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The Mendes Brotherhood


Jeff Shi's Bitch
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
Now we're apparently tied to these clubs through Jorge Mendes I thought it'd be good to have a thread to follow our new friends, keep track of their progress throughout the season and any transfer dealings.

Key members of the Mendes web include Atleti, Benfica, Zenit, Monaco, Valencia, Braga, Deportivo, Wolves... Am I missing any?

Benfica kick off against Vitoria Setubal at 20:15, lets hope for 3 points for O Glorioso. Atleti play Alaves at 21:15.

SLB's helpful post for reference.

So i do not know if this is the best place to put it, but as i said on my first post today, i will do something for you guys that i would like that someone would have done for me a couple of years ago. Seems like your club is the the most recent member of what we in Portugal like to call "The Mendes System". With Benfica being one of the founding members, i think i have some knowledge to help you understand what will mean in the future to be a member of this brotherwood...That way:

1-First the members so far: Benfica, Monaco, Valencia, Zenit and now Wolves.

2-You will see a ton of players rotating between those clubs. Benfica has sent for those 4 clubs more than 20 players in the last 4 seasons.

3-Forget about pounds and euros. From now on the transfers of your club will use Euromendes as currency. This means that the value of a transfer will no longer have a meaning. Ex: Benfica sold a few years ago Ivan Cavaleiro (dont ask) for 15M euros to Monaco. That same year Bernardo Silva (yep the wonderkind) for the exact same value. This year we sent Gaitan to Atletico for 25M (too cheap you would say) and we overpaid 22M for Jimenez. Why does this happen?

4.It's simple. Mendes System works like a bank. When a club needs money, that same club will send a player to other member of the System and get overpaid for it. But you will be in debt to Mendes, so next year do not be surprised if you sell your best player for 500k. A few years back we sold Garay (!) to Zenit for 3M...However 2 years before we sold also to Zenit, Witsel for 40M. The debt was paid...

5-You have to do the man some favours. Sometimes you will say "but we already have 4 left backs on the squad". It does not matter. If the man just signed a promissing left back in...lets say...Aruba, that kid will be part of the squad. And most likely will be the first pick most games. Luckily he usually signs only decent players.

6- Some players will arrive and leave and not play a single minute for the club. Benfica has 98 players with a pro contract. I would say that at least 50 never played in our first squad. Those players are used to enter what we call "Mendes Carousel". They will spend years being loaned to other smallers clubs until the contract runs out. Dont ask the reasons...

Well and for now thats all. Any doubts or questions feel free to shoot away. And enjoy the ride!
I have said all along i love the fosun involvement but Mendes makes my skin crawl.

Semedo Lopez Lindelof Grimaldo

Horta Fejsa

Salvio Pizzi Cervi

Both Atleti and Benfica drew 1-1.
Garay wasn't sold to Zenit for 3 millions but for 6. Benfica only received 3 because we got only 50% of him.

And he wasn't sold for that amount due to the transfer of Witsel. He was to Zenit because he got a salary that few clubs would pay to him. 4,8 million €. Real, Barcelona, Bayern, United, City and Chelsea, for example, would pay him that value, but the problem is that in Russia the taxes are very low (what happens also in Turkey and in Monaco). Having said that, the clubs that i mentioned would have to spend almost 10 millions € per year to equalize his salary in Zenit.
Mendes makes Arthur Daley look like a true honest gent. However credit where credit is due. The system he works is legal and effective. I find myself asking has his involvement improved our squad and our chances of promotion? Resounding yes. Ok its loan deals but we struggled to get anyone of note to come here. Now we get Man Utd's future full back!
I have mentioned Watford on another thread but Watford exploited both the loan system and their relationship with Udinese in their promotion season of 2014/15. Outlay was only 850k according to this - the rest were loans. http://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/watf...10/plus/0?saison_id=2014&pos=&detailpos=&w_s=
They have spent since but they can afford to now with Prem Money. I think Fosun's use of Mendes is a canny starter. It means that the squad has improved at little cost. I believe, incredibly that we have spent less this year than last! I get the impression that Fosun have a plan and will back that plan , but initially they are happy to back their expert and thats Mendes. Ok he will make a bit but its performance based. If we do well, he will do well. If not he will be sidelined. These owners are businessmen and know how to make money.
SLB drawn in with Napoli, Kyiv & Anderson Talisca's Besiktas! Will he be allowed to play in those games?
Should be, Chelsea couldn't stop Atletico playing Courtois against them a couple of years ago.
Yeah had the same with Coman against Juventus last season, and he scored against them in extra time!
Garay wasn't sold to Zenit for 3 millions but for 6. Benfica only received 3 because we got only 50% of him.

And he wasn't sold for that amount due to the transfer of Witsel. He was to Zenit because he got a salary that few clubs would pay to him. 4,8 million €. Real, Barcelona, Bayern, United, City and Chelsea, for example, would pay him that value, but the problem is that in Russia the taxes are very low (what happens also in Turkey and in Monaco). Having said that, the clubs that i mentioned would have to spend almost 10 millions € per year to equalize his salary in Zenit.

See guys... You will have some of these at wolves too. Its that kind of fan that will allow down his throat any fantasy story that comes either from Mendes or the chairman mouth. We call them "papalvos". They are mostly harmless. Usually i keep them away by asking why Cavaleiro and Bernardo Silva were sold for the same value, why we sold Roberto about 3 times, (yep true story) or why players like Luis Filipe, Gianni or Vera were allowed to grab a pen and sign a contract with Benfica name on it.

See, witsel wasnt worth 40M. Of course Garay low price was to pay it back. Its how the system works. Same reason we overpaid 16M for Pizzi and 22M for a mexican that scores 1 goal on each 50 shots.

Anyway, Talisca can play against us. Also i missed insulting Quaresma so im glad we drew them.

On a side note, yes we had a bad start. We have tons of talent but we have a former high school teacher for a manager...
Nacional 1 - Benfica 3

Goals: Pizzi, Carrillo and Jimenez.

Another poor performance though. Its a crime to put such a talented roster on this manager hands...
See guys... You will have some of these at wolves too. Its that kind of fan that will allow down his throat any fantasy story that comes either from Mendes or the chairman mouth. We call them "papalvos". They are mostly harmless. Usually i keep them away by asking why Cavaleiro and Bernardo Silva were sold for the same value, why we sold Roberto about 3 times, (yep true story) or why players like Luis Filipe, Gianni or Vera were allowed to grab a pen and sign a contract with Benfica name on it.

See, witsel wasnt worth 40M. Of course Garay low price was to pay it back. Its how the system works. Same reason we overpaid 16M for Pizzi and 22M for a mexican that scores 1 goal on each 50 shots.

Anyway, Talisca can play against us. Also i missed insulting Quaresma so im glad we drew them.

On a side note, yes we had a bad start. We have tons of talent but we have a former high school teacher for a manager...

Im just correcting what you are saying because you're not very accurate.

Witsel wasn't worth 40M. Thats your point of view. What about Hulk? Where is the system?

Another one: Pizzi didn't cost 16M. Benfica bought 50% for 6 million and the other part was switch for Roberto. This is 14M, not 16.

If you can't talk about facts that's not my problem, sorry.



Mendes is a money maker.

Mendes is the major part in this transfer.

Benfica bought the 50% of Raul Jimenez, striker that is a second option in the club, for 13 million €. In the total of the transfer it costed 22M€, the most expensive player of the history of the club. A player that is a second option. This was made by Mendes, also. Now, Mendes creates a way to replace some of that money and put Talisca in another club by a value that, at the moment, he doesn't justify.

See guys... You will have some of these at wolves too. Its that kind of fan that will paint the reality as they want. We call them "mongos".

If you want to inform people at least do it decently, please.
Im just correcting what you are saying because you're not very accurate.

Witsel wasn't worth 40M. Thats your point of view. What about Hulk? Where is the system?

Another one: Pizzi didn't cost 16M. Benfica bought 50% for 6 million and the other part was switch for Roberto. This is 14M, not 16.

If you can't talk about facts that's not my problem, sorry.


See guys... You will have some of these at wolves too. Its that kind of fan that will paint the reality as they want. We call them "mongos".

If you want to inform people at least do it decently, please.

You think Hulk and Witsel are worth the same. Enough said. Hulk who still this season was sold for 50M. And you accept the club paid 8M (even if the deal was part of Pizzi transfer) for the worst GK to ever wear our shirt. Not the right place to discuss this. Serbenfiquista.com is the right place to do so with the rest of papalvos.

Lads sorry for this.

Guys here is the most recent Mendes strike: Garay will go from Zenit to Valencia for 20M Euromendes. 2 years before Benfica made 3M with him. A few months later we sold 29 year old Enzo to Valencia for 25M. Get your own conclusions. I cant write them anymore...papalvos arrived at your forum.
If you two could keep this shit up it would be much appreciated, makes for some very interesting reading.
You think Hulk and Witsel are worth the same. Enough said. Hulk who still this season was sold for 50M. And you accept the club paid 8M (even if the deal was part of Pizzi transfer) for the worst GK to ever wear our shirt. Not the right place to discuss this. Serbenfiquista.com is the right place to do so with the rest of papalvos.

Lads sorry for this.

Guys here is the most recent Mendes strike: Garay will go from Zenit to Valencia for 20M Euromendes. 2 years before Benfica made 3M with him. A few months later we sold 29 year old Enzo to Valencia for 25M. Get your own conclusions. I cant write them anymore...papalvos arrived at your forum.

I think Hulk and Witsel are players that can be sold for a huge amount of money.

Hulk was sold for 50M... to China. Hulk is earning 20M€/year. What's your point of view? Do i need to remember you Andy Carroll's transfer?

And you accept the club paid 8M (even if the deal was part of Pizzi transfer) for the worst GK to ever wear our shirt.[/i]

Yes. Brilliant reading skills from you. What you will say next? Maybe you can see, between the lines, that i appreciate the way LFV drives the club.

Be honest, please. You are here trying to inform people, but do it decently. Saying that Benfica received 3M€ due to Garay's transfer it's ok. In fact, Garay only "gave" 2,4M€, but as i said... it's ok. What it's not ok is not saying that Benfica only had 50% of him. People that see that value will think that Zenit paid only 3M€ for him, and that's not true.

The rest is your brain working on the best way to tell things to fit better in your scenario.

As i said yesterday, be honest.

And if you want to discuss this in another place, go ahead. LFV thread is always on fire with this, so be my guest.
Could have been 3, 6, 9 or 12. Garay transfer was a crime against Benfica. 2 years later he is still worth 20M. Back then he was 2 years younger and in Argentina starting XI. What was done was a Mendes payment. This is the truth.

Another great thing about that transfer: it ruined our good terms with Real Madrid. They felt tricked for getting just 3M for their half and no more deals were done between the clubs ever since. It was all a Mendes and Vieira instant classic. (Vieira is Benfica chairman for those interested.. He is great at building stadiums. One day ill tell you that story too).

Can he help us finish ours

Yours is getting improved? Thats funny! Explains a lot...

Guess what, Depor, Valencia, Atleti are getting new ones. Yours and Zenit is getting improved... Ours just had a 3M euros "maintenance"...

By the way our chairman recently reached top 10 among the richest in Portugal. He is in construction business. None of this is related of course.