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Watford Fan in Hospital

I hate that pre-ordained minute's applause stuff in the middle of a game, so contrived and cringey. Obviously this is a horrible story, I hope the guy makes a full recovery and the perpetrators are brought to justice but I don't want us starting nonsense like that.
Are they not?

7 arrests and those bailed due back in April. Seems to be a pretty straight forward affair at this moment in time
Still no charges though.

But hey, don't that that minor issue stop you from jumping on every post I make on here.
Certainly was easier when we could just form a posse and hang people from the nearest tree. Sigh... simpler, happier times.
Bailed for attempted murder?

No charges yet so bailed pending further investigations, all we know is they are due back for further interviews/charges/being released in April. If they get charged a court will decide if they are free until the trial
Will that stop everybody having it in for me?:icon_lol:

Should help yes...

(btw I wasn't jumping on your post, just giving you my view on the matter nothing more, nothing less)
All I said was that after nearly a month of high profile investigations, and crystal clear CCTV footage, they still haven't charged anybody. You might find that glorious, but I don't.
All I said was that after nearly a month of high profile investigations, and crystal clear CCTV footage, they still haven't charged anybody. You might find that glorious, but I don't.

Didn't say that at all did I? If we get a press release from WMP saying the 7 will not face any charges next month then I will share your opinion but right now they are doing their job and I would prefer one where time is taken to ensure a proper case against the morons can be put in front of a judge rather than a quick hash job that ends up with any charges being thrown out.
"The police are not covering themselves in glory here are they?"

"Are they not?"...............:whistle:
"The police are not covering themselves in glory here are they?"

"Are they not?"...............:whistle:

A simple query based on my own opinion rather than a "Shut up they are doing a brilliant and glorious job"

Like I said, get the Paranoia looked at......
Without knowing the full process and the evidence the Police have it's impossible to say whether the Police are doing a good job or not. I'm sure I read somewhere that Nick's family had mentioned what a good job they were doing and I guess they will be closer to it than any of us.
Well, they aren't closer to it than me because I am the Chief Superintendent of the West Midlands Serious Crime Squad.
