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The Mental Health thread

That's brilliant.

I've come really close in the past to ending it all, more than once. But that old thing about it being a permanent solution to a temporary problem...yeah. I mean it's not easy now. I've got bipolar, I'll have it forever. Doesn't matter what I do, it's there, I'll have awful periods, I just have to fight. But if I'd have chucked it years ago you wouldn't have me reminding you all that Starsailor are FUCKING SHIT and Mark Rankine's Player of the Year Award in 1995 is one of Europe's greatest travesties of the 20th century. You can't put a price on that.
Probably should be on another thread in addition to this which gets more traffic as that's really powerful. Thankfully I've not been there myself, but have seen the devastation suicide brings very close up in my family and like anyone in that position just wish they'd talked
Probably should be on another thread in addition to this which gets more traffic as that's really powerful. Thankfully I've not been there myself, but have seen the devastation suicide brings very close up in my family and like anyone in that position just wish they'd talked
1) I'm glad for this
2) I can't even fathom what not having suicidal ideation would be like

On topic: love to see the club put out something that handles the issue so well.
I’ve been holding off from this for a while but virtually the whole of my adult life has been affected by mental health issues (not mine, I’ve been lucky).
My absence from the forum for 2/3 years was a result of it.
It’s something that can lie dormant in our case for years then rear its head.
Due to the NHS and an amazing doctor we are now, as they say nowadays, “in a good place”, so much so that we are seeing him on Monday with a view to discharge.

I’ve just watched that and found it incredibly moving. I didn’t notice that straight away when posted, which upon reflection is quite telling. I’m in a very happy place at the moment and so the MH thread dropped off the radar a little bit. Reading back some of my previous posts it sometimes feels as though they’re written by a different person which says quite a bit too.

It can be confusing at times working out where the normal lies with quite sweeping extremes. Perhaps the normal is just how you feel at that moment because looking back those negative emotions were every bit as real as the positive ones now. It’s a cruel twist that happy positivity is somewhat undermined by fear of its fragility and the rapid return to negativity, yet the journey the other way is so, so very much harder.

It has been helpful writing anonymously on this thread and reading back. No doubt there will be a return to some more difficult emotions in time but it feels there’s an increasing balance and perspective which will hopefully help. I suppose that’s saying finding a route through that works for you isn’t always easy, and sometimes the smallest offering has untold benefits. It’s so important there is something there when you need it.

I’m proud of our club for making such a powerful video and for everyone involved in helping those people the way they did, and thanks for the simple thing of having a little MH space on this great forum too.
I'd just like to thank those on here that read, responded and gave me confidence to seek help a while back.

Without going into things to much, with my health conditions and covid, I'd resigned myself to dying and basically given up, despite treatments I hadn't moved on and still lived day to day thinking it may be my last.

Things are improving and I can start to see a future, im actually making long term plans and starting to enjoy life again.

Thanks again, great thread and superb advice.
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I'd just like to thank those on here that read, responded and gave me confidence to seek help a while back.

Without going into things to much, with my health conditions and covid, I'd resigned myself to dying and basically given up, despite treatments I hadn't moved on and still lived day to day thinking it may be my last.

Things are improving and I can start to see a future, im actually making long term plans and starting to enjoy life again.

Thanks again, great thread and superb advice.
Great to hear things are improving. Keep staying strong pal
Can't say I really knew Paul, but his sudden passing has really tilted me mentally today.
Yeah don't let yourself think you're alone in that Al, it's more than understandable
Just so sudden. The fragility of life.

It's very easy for me to be passive and watch the time fly by, forgetting how quickly the clock can freeze on me forever.
I’ve never met anyone on this forum in person that I know of, nevertheless seeing that a fellow member has passed away suddenly is a real shock and a genuine reality check to what’s important RIP Paul
On an unrelated note, I forgot that people shoot fireworks on this damn holiday (Memorial Day, "honor the troops" shit) and damn near had a panic attack when they started going off.

I suppose there's a lot to unpack there. 😅