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Pre Nuno players


Well-known member
Oct 28, 2010
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I was just thinking about how much some of the pre Nuno players have been transformed and frankly it's ridiculous.

Coady is playing a role that no-one in their right mind would have ever thought he could play. He's showing skills that I just didn't think he had. Pinging 40-50 yard balls into feet, showing a sweeper mentality to be able to clear our danger and becoming such an influential voice. One of those that isn't a captain but is a leader

Baath has also shown talents I didn't think he had. He's looked calm in the ball and whilst his passing isn't at Miranda, Coady or Boly level he certainly isn't a weak link. He still possess the aerial ability he always has but now looks more assured and considered in his play.

Doherty has got better and better with each game, maybe he was always more comfortable going forward so the RWB role suits him but he too has improved his general play and looks to be a threat out wide. Finding space and stretching defences he too has improved.
I was just thinking about how much some of the pre Nuno players have been transformed and frankly it's ridiculous.

Coady is playing a role that no-one in their right mind would have ever thought he could play. He's showing skills that I just didn't think he had. Pinging 40-50 yard balls into feet, showing a sweeper mentality to be able to clear our danger and becoming such an influential voice. One of those that isn't a captain but is a leader

Baath has also shown talents I didn't think he had. He's looked calm in the ball and whilst his passing isn't at Miranda, Coady or Boly level he certainly isn't a weak link. He still possess the aerial ability he always has but now looks more assured and considered in his play.

Doherty has got better and better with each game, maybe he was always more comfortable going forward so the RWB role suits him but he too has improved his general play and looks to be a threat out wide. Finding space and stretching defences he too has improved.

Agree with all that. All down to Nuno and his team - just shows what a good manager can do. Having better quality players around them has helped, too.
Agree with all that. All down to Nuno and his team - just shows what a good manager can do. Having better quality players around them has helped, too.

The last two points are the most relevant.

Though it's more than useful that a few have managed to step up as we were going to find it hard to put a completely new 11 out.
Coady's sprayed balls around like that at times in the past too, his bigger problems in midfield tended to be with his first touch and losing the ball through that when under pressure. I suppose playing in that deeper role gives him a lot more time and space that he'd usually have had in the centre of the park to make those passes.
I think a few on here have wondered just what exactly it was what got Coady through the Liverpool academy without being released earlier and under Nuno we've started seeing those mostly anonymous attributes, he reads the game well (save a couple of high balls) has made some excellent passes and is a vocal leader on the pitch and as we saw on Working With Wolves he seemed to put an arm around Bright and motivate others.

I expected him to leave in a low key sale like Saville/Wallace or be on the periphery this season but as much as Nuno has worked wonders Coady would've needed to have been receptive to it and credit to him too.
I think I've been saying for over three seasons that we still had almost the same coaching team as when MM was sacked and numerous managers had not bothered to have a clean out so everything had got stale and even too familiar. This was the first change where the manager pulled the trigger and brought in some quality coaches that he's worked with previously and things have improved...Who'd a thunk it?!
Maybe not 'knowing the league' is an advantage? Lambert would have come with pre-conceived ideas on what Batth, Coady etc could do. Nuno doesn't seem to have come with any pre-conceptions and the players have responded.
Jackett had Coady dropping in between the centre halves a few times in his last season. He must have seen something in him in that regards I remember thinking he was out of his gourd.
I always felt Coady lacked mobility in midfield. Not a problem in his new role. Doherty was always OK going forward but he is adding some defensive discipline, though he's some way to go. As for Danny he was an archetypal Championship block it, head it, kick it defender. He's improved a lot, particularly his distribution.
I think the players have a much clearer idea of what they are to do in the system and this is helping those who are less technically gifted. A much improved team has to help as well, these players are under less pressure as the team is just better.
Batth was always a bit of a scapegoat IMO. Especially last season when Lambert tried to instill a direct/long ball game which invited pressure on us.

However, the difference in players both in fitness and technique is pretty clear to see.
Interestingly I was mentioning this to my mate who is a Sporting fan who told me that he still isn't convinced nuno is a good coach!
Even though all the signs here point to "yes" it is ultimately a bit too soon to say for certain.