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Wolves 1-1 Newcastle: Verdict Thread

In fairness (to play devil’s advocate and not making excuses), Potter went 14 without a win at Brighton. Arsenal were very poor under Arteta last season. I suppose it depends on whether you consider what we’re turning out now to be satisfactory in context.

I didn’t see the Leeds or Fulham games but Spurs and Newcastle haven’t ‘peppered us’ and Sa didn’t make many saves in either game. It’s very much that final third that is a huge problem, but then you’ve got three players - two of whom have just returned from injury (or not long been seriously injured) and another who is new to the league and team.

It doesn’t matter if they all speak the same language, you still need to set up those partnerships on the pitch.

As said, not making excuses for Lage I’m just offering a different opinion. He’s very much trying to change 5-6 years of an ingrained style as he reverted to type last season with Nuno’s system to grind out results. I do agree the subs were wrong and too late today however.
This is something else I've noticed, we are noticeably less fit than we have been previously.

Is this in part though because other managers are making use of the 5 sub rule to refresh half the team...... whereas Bruno sits on his hands running our players into the ground. The subs today were to late and too cowardly. Howe completely done him in that second half today
In fairness (to play devil’s advocate and not making excuses), Potter went 14 without a win at Brighton. Arsenal were very poor under Arteta last season. I suppose it depends on whether you consider what we’re turning out now to be satisfactory in context.

I didn’t see the Leeds or Fulham games but Spurs and Newcastle haven’t ‘peppered us’ and Sa didn’t make many saves in either game. It’s very much that final third that is a huge problem, but then you’ve got three players - two of whom have just returned from injury (or not long been seriously injured) and another who is new to the league and team.

It doesn’t matter if they all speak the same language, you still need to set up those partnerships on the pitch.

As said, not making excuses for Lage I’m just offering a different opinion. He’s very much trying to change 5-6 years of an ingrained style as he reverted to type last season with Nuno’s system to grind out results. I do agree the subs were wrong and too late today however.
I definitely agree with all that, but ultimately this is a results business.
First half we were the better team although we went flat a few times. Scored a good goal and probably should have converted one of the other 3 excellent chances..
Second half we were very poor again, when we did attack it broke down time after time with poor passing. We seemed to have low energy levels.
I was a bit disappointed in Nunes, started well enough but after he missed his chance the game seemed to drift by him, hoping for more from him in the future.
Neves and Semedo were top quality, Sa also had a decent game. Jonny and Kilman were sound enough. Thought Collins had a decent game for the most part apart from that one mis control, although he did seem a bit panicky at the end.
Guedes did ok, thought he did his defensive work quite well. Neto is a bit of an enigma atm, he's always been a bit head down style which needs coaching our of him, shame the goal from his best cross was ruled out.
Heart sank when Hwang came on, I'm guessing he didn't mean to spoon it into the middle of their attacking 3rd, he's just not good enough.
Can't see Lage lasting much longer although while I'll be glad when he's gone, I'm currently more worried about our technically gifted players being unable to hit a straightforward pass when under no pressure, happened loads in the second half when we were in very good attacking positions.
Been travelling so didn't see the actual game, but reading the comments on here it seems I have many times. Our tactical genius trying to cling onto a first half lead throughout the second and failing again
It’s a lot of change all at once, more than anything
In fairness (to play devil’s advocate and not making excuses), Potter went 14 without a win at Brighton. Arsenal were very poor under Arteta last season. I suppose it depends on whether you consider what we’re turning out now to be satisfactory in context.

I didn’t see the Leeds or Fulham games but Spurs and Newcastle haven’t ‘peppered us’ and Sa didn’t make many saves in either game. It’s very much that final third that is a huge problem, but then you’ve got three players - two of whom have just returned from injury (or not long been seriously injured) and another who is new to the league and team.

It doesn’t matter if they all speak the same language, you still need to set up those partnerships on the pitch.

As said, not making excuses for Lage I’m just offering a different opinion. He’s very much trying to change 5-6 years of an ingrained style as he reverted to type last season with Nuno’s system to grind out results.

You do realise he was here all last season? When it was clear we had nothing to play for last season he persisted with functional football?
There’s been little evidence he’s turning anything around 2 goals in the opening 4 games.
Today was just a copy and paste from last season. No doubt he’s trying he’s just not up to it.
His biggest mistake last season was reverting back to 3-4-3 turgid football to grind the results out. He’s trying to transition us a season too late for me, as the early signs last season were quite promising.
Worst substitution in history - why on earth would you not put Traore on. So negative to put on Hwang who is so useless.
I'm sure someone must have put it up on here already, but I think the reason that Hwang gets so much preference in the team is down to Commercial reasons. Korean commercial reasons. Stuff that's already been signed off, shops and shirt sales and all that other shit that I know nothing about. Spurs have Son, we have Hwang...
I'm sure someone must have put it up on here already, but I think the reason that Hwang gets so much preference in the team is down to Commercial reasons. Korean commercial reasons. Stuff that's already been signed off, shops and shirt sales and all that other shit that I know nothing about. Spurs have Son, we have Hwang...

Hwang is not the worst I've seen at Molineux. A good coach will get far more out of him.
I think the best way I can sum Lage up is he’s just a bit… cowardly? His team is quite cowardly, his subs are - he plays it safe. He’s now trying to transition a team off the back of big money signings which won’t buy him time with the fans, he should have done it last season when we played nice stuff (at the start), there were patterns and the shackles were off a bit. Then he bottled it.
His biggest mistake last season was reverting back to 3-4-3 turgid football to grind the results out. He’s trying to transition us a season too late for me, as the early signs last season were quite promising.

No I think the first 3 games last season were vastly overhyped
His biggest mistake last season was reverting back to 3-4-3 turgid football to grind the results out. He’s trying to transition us a season too late for me, as the early signs last season were quite promising.
We're the same outfit, irrespective of shape. We're a racket - why was Nunes given some post-peak Yaya Toure roll today? Just bizarre.
Anyone with any level of basic football intelligence knows as a defender you don't clear the ball into the centre of the pitch in front of your own penalty area. The thing is, Hwang has no level of football intelligence whatsoever. One of of the worst PL footballers I have ever seen. Absolute and utter garbage of a player. We might not have deserved to win but without that complete fucking waste of skin on the pitch we might well have won 3 points.
Yes I get this, but if you watch carefully in slo-mo, the ball is moving away from Hwang as he's reaching fully extended to clear, but he only gets his toe under the ball, so there's no distance, no direction, no power and very little control.
Much like a lot of his play.
We're the same outfit, irrespective of shape. We're a racket - why was Nunes given some post-peak Yaya Toure roll today? Just bizarre.

If I was asked to do my job differently I’d probably struggle for 2-4 weeks after doing it the same way for 5-6 years. I might just be stupid though 🤣