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Dundee vs Celtic to be played in the US next season?


Jeff Shi's Bitch
Jan 14, 2010
Reaction score
What a ridiculous idea. I want absolutely nothing to do with these two clubs from now on for even entertaining the idea. Sell outs.
FFS. Awful idea. I hope it never happens but sadly I think it's inevitable, and the English league will follow eventually.
Dundee are owned by some dickwad Texan and Celtic want to start up their own 'Franchise' in MLS. It's so fucking transparent, it's disgusting.
Playing devil's advocate here, but what are your opinions on NFL games being played in London?
Playing devil's advocate here, but what are your opinions on NFL games being played in London?

I don't like NFL at all, but I feel exactly the same way about it - I'm not in favour. Though I guess it's very differnet - a franchise thing over there - not the same over here, no matter how much rich men who have no real interest in the game would like it to be.

How to Americans feel about NFL games being played here? I have no idea - I suppose the franchise system means it's a different mindset?
There is a big audience out there who would like to see the likes of Manchester United and Loverpool playing in the USA or the Far East. Whether that market would want to see Dundee United is another matter.
Seems like a sensible move to me. Scottish football needs money in a bad way.
Will they be putting coaches on ??
Seems like a sensible move to me. Scottish football needs money in a bad way.

Scottish football had money and it fucking ruined it. This is an appalling idea. I used to live on Tannadice street and regularly went to Dens Park while at Uni and I quite often go to Parkhead with my friends when I'm not down at Wolves but neither club will be getting a penny more from me for giving this serious consideration. This is completely abhorrent and against everything both clubs claim to represent. Selling their soul and fucking over their fans for a chance at a little extra cash.
Such vitriol. Can't say I get it.
Such vitriol. Can't say I get it.

It's to do with the make up of British sport and the territorial association between the club and the fans. As a Wolves fan from a remote location, I would be devestated if Wolves left their historical home and decided to move to a differing part of the country.

It's basically due to historical links with a specific area. British teams don't move! (Mk dons aside!)
Also - really disappointed with Celtic and Dundee for this!
Sure, that I understand, but neither club is relocating. It's a one-off.
Sure, that I understand, but neither club is relocating. It's a one-off.

Downward spiral; if this pays off for them then other clubs will look to do the same and sooner or later clubs will start to move to better markets.
I can see one-off events like this becoming more common but I don't quite think that most clubs will go quite so far as to relocate.
After last nights game, I doubt that Crystal Palace v Sunderland will be chosen to be played in front of fans in other countries...!!
I can see one-off events like this becoming more common but I don't quite think that most clubs will go quite so far as to relocate.

Surely by definition they'd then cease to be one off events though?

My initial response was also to think of the NFL games at wembley. They're hardly weakening the NFL are they? In reality, they're giving overseas fans small opportunities to buy into the live event. It actually increases the exposure of, and ultimately market share of the league. Perhaps that is what the SPL wants to do.
To play a league fixture abroad strikes at the very ethos of competitive football, which is to have a home side and an away side playing before fans of the two clubs involved. Exhibition matches, pre-season tournaments etc. are fine and commendable ways to present the game to a new audience disinterested in the result, but to reduce a league fixture to money-spinning circus-sideshow status is reprehensible.
It's a money spinner for Celtic and Rangers eventually but again the rest of the SPFL will fall further behind them no one will want to watch Hearts V Kilmarnock much.
Only Celtic or Rangers will pull in a decent crowd on foreign soil.
It won't do anything to improve Scottish football instead create a bigger gap.