Several sad episodes to look back on like Ipswich, Blackpool Derby and Fucking Birmingham where we can think we lost it there or there, but, with the pendulum like swings of the season, I think Jackett's domne pretty well.
But for sure, it's not just that we didn't score enough goals against shit defences, but our defence conceded more shitty goals than they really should have...
Some odd subs overall, some dodgy team selections yes, but a terrific season really, so close though, it almost would have been better to have fallen a few points short rather than just 4 goals.... THat's a bit of a pisser when you look back at some of the missed opportunities. But, if we can keep most of the squad and pay some serious attention to the 'What do we do in the Closed Season?', then we'll get a Midfield General (lol) and shore up our defence for whom I think Batth and Stearman have been outstanding.
As I said in the matchday thread, many of the goals we conceded havine been lapses of concentration and 'shocking goal to concede' affairs where we've scored some crackers, really well worked goals.
So for what it's worth, sort out the Edwards position, and rectify the falling asleep thing going on at the back and our attack will carry us.... if we keep Sako.