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Wolves 4-2 Millwall: The Sako Send-off Verdict Thread


…unlucky Del - No chance 😉
Nov 30, 2012
Reaction score
Have at it.
We gave it a good go. In the end we weren't good enough. There have been individual mistakes, collective mistakes, manager's mistakes but overall we have enjoyed a good season. We have played some fantastic, attacking football and brought through some exciting new young players. I can't ask for much more, and look forward to the next season!
In it with 10 minutes left, hard to be disappointed with that really. Could've been better, of course, but you can always say that.

Considering the bulk of this team had no significant experience in this division to come up just short is very positive. Mistakes will be learned from and we'll push on next season.
Absolutely devestaed to be losing Bakary Sako. Love him to bits, hope he goes to a club who appreciate him as much as we do.
Kusczak should have done better for the first goal. Vlp shouldn't have been subbed. Apart from that, a good home win and some cracking goals for us.

It's been a good season. Not having cover for dicko in the first half of the season cost us, but buying afobe, iorfa coming through and the improvements of hause, price and Vlp give me a lot of hope for next season.

Goodbye and thanks Bakary, you've done a great job for us and I wish you well. As long as you don't go to the baggies obviously!
Pleased with the win today and pleased with the season. Could have done it if we hadn't dropped points in a few games but that's always going to happen. No one wins every game. Think we have a good team, playing good football and a few additions over the summer can hopefully turn us into a great team who can get promotion next season. Thank you Sako for your wonderful service to Wolves, very fitting for him to score in what will most certainly be his last game for us.
Several sad episodes to look back on like Ipswich, Blackpool Derby and Fucking Birmingham where we can think we lost it there or there, but, with the pendulum like swings of the season, I think Jackett's domne pretty well.

But for sure, it's not just that we didn't score enough goals against shit defences, but our defence conceded more shitty goals than they really should have...

Some odd subs overall, some dodgy team selections yes, but a terrific season really, so close though, it almost would have been better to have fallen a few points short rather than just 4 goals.... THat's a bit of a pisser when you look back at some of the missed opportunities. But, if we can keep most of the squad and pay some serious attention to the 'What do we do in the Closed Season?', then we'll get a Midfield General (lol) and shore up our defence for whom I think Batth and Stearman have been outstanding.

As I said in the matchday thread, many of the goals we conceded havine been lapses of concentration and 'shocking goal to concede' affairs where we've scored some crackers, really well worked goals.
So for what it's worth, sort out the Edwards position, and rectify the falling asleep thing going on at the back and our attack will carry us.... if we keep Sako.
Disappointed now, but I expect in the morning I will be extremely pleased with how we have done. I said I would be pleased with 12th-16th before the season started.
Sako send-off thread? I thought he'd got another red card ;)

I think its a bit early to wave him goodbye. He may well leave, but he may not. :crossfingers:
I think its a bit early to wave him goodbye. He may well leave, but he may not. :crossfingers:

I was reading this and thought I'd missed something!
He's not actually gone yet has he? Or said he's gonna go?
I'm sure I heard Jackett say he'd like him to stay and we'll do all we can to keep him, he likes it here blah blah..
Gutted to have missed out on goal difference, I think derby losing and then expecting brentford not to win was a big ask.
Pleased with our progress and no team has accumulated so many points and failed to make the top 6.
Losing Sako is a huge loss and will be hard to replace.
Again MM has last day debacle against Blackburn and gets away with it, but to be honest that defeat at blues looks so costly.
If Alex Pritchard had come to us instead of Brentford...
But for now Young Wolf has got it about right.
Nine out of ten, for the season. Could have done better, but not a bad show, by anyone's standards.
KJ has all but confirmed Sako's departure....huge shame but I don't think anyone can begrudge him
Cracking season, hope Sako stays in this Country it would be nice to follow his career, finished 7th level on points with 5th, back In August all but the wind up merchants would have snatched your hand off for that.
Cracking season, hope Sako stays in this Country it would be nice to follow his career, finished 7th level on points with 5th, back In August all but the wind up merchants would have snatched your hand off for that.

Not sure they would. No prizes for 7th
I'm not ready to say goodbye to Sako #denial
We scored some cracking goals again today, btw. Sako at the heart of it all :'(
Never been all that bothered about prizes to be honest.

Your entitled to wanting to see wolves winning more than they lose in the Chmapionship, but I think the majority of Wolves fans want to Wolves being the best they can be and unfortunately that may mean losing a few in the PL