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Wolves 0 v 1 Leeds: The Verdict Thread


Numbnuts / Moderator
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Nowhere near good enough from the sound of it. Haven't been able to follow the game so will be good to hear from those who went.

Is Walt's time coming to an end?
Villa a team we comprehensively outplayed last week now above us ffs. Not a happy fan. It is not good enough especially at home
Not at the game so obviously not too clued up. From the sounds of it we were ok first half and then awful second half, and gifted them a goal.

Don't particularly want Walt to lose his job but have a feeling it may have been his last game.

Interested to know fans reaction/ where they are laying blame? Walt? Players? General apathy?
Zenga in the shit I think. People can scream about Ikeme/Edwards/Doc etc all they like but not not scoring goals with Bod/Dicko/Costa/TeX/Cav in the side is very worrying
Wolves player wasn't working for a lot of the first half but when it did we sounded very ineffective. Loads of mongs on the FB comments moaning about Zenga now and how we should have got Bruce! Or kept Jackett, or how we should be aiming for Sam Alladyce.

Not sure what the answer is without having seen the games but it doesn't sound like the tempo is right in the final 3rd. Too early to panic though as seem to be on the cusp of potentially being better than our current results and position.
The answer is not Bruce, it is not Allardyce, it is not Jackett.

Equally it is not Zenga.
Wolves player wasn't working for a lot of the first half but when it did we sounded very ineffective. Loads of mongs on the FB comments moaning about Zenga now and how we should have got Bruce! Or kept Jackett, or how we should be aiming for Sam Alladyce.

Not sure what the answer is without having seen the games but it doesn't sound like the tempo is right in the final 3rd. Too early to panic though as seem to be on the cusp of potentially being better than our current results and position.

Multiply that by 11 and – voilà! – life mirrors art.
First half was ok but that 2nd half was pure tripe summed up by Doherty defending for the winning goal.
We look lost once we went behind, whilst the back is a problem we look a soft touch going forward and easy to play against.
Really concerned with the home form and the regularity we are putting poor displays.
It's a possibility he could go tonight. We were crap in the second half but absolutely livid at Doherty for that piece of play. You could see it coming a mile off. Dreadful attitude all day.
To be brutally honest it was rubbish, we may have a few technically gifted players now but we look no different than we have for years, a Club that will have one decent season in about eight or ten.
The ambition of the new owners is about to be tested.
I may not agree with it, but I'll be surprised if WZ is our coach on Saturday next.
According to Tim II, Zenga is pleased with how we played
One bright spark.....Edwards,tried to motivate the team till the end.
Bod,s worst game...gets touched and flails around on the floor,very frustrating.
Dicko isnt fit and off the pace but needs games to get fit....double edged sword.
Tex just hangs onto the ball way too long and ends up overcomplicating attacks
But was our best player first half.
Doherty just fuck off please.
Thought silvio did ok and please no moaning about the ref...he let so many things go
today that other pinicky refs would have stopped the match time and again for.
Any remaining illusions that Fosun and Mendez had built a promotion side at the start of the season were surely shattered today.
Dreadful defending for the goal. We also missed an absolute sitter in the last few minutes.
In many ways I hope Walter is given the season to see what he can achieve, but at present we are miles away from where we need to be
Zenga in the $#@! I think. People can scream about Ikeme/Edwards/Doc etc all they like but not not scoring goals with Bod/Dicko/Costa/TeX/Cav in the side is very worrying

You never win any game in the league if you score nil
I'm not really bothered if Zenga goes was a strange appointment in the first place. Doherty and Hause can go too for all I care. Not investing in a decent CB costing us now, Leeds defence was organised strong and everything ours wasn't.
our defence and goalies are killing us, why doesnt anybody in charge address it?