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The Official FIFA World Cup 2022 Megathread

Worth pointing out as well that even players of theirs like KdB don't do the business consistently in red and black (and yellow).
Did Heinze complete that back four? He was good for period.
Around 2006 he would have done, yeah.

Although they also did textbook Argentina shit like leaving Zanetti out of the World Cup squad for never explained reasons and took Scaloni, who might be a decent manager but was a shite RB.
Samuel Eto'o took the time to kick the shit out of someone who heckled him while he was posing for pictures, apparently.
Morocco are playing a lot more adventurously than I expected, going to be a tight game this, Spain don't look on it
Morocco are playing a lot more adventurously than I expected, going to be a tight game this, Spain don't look on it
They haven't been any good other than the opening game when Costa Rica were in turn appalling.
Offside but that's terrific last ditch defending after an awful fuck up
Spanish goalkeeper really not inspiring confidence.
Richarlison is a prick on the pitch but I give him a pass as he's the only player in the squad who's openly anti-fascist and critical of Bolsanaro. A lot of them are proper bootlickers.

Yeh he seems a genuinely decent person and bought a load of PPE during COVID when the fascist cunt was denying COVID existed
I'm pretty sure big Dion knows that Ziyech is left footed (anyone who's ever seen him play for more than a minute knows) not our John though.
In an earlier game, Hartson didn't know why a linesman raised his flag after the event either. "That's the latest flag I've ever seen!", he said, presumably having watched no football for two years.
Morocco are decent. Could definitely see this going either way.
Williams trying to make it a bit more interesting