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Wolves Academy Thread

We had him as good as signed, medical done etc. Then Blues offered him more money and he buggered off there. Johnson was a couple of years later
Not sure where you're information is from but afaik it wasn't that reason.

There were several clubs in for Dann, we were just one of them.

I know for a cast iron fact Palace offered him more money than us.
Johnson was just weird, we'd seen him play for Cardiff, we'd seen him play for Blues, he looked exactly what we needed. Excellent first three games too. Then adopted the physique of Renton from Trainspotting with the football skills of Spud.
Darren Ward did the same.
Our #4 here, Christ alive.

My nanny could run faster. She's dead.
Not sure where you're information is from but afaik it wasn't that reason.

There were several clubs in for Dann, we were just one of them.

I know for a cast iron fact Palace offered him more money than us.
Thats what Moxey said at the time. Appreciate taking what he says at face value is probably an error
Palace were Championship and broke in 2009 and 2011. In fact went into administration during that period, we tried to nick Clyne off them on the cheap and he turned us down as he wouldn't go straight into the team.

He joined Palace in 2014, we could have been looking at him then, but they were PL and we were freshly promoted from L1, he was always going there if that was the choice.
Palace were Championship and broke in 2009 and 2011. In fact went into administration during that period, we tried to nick Clyne off them on the cheap and he turned us down as he wouldn't go straight into the team.

He joined Palace in 2014, we could have been looking at him then, but they were PL and we were freshly promoted from L1, he was always going there if that was the choice.
Definitely championship. Not broke when we went for Dann.
Just seen that Voice's challenge - it is an absolute shocker.
Just seen that Voice's challenge - it is an absolute shocker.
It was pointless as well. Kid was off balance as he got to him. Absolutely no need to go in at all and certainly not in the manner he did.

How old is he? 16?

He is still a kid and has made a fucking horrendous decision. Wouldn't expect the club to bomb him out but I would expect the club to take steps to educate him and punish him properly. Beyond the standard ban he will get from the FA.
If its true that he did it on purpose then he needs a hard lesson. I agree with Deutsch.
16 or not, you know where the line is. Injuries happen, going in purposefully to do someone is beyond the pale.

What percentage of kids make it, less than 5%? If you fuck it up then tough, plenty of others who'd love the chance.
No clue if he did it on purpose (thats just something that has been said and as we know all manner of bullshit is made up)

Down to the club here. Surprised we haven't heard more on it, such as a public apology so could indicate stuff being looked at in the background. I don't think the club will get rid right now but he would have zero reasons to complain if they did
No clue if he did it on purpose (thats just something that has been said and as we know all manner of bullshit is made up)

Down to the club here. Surprised we haven't heard more on it, such as a public apology so could indicate stuff being looked at in the background. I don't think the club will get rid right now but he would have zero reasons to complain if they did

I don't really see how that's not on purpose whether he actually said the words on that clip is a different matter but there's no way he's going for the ball is there. Looks pretty clear.
I suspect here, in most cases of morality in football, the outcome will depend on how good the player in question is . It's easy to be moral when the player in question isn't very good.