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Season Ticket Discussion 2024/25

Will you renew?

  • Total voters
I’ve paid nearly £1700 to go for a couple of beers and a bag of chips with my son and a couple of mates every other week for 9 months of the year.

Voted yes originally but right now I’m saying no as I don’t like being treated like a mug. 5 or even 10% I might have sucked it up but 17% is taking the piss, particularly as the bar is now closed to me as well.

Will I “walk the walk”, I don’t know. With VAR and the way the club/team is going it seems like a no brainer to fuck it off. But it’s a massive part of your life and would be cutting my nose off to spite my face. But the resentment towards them is pretty strong. I don’t want to be part of the problem, because it won’t stop. It will be another 5% minimum next year. Voting with your feet and hoping enough follow seems the only way to stop it.
Partly taken from a similar thread on Molmix, here are comparative 'lowest mass behind the goal' ST prices at most other Premier League clubs for 2024-25 season. A few (such as Villa, Fulham, and Man Utd) are estimates whereby I have found last seasons ST prices and calculated in the announced % price rise for this season. There may be a range of pricing in some stands unlike our pricing, but again these stated prices are where at least a substantial amount of seats are available, so I have not included tiny small areas such as our temporary stand though that rarely applies at other clubs anyway. Its just Wolves who really do that to slyly massage the reality: -

ARSENAL - £1073
ASTON VILLA - £549 (2023-24 price) plus 5% = £576
CHELSEA - £787
EVERTON - £650
FULHAM - £475
IPSWICH - £381
MAN CITY - £425
MAN UTD - £551 (not actually published yet, just a 5% increase following lasts years 5% increase after 11 years of no increases)
WOLVES- £735

So our adult prices for general behind the goal seating are 4th highest and highest outside London.
I think the bit that has really got me (aside from punishing children and people with disabilities) is Jeff's article saying we won't even challenge for a trophy.

It costs less to watch Chelsea or only 30 quid more to watch man u who are in a cup final this week (OK, you'll get rained on but that's just like the Graham Hughes).

Fosun out.
Forget club size but location is key here it’s cheaper to watch PL football in west London and Bournemouth than it is in Wolverhampton.
Just 2.8% of the ground would be classed as affordable
Following on from people who said they have emailed Fan Services, I sent an email too and have had the following reply, almost straight away...

"Hi Mike,

Thanks for getting in touch.

Thank you for your feedback and for sharing your comments, we are sorry to hear you feel this way.

Please be assured that we are collating all feedback to be shared with the club’s senior management.

In the meantime, if we can be of assistance with anything else at all, please get in touch.

Kind Regards

Fan Services Advisor"

It would appear that they are receiving a large number of emails and are actually going to pass them on. (you would hope) so definitely worth emailing them if you haven't already or think they don't care
Following on from people who said they have emailed Fan Services, I sent an email too and have had the following reply, almost straight away...

"Hi Mike,

Thanks for getting in touch.

Thank you for your feedback and for sharing your comments, we are sorry to hear you feel this way.

Please be assured that we are collating all feedback to be shared with the club’s senior management.

In the meantime, if we can be of assistance with anything else at all, please get in touch.

Kind Regards

Fan Services Advisor"

It would appear that they are receiving a large number of emails and are actually going to pass them on. (you would hope) so definitely worth emailing them if you haven't already or think they don't care
I received the exact same reply
They were literally awarded a surprise £5m windfall last week when Leicester won promotion. I can't believe nobody looked at that and thought "actually, why don't we take some of this unexpected money, and use it to offset against these price rises". Like they've seen the stick they get when the increases are 5-8%, and it's generally 50/50 between the pissed off and the supportive. The fact they held off on the announcement until after the season proves that they knew for a fact there would be heavy pushback. It just seems like the easiest thing in the world to do, and they could even spin it. "we were going to increase by x, but we're using this money that's come in and wasn't budgeted for to offset most of that".

Thick as fucking shit.

And for the sake of what, £3m? That makes no difference. It won't make the difference between signing a player or not. Or investing in infrastructure or maintenance of the stadium. Even over the course of three years, that £9m will not be the difference between a 'pass/fail' on PSR. It will achieve nothing. Nothing except making your customer base implacably angry at best, or lose - forever - a massive chunk of them at worst..

They've hung their hat on two things.

a - the historic renewal rate, despite an unjustified run of consecutive increases
b - the misplaced belief that members = season ticket waiting list.

Our renewal rate his historically mid 90s%, regardless of price increase and reduction in quality on the pitch and ambition off it. They believe that their customers love their club so much that there is nothing Fosun can (or won't) do that will change that. I believe we'll be looking at a renewal rate in the 70s this Summer. We'll never know, because they'll never publish an embarrassing figure like that. But we'll know. We'll know because of the pre-match drink groups that go from 12 to 8. We'll know because we'll see how many new faces there are around those of us that do renew. We'll know how far season ticket offers go down the 'waiting list'. We'll know because we'll read and hear of the heart break of fans who are forced to give something up that they've been part of for years. We'll know of the conversations that our friends have to have with their children, because unfortunately season tickets just aren't viable any more.

And we'll know that it was all so unnecessary. It didn't need to happen. It achieved nothing positive. It didn't help the club survive. It didn't make the club competitive. It didn't help us sign a player that would've been otherwise unattainable. It didn't make the difference between a points deduction or not.

Three million fucking pounds. "Ah, but it's repeat revenue", Jeff will think. "It's £3m a year, in perpetuity". Well, you fucking cretin. You want to know what else lasts forever? Absence. Once people stop going, they stop going forever. They might make a handful of games, especially if a mate lends them a season ticket or what have you, but you've lost that customer. They're still a fan, they're still a supporter, they still love the club and share the highs and lows and excitement and frustration. They're still a fan, and they know more about this football club, and care more about this football club than you ever will. Fuck, we probably spend more time a week thinking about this football than you do, and it's your full time fucking job.

We are still fans. But you've lost a customer forever. You've lost somebody that was happy to pay a thousand pounds a year on a ticket and a pint and a shirt, because you wanted an extra couple of hundred quid off them. You've not just lost them forever, you've lost their children too. You've literally alienated generations of customers, because you wanted to rinse the one that was spending a larger chunk of their disposable income than any other fans from any other time in history.

You've absolutely fucked this, Jeff Shi. I genuinely hope that renewal take up is around 50%. I hope the 'waiting list' tells you to fuck off. I hope you're forced to put season tickets on general sale - could there be a more embarrassing thing for a football club that's spent the last few years felating itself over its renewals and waiting lists? I hope that, come the first game of the season, there's fewer than 25,000 people in that stadium. I hope the atmosphere is poisonous, and there's a protest, and a walk out, and that you lose your job. I hope that whichever clueless Fosun drone that gets parachuted in replace you undoes this madness, partially refunds those that renewed, and reaches out to those that you have hurt with an offer enticing enough to get them back before it's too late. Because once you've lost the people of this City, you're absolutely fucked. That would do irreparable, permanent damage to this club, to the community.

Three million pounds. You absolute fucking weapon.
That piece of work Jane Stevenson can fuck off.

Voted against feeding poor kids, claiming now she's spent 8 years on the ST waiting list.

Really Jane because here were our gates 8 years ago, in the early months of 2016/17.

Reading 20,425
Ipswich 19,991
Burton 22,049
Barnsley 18,668
Brentford 20,367

If you couldn't get a ticket then you weren't trying very hard.
They called you Mike?
They addressed it with my email address as I signed off the initial email with my supporter no, with a p.s. that I was aware that they didn't care what my name was and that I was only a number to them
They addressed it with my email address as I signed off the initial email with my supporter no, with a p.s. that I was aware that they didn't care what my name was and that I was only a bug to them
  • Haha
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They addressed it with my email address as I signed off the initial email with my supporter no, with a p.s. that I was aware that they didn't care what my name was and that I was only a number to them

That in and of itself is shocking, I'd have found your name off your supporters number. They've effectively confirmed your P.S.
They addressed it with my email address as I signed off the initial email with my supporter no, with a p.s. that I was aware that they didn't care what my name was and that I was only a number to them
Should've Samuel L Jackson'd it and signed off as 'Bad mother fucker'.