against 10.

Price was decent first half, Bright had his best performance for the first team and i have no idea why he came off but he does need to impose himself more and have some sort of end product. Evans played well second half, won a lot of tackles and passed it well but would have been better with Price but i guess he was injured. Edwards was anonymous apart from the header which he should have scored from and in a game where the opposition let us have the ball he's useless.

Lambert has improved us but he's been done tactically in the last 2 games which is a little worrying and he needs to find a way of sorting it out. No way Dicko should be anywhere near the starting 11 for a few weeks either, it's like playing with 10 at times.