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Away Games


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2012
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ok you lot, I'm after some advice, I've never been to an away game.........yes its a terrible admission after 50 years of following Wolves. I'm considering one this season, I want the whole experience, a few beers in a nice, atmospheric pub beforehand and then the game, preferably a game where there are as few moronic home (and Wolves) fans as possible and it needs to be a Saturday 3pm kick-off preferably.
So what do you experienced away goers think are the best away days left this season?
Brentford is the business and you're running out of time to experience Griffin Park before they leave, but not easy to get a ticket. So go for Fulham, best away day in the country IMO.

Avoid Reading (nothing to do, spend inordinate amounts of time on shuttle buses as the ground is in the middle of nowhere).
I was going to say that Fulham will be your best bet to get a ticket...if the Burton tickets go to open sale then go there but it's a huge IF
I echo the Fulham game and if not that one then Bristol will be a good trip too.
Brizzle should be a good one. Ashton Gate is a nice ground now and the boozers are top notch.

I'd get the train if possible though, the roads are horrendous at the moment.
Fulham is great and as said easy to get a ticket thanks to the neutral section. If you go to Reading you'll be drinking in a hotel lobby before the game...
Not a lot left to pick from, but a trip to the capital is always good and you won't get any bother at Brentford or Fulham. If you fancy a full blooded game Elland Road on Easter Monday is an option and you can start saving now for the ticket.
I always like going to Norwich. You'd have to get your act together quickly, but there were tickets available yesterday. I don't mind Reading, the shuttle buses are pretty good now, and I do have the advantage of knowing the town pretty well. I'm planning on going to Brentford for the first time this year, so I'm concerned about the comment on ticket availability. Are they likely to sell out to STHs?
We normally get about 1,600 tickets max so I would guess so.
I've not managed to get tickets to Brentford when I've tried to go before. More hopeful this year though, nothing riding on the game etc.
A lot depends on how far you want to go, Derby is just over an hour on the train with the right connection through Brum, about a 15 minute walk from the station, a decent away end and if you like real ale the Brunswick is a good pub option. It's also the last away game of the season so is usually a good atmosphere and you can watch us kill of their play off hopes.

As others have said, Fulham is a good day and tickets will be easy to come by, Barnsley is another with a ground 15 mins from town and the station but a Tuesday night in January probably isn't that appealing. Although I've been to about 65 grounds for some strange reason Bristol City isn't one of them and neither is Brentford although I plan on rectifying the latter in February. Burton is a fair walk from the station 25 mins or so and the 1/2 pubs between there and town are a bit grotty. I doubt very much you'd get a ticket unless you are a STH. Leeds isn't pleasant and expensive, Norwich a bloody long way!

Of the games you've missed Rotherham, Sheff Wed, Huddersfield, Newcastle and Forest all good away days although I wouldn't pay £36 at Wednesday.
Looking at the allocations Brizzle have given recently, I imagine we'll be lucky to get more than 1500.
The authentic away experience is going to some back water shit hole in the middle of nowhere. Barnsley away is a good place to start (if we haven't already played there)!
Huddersfield is like that too.
I always liked Ipswich away. Good pubs, decent view. Ticket prices at Portman Road though are a ballache.
The authentic away experience is going to some back water $#@! hole in the middle of nowhere. Barnsley away is a good place to start (if we haven't already played there)!

This Tuesday is Barnsley away.

Echo what others say about Fulham, no problem getting a ticket and it is a proper football stadium.
Brizzle. Get your arse to Small Bar then fuck the match and stay in there.
Brizzle. Get your arse to Small Bar then fuck the match and stay in there.

The Wild Beer bar is possibly even better, especially for imperial strength stuff.

22 tap lines, half of which are usually guest beers and a serious range of bottled stuff.