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KJ Recount: Has KJ Lost all support

Kenny Jackett IN or OUT (closes 18/12)

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2013
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Following our recent run and comments in the various verdict/matchday threads I believe that Kenny has lost more of his support.

So its IN or OUT
Voted out.

As NWW alluded to in the first thread though, nothing will be done about it while the club is up for sale.
I haven't changed my mind.
Nor have I. He should be gone. Should have been gone weeks ago.
It depends as recent history tells us there is no limits how bad it can get.
I dont think we will get much lower in the league but Morgan still owns the
club and its his stock depreciating. Sad thing is we aint anywhere near getting
the best from our squad. This is why I think KJ has to go.
Last night at 65 mins there was 19000 people in the stadium that would
have made the changes required as we tired, thus out thinking KJ.
I am not usually a manager out type - only Hoddle, Solbakken and Hoddle have ever moved me to such a position for their insipid brand of football that bores me enough to not want to go.

I get that Jackett did well in league one and that last season was interesting but he is proving to be a one trick pony whose trick has been uncovered. Unless there is some grand plan we (and apparently he) is blissfully unaware of he should go.
Wanted him out after Bristol City as the football was crap, the results were poor, he was making the same mistakes over and over and I couldn't see him turning it around. He hasn't turned it around.

Abject work in the market, dull football, 10 goals in 10 home games, 2 home wins all season, Afobe on the bench, no signs of any of it changing on the horizon. I'd love to know what the case for keeping him is because I can't see it. Us being up for sale is no excuse or barrier, nor is 'we could get Paul Ince and he is worse' or similar.
Voted out originally, feel even more strongly now. Compare team two years ago to now: absolutely no improvement.
Out for me but has been for a long time, i didn't see him being able to get us where we want to be and that view gets stronger and stronger as every game goes by.
I am not usually a manager out type - only Hoddle, Solbakken and Hoddle have ever moved me to such a position for their insipid brand of football that bores me enough to not want to go.

I get that Jackett did well in league one and that last season was interesting but he is proving to be a one trick pony whose trick has been uncovered. Unless there is some grand plan we (and apparently he) is blissfully unaware of he should go.

I think I'd have mentioned Hoddle twice too. He really was that bad.

But not because of yesterday.
Changed my mind and opted IN. Right man at the right time in terms of the ownership situation. Not impressed with the current set up or style of football but the more important changes lie above him. Given the mess above him I'll settle for mid table. Get safe and then blood the youngsters.
I'll be very unhappy if he leaves Benik on the bench against Leeds next week though, but at the moment on going week on week and its sadly not getting any better for Kenny..
He needs to go and he needs to go quickly or his lasting image will be one of failure. He's managed to turn last seasons excitement in the stands int one of abject indifference this term.
As others have stated though,nothing will change whilst the ownership of the club is in limbo.
There is no reason why that should be the case. Villa are up for sale and have sacked two managers in the last year.
If the next two games before Christmas are not favourable then Kenny will get the sack and spend Christmas at home.
There is no reason why that should be the case. Villa are up for sale and have sacked two managers in the last year.

For me it's the fact that it's now either Jez or KT with their finger on the trigger. Can't see either of them sacking Ken unless we get dragged right down into a relegation dogfight (which wont happen).
Sadly I have changed my mind since and have voted OUT. I hope he can turn it around, of course, but it just doesn't seem likely. I agree that I don't think he will be sacked while there is uncertainty over the club's owner situaiton... and then maybe someone will come in, give hi loads of money to spend and we will love him again! ;)
For me it's the fact that it's now either Jez or KT with their finger on the trigger. Can't see either of them sacking Ken unless we get dragged right down into a relegation dogfight (which wont happen).

I'd rather have KJ than Jez/Thelwell. The only reason Morgan will keep Jez is because he's a shit deflector and won't further his burden financially.
Transfers who never play, setting up not to lose at home when we are well below play off level, Edwards stats, and some pretty thin after match reports......sorry, but whoever said one trick pony was right. He was the perfect choice after Saunders but we simply haven't moved on.