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Kenny Jackett - The pleaes leave now Poll

No Jacket Required.. ?

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  • Poll closed .


EMF Band Member. Dube player.
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
Poll in coming...

During the short interval here's a cow jumping a fence..

On a side note, Phil Collins as just reissued No Jacket Required and on vinyl too.
NO Really, does he ever fucking go in a charity shop?...if he does he will find one or maybe two in every one.
Way to go Phil polluting the earth with more of that shit.
I have changed my vote from the last poll. It is time for him to leave, but I don't see the need to be nasty to him. He is a decent human being and has a family. It hasn't worked out, but I don't put all the blame on him. The whole system and personal of our recruitment team need to change too!.
I have changed my vote from the last pole. It is time for him to leave, but I don't see the need to be nasty to him. He is a decent human being and has a family. It hasn't worked out, but I don't put all the blame on him. The whole system and personal of our recruitment team need to change too!.
Agree with most of this but who is this Pole you disagree with, playtheace?
But the club need a clear out top to bottom, it's not just Kenny who, being fair, doesn't appear to have an adequate budget for the job. Having said that I think he's now panicking and just throwing teams and formations together at random hoping something good happens.
Roll on the takeover.
Consistently voted out: case gets stronger by the day. Let's hope Ken is trending on Twitter today...
I posted this on another thread, but more relevant here:

I think some are being unfair to Jackett over the job he did in league one. He inherited a team on the back of a double relegation with a core of experienced players who weren't interested and wanted out and another group that a year earlier had been signed for £10m of which only one was any good. Yes, the parachute payments were unique and promotion was the absolute minimum acceptable, but winning the league with a maximum points tally deserves respect.

That said, a decent League One manager is exactly what he is. This season he is regressing at a faster rate than the awful team he is now putting out. Anti football as seen by those 3 wins over Xmas is just about acceptable if the result is achieved, although it was only really the Charlton game where we deserved the win, the others were spirited but lucky. To then continue to play it and not get the results is unacceptable.

After every match he bangs on about how a magnificent run can still make the play offs, yet the next game he'll set us up the same way again. If we were fighting against relegation, I still think it would the incorrect tactic, but at least I can see what he is trying to do. For weeks we have been 14/15 points above that though and in no danger so I just don't know what's going through his mind, it's just madness and boring, cowardly madness at that.

I would have sacked him weeks ago, now I would only do so if someone is tapped up first and they would still be our first choice in the Summer. I don't want us to get rid, then start the search and find out that someone like a Pearson doesn't want to take over with nothing to play for 3 months and someone like an Edinburgh want to finish their promotion chasing season off and then look at where he is at in the Summer. Unless we know who we are going to get and that is a top candidate we may as well limp on until the end of the season and then bullet him. I really do not want to see someone like Steve Cotterill's career in pictures on the E&S website as they were the only type of calibre we could attract at this time

Ultimately I think his destiny is in the hands of the fans and the Early Bird take up. If the social media noises are accurate and we were to only get say 7k I think he'd be toast. I have a feeling that saying you are renewing is a bit like voting Tory, nobody admits to it, but ultimately thousands do when the day comes round. If that were to happen and the club remained unsold, I think he'd be here on the first day of next season
Good point about the season tickets, Tony. Maybe it's time to vote with your feet, folks.

I've wanted Jackett gone for months now and I think maybe he would have at Christmas time had he not spawned those three wins. As it is, he's been given the benefit of the doubt, which surely must be wearing very thin now, whether the club's up for sale or not.

I also don't think he's the nice guy some people claim him to be either. Look at the way he's treated some of the players.

Get him out.
The common sense part of me says Kenny isn't going anywhere while our future is in the air and will see out the season regardless of how dire we get. I'm not sure If this is 100% right but Isn't Kenny on a rolling contract the cynic in me thinks Moxey would rather let him run down his contract than sack him now with a pay off even If It is a small amount.

My instincts though say just get him gone and put Rob Edwards in charge to the end of the season as the football couldn't get any worse.

Thanks for the good memories Kenny but please don't the door on your way out.
A 12 month rolling contract never runs down it always has. 12 months to run so the payout would be the same in the summer as it is now
He should have gone months ago. I honestly think if Morgan was in proper charge he'd have gone after Sheff Wed. Its a shame we appear unwilling to act on this as Monk or Pearson would both be an upgrade on Kenny and both would come I'm sure. Even if it just meant Rob Edwards taking over I can't see how he could do any worse.
A 12 month rolling contract never runs down it always has. 12 months to run so the payout would be the same in the summer as it is now

Thanks for that I'm not going to lie I wasn't 100% how a pay off would work I thought maybe the club would just let the deal expire .
Nearly went with the Octopus but have decided to love him until the end of the season. I cannot see us getting relegated and as it stands that is all I care about.
Yep, we'd be taking a bit of a chance on Monk, but I'd have Nigel Pearson all day, every day. I don't care if he's batshit crazy, he's just a massive upgrade
Yep, we'd be taking a bit of a chance on Monk, but I'd have Nigel Pearson all day, every day. I don't care if he's bat$#@! crazy, he's just a massive upgrade

Isnt Pearsons complete backroom staff (Stowell etc) still at Leicester now?
If so, just how decent is he on his todd?
Pearson would never come here. In truth, no manager worth his salt would given our current situation, or lack of. Which is why it makes everything even more desperate.

I want KJ gone more than anyone. The sad thing is, it is slowly becoming the nasty stage, when I do not want it to become that because of what he achieved in his first two years. Having said that, given his signings, his selections and in particular his style of football (which yes, WAS bad in 13-14, it was just results and superior players v opposition masking it) means I have little to no respect for him as a football manager.
We played some good stuff in 2013/14 from February onwards (and so we should have, you could argue). Sako, Jacobs and Henry behind Dicko. As three of them were Ken's signings (plus McDonald) it would be churlish to give him no credit for that. We weren't very good in the first half of the season, that much is true.

That's one of my many frustrations about this season and his performance, we know he has set the team up in the past to be possession based and to get the ball down. So why has he changed the make up of the squad to mean we have very few decent footballers, we suddenly have (when fit) Edwards, Coady and Doherty as fixtures in the team for a start which is an unacceptable state of affairs.

He isn't going to turn this around, he's had ages now where there is pretty much no pressure on us in terms of league position and he seems determined to play less and less football by the week. Like I said in my verdict for Saturday's game, the amount of leeway he's had from the club and the supporters given how desperately poor we've been all season is pretty much unprecedented. Bloody Rotherham have won more home games than us this season. Rotherham who are in the bottom three and are on their third manager of the season, who have a budget of about 33p.
Given the players at his disposal I think the anti-football was the most sensible way of giving us a chance of getting out of this league.Thelwell is charged with recruitment and KJ coaches them so I see the changes as being a complete clear out but not yet. We're in limbo but the severe failing for me is recruitment, the handing out of extended contracts and a failure to identify severe weaknesses in that squad. It's a three-way mess that wont be resolved by the short term sacking of KJ. He's got the rest of this season to do all he can to ensure we have the best start possible next season.
I think it's quite possible we could lose the next three games, we're already on a five game winless run. Would that put the manager under any meaningful pressure?