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The Video Games Thread II - The Resurrection

Do I buy Far Cry 3 after work or not?

Decisions, decisions.....
I've yet to play a bad Lego game. Can't wait to play Lego LOTR!

I've managed to get 1000G on:

Lego Batman
Lego Indiana Jones
Lego Harry Potter (1-4)

Lego Indy 2 crashed meaning I lost a load of data and I can't be arsed starting again, and I was only a few points off Lego Star Wars:TCS.

I love the Lego games.

Have you played Lego Batman 2? That and Lego LOTR is completely different, they don't follow the films, they're open world, I'd like them to follow the films, but they don't unfortunately, which is a bit of a let down imo.
Have you played Lego Batman 2? That and Lego LOTR is completely different, they don't follow the films, they're open world, I'd like them to follow the films, but they don't unfortunately, which is a bit of a let down imo.

Not played those yet, no. Sounds like Lego Indy 2 which was also bit of a let down.

It wouldn't bother me as much with LOTR though as I love the films so much.

Anyone played Lego Pirates? Any good?
Yes, otherwise it'd be a waste of money.

Well obviously but my point is. Will you play it once the campaign is complete?

I do waste a lot of games because I don't finish the story and the games just don't get played again.
Not played those yet, no. Sounds like Lego Indy 2 which was also bit of a let down.

It wouldn't bother me as much with LOTR though as I love the films so much.

Anyone played Lego Pirates? Any good?

I like it when they stick to the films like PotC does but unfortunately LOTR doesn't so I won't be getting that.

Lego Pirates is actually really good, bit of a pain at times, but it is really good, if you stick to it too, it's quite easy to get the platinum/1000g.
Well obviously but my point is. Will you play it once the campaign is complete?

I do waste a lot of games because I don't finish the story and the games just don't get played again.

I'll probably trade it in - I tend to do that when I finish single player games. Dunno what the multiplayer is like but that could add some longevity to it.
I'll probably trade it in - I tend to do that when I finish single player games. Dunno what the multiplayer is like but that could add some longevity to it.

Custom multiplayer maps was mentioned earlier in the thread. So that sounds cool if you like that sort of thing.
I'll give it a go. If I buy it.

Still enjoying Black Ops 2 at the mo so that takes up most of my multiplayer time but there's always room to play a decent single player game as well.
"The balance of Far Cry 3's gameplay and world is remarkable. It's challenging without being frustrating, it's helpful without being handholdy, and it's unpredictable without feeling random. It is one of the best open world shooters I have played, ranking up there with the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games and the first Crysis as far as giving you a playground in which you may do as you please. "
I didn't mean to try and put you off btw Langers. I hope you enjoy the game.
Pretty much everything this game does, encourages you to explore, to do more than just run through the story and toss the game aside. It actively wants you to play everything and it is hard to resist, with many ways to navigate the island, on foot, by road, by water or through the sky, it is much more than just a simple game, there is so much more than the story and the side quests, you would be doing the game a great injustice if you didn’t take in everything it had to offer. It would be like going on a safari and just looking up the facts on wikipedia while riding the off road vehicle.
Far Cry 3 is not only one of the games of this year, it is one of the games of this generation. There was nothing about it that ever came close to ruining the fun, it is a true sandbox experience and all the faults from the previous games have been ironed out. Simply put, you must buy this now!
James said:
I own Call of Duty Modern Warfare, World at War, Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops, so deciding what I wanted for Christmas was easy.

I really want to get laid.

Personally I don't see the appeal of it either. I guess I'll never progress from Unreal Tournament or Quake IV.
I've never been a huge fan of the Call of Duty series but won't begrudge anyone who likes the game. It's got a fun Zombies mode but that's about it. I can't justify myself spending £40 on a game that I will spend 4 hours on a year. I spend more time on Super Mario 64 than that.