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Spoilt Princesses moaning about Media Coverage of Wolves

On Nashy I see he is now doing his writing/journo work part time and has a got himself a job in recruitment
On Nashy I see he is now doing his writing/journo work part time and has a got himself a job in recruitment

Was it the Mirror he got a bit of freelance stuff from? They may have chucked him after his Robbie Keane "scoop"!

Marshall was the one where if you remember we were sat in the pub reading the paper (when it were all fields round here) and they did a piece on Wolves' declining attendances as Glenda was sending everyone to sleep. And to illustrate the point, used a picture of a cup game from the wrong season.
You weren't missing much!

Oddly the E&S punted him for Nash and just moved him to cover Albion. Like when a Cabinet minister is doing a shocking job and so they just move him or her to mess some other department up.
That's obviously their thing. They did the same to Nash by shoving him to Shrewsbury. Wolverhampton Casuals must be looking forward to seeing Joey
On Nashy I see he is now doing his writing/journo work part time and has a got himself a job in recruitment

Having witnessed his "to camera" work, I wouldn't hire him for any job in which he has to speak. His school careers adviser no doubt suggested Benedictine Monk as his go-to job.
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I think Rosie Swarbrick is doing okay myself. She seems to be able to write, which is a step forward over Spiers.
yep, out of all the shit the ex and blah have , she smells the sweetest so far.
Edwards, do behave.......................
That Jonny 'piece' is fucking atrocious. I was writing better than that when I was fourteen for fuck's sake.
Not really read much of Swarbrick's stuff so far, so I thought I'd have a look.


First impressions:

- They're still far too brief on these ratings. The Internet doesn't limit you to words, guys. When I do a player-by-player verdict, you're looking at 2,000 words or so. You have the depth, you have the time, do it properly. It's not like you publish right after full time. This wasn't even out until 11am or so this morning. I've done them inside an hour at the proper length in the past.

- The writing is actually alright. Slips into cliché a couple of times and there's no great flourish, but it's not as try-hard as Timbolina could be at times and it's not as obviously rubbish as Joey.

- This on Neves though really lets it down.

Why has he not been playing in a midfield two all term?

Er, because we more or less exclusively played 3-5-2 from December last season and we were brilliant? Come on Rosie. Think.

- Not keen on this either on Jota

Sometimes he needs to forget about the fancy footwork and trickery, and remember the most important thing – the end product.

Don't think Diogo over-elaborates at all. He's not doing a Seol, beating a man then checking back so he can beat him again. He's playing as he always does, it just isn't quite running for him. It'll come.

Needs to improve and rediscover his form of the second half of last season.


- This is fucking harsh on Saiss too!

He also should not have been over the line when attempting to clear the goal. The whole point of being on the line is to be on the line.

Watch it again, he hasn't really got a chance of stopping it.

Overall 6/10, ok but some really easy things to fix.
Yeah the reason Saiss' foot was behind the line was because that's where the ball was by the time it got to him due to it coming in at such a narrow angle . He can't magically transport forwards three feet to intercept it before it goes over.

And Jota doesn't over-elaborate. But he does sometimes hold onto it for too long trying to beat everyone all on his own. When it comes off though it's brilliant.
Inspector Gadget would've struggled to clear that off the line if he was in Saiss's position.
She digs out Saiss every game, because she's desperate for Kilman to play and often makes the same comment about Jota over playing. Her writing is ok, her prejudiced opinions, not.
I'd rather one of them stick to the ratings rather than it being a different reporter each week. Rosie's ratings are about right, but that Jota remark is utter bollocks.
180 acres plus all the paths leading up to Baggeridge and someone is pissing and moaning about the shittest part of the park to walk a dog.
The fuck is this from Rosie here

"One tactical element Nuno has made this term is shifting from 3-5-2 to 3-4-3.
That formation has seen right-back Doherty and left full-back Jonny Castro Otto push higher up the pitch into wing-back roles."

Yeah playing Doc and Jonny as standard full backs needed changing!. After Joey claimed Jonny was shit and hardly crossed the halfway line last season do we conclude that the people covering Wolves for the E&S dont actually watch us play
How does Rosebud think Doc scored eight goals last season if he was playing as a standard RB, not on free kicks, not on pens?

I know Paddy defends her, but she's awful. Her writing style is fine, her appreciation of what happens on the pitch is shocking.

I don't follow anyone from the E&S on Twitter any more
I wasn't keen on the early pieces but I've had deep suspicion of her since the "Saiss should have cleared it vs Villa" debacle.

This is writing off territory, sorry but no. You can't be *that* wrong.
I wasn't keen on the early pieces but I've had deep suspicion of her since the "Saiss should have cleared it vs Villa" debacle.

This is writing off territory, sorry but no. You can't be *that* wrong.
Saiss isn't Kilman, in Rosie world that's a crime