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Site Logo Update?


Numbnuts / Moderator
May 23, 2011
Reaction score
Just thought I'd have a crack at an updated site logo as we've been sporting last season's kit for quite a while now. No problem if it's not to taste, just thought a fresher one might be needed? Always willing to try something else too.

And of course it was meant to be site logo, not sie logo.



After some rejigging this was the final piece:

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Haven't we got a picture of Fletch where he doesn't look like a toby jug?
Nice one Boozad. You got a shot Doyler though? Instead of Hammill perhaps...?
Yep, I can stick Doyler in there no problem. I'll do it later and get it posted up.
Looks good Boozad. Where is Gued, though?
Impressive! Any chance of Berra rather than Hammill?
It'll be even more impressive when I manage to update it with the requests. I was going to get it done yesterday but my daughter wanted to watch me play Skyrim all day long.
There we go. Hammill and last season's Henners removed, Girly-Hair Berra and CartHoss Doyle added.

You should have put Eggert on there. He has the nicest hair.
good stuff Boozad, bang it up there before you get twenty other different sides selected, ha ha